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MAT 259 Visualizing Information

MAT 259 Visualizing Information. Discipline Specific Definitions. Discipline Specific Visualizations. Each discipline has a particular implementation goal Information Visualization : Analyzing and transforming nonspatial data into visual form for cognition

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MAT 259 Visualizing Information

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MAT 259 Visualizing Information Discipline Specific Definitions George Legrady

  2. Discipline Specific Visualizations Each discipline has a particular implementation goal • Information Visualization: Analyzing and transforming nonspatial data into visual form for cognition • Scientific Visualization: Map physical phenomena in 2D, or 3D • Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Cartographic framework, a familiar way to map data • LIS: citation indexing, bibliographic indexing, etc. • Art: Aesthetics, complexity, culturally meaningful results • Architecture: to convey information & affect George Legrady

  3. Information Visualization • Visually map abstract, non-spatial data to analyze and understand data. • Focus on abstract data sets that do not have inherent 2D or 3D geometrical properties on their own • A general term that can cover a broad range of developments: data visualization, information graphics, knowledge visualization, etc. • A creative approach to convey abstract information in intuitive ways. • Involves processing of large datasets as a means to reveal meaningful patterns. George Legrady

  4. Information Visualization (Timm Kekeritz) George Legrady

  5. Information Visualization (Timm Kekeritz) George Legrady

  6. Information Visualization (Cost of Nation Rebuild…) George Legrady

  7. Scientific Visualization • Interdisciplinary branch of science, concerned with visualizing 3D or time based phenomena • Emphasis on realistic rendering of volume, surfaces, illumination sources • Mapping phenomena such as medical biological meteorological systems • Graphical representation of numerical data for qualitative and quantitative analysis • Computer simulation of abstract models of a system, mathematical modeling of natural systems from physics, chemistry, biology, George Legrady

  8. Scientific Visualization George Legrady

  9. GIS (Geographical Information Systems) • Any information system that integrates stores, analyzes, displays geographical information • Analyze spatial information, maps • Cartography: Combines science, aesthetics, and technical processes to communicate information. • Cartographic modeling: Uses topology, and attribute information George Legrady

  10. MAPPING: handmaps.org George Legrady

  11. LIS (Library Information Science) • LS applies practices, perspectives, tools of information technology and management to libraries • Focus on how people interact with classification systems and technology • How information is acquired, evaluated, and classified • Citation indexing, bibliographic indexing George Legrady

  12. LIS (Library Information Science) George Legrady

  13. LIS (Library Information Science) George Legrady

  14. Information Design, Information Graphics • Information design, a subset of graphic design • The intent is to display information effectively • Sometimes the visual effect dominates George Legrady

  15. Information Design; Finance (Buro X) George Legrady

  16. Information Design, Information Graphics • Information design, a subset of graphic design • The intent is to display information effectively George Legrady

  17. Media A: Diagrammatic Narrative George Legrady

  18. Art: Sol Lewitt (Wall Drawing – Mass MOCA) George Legrady

  19. Art: Agnes Denes (11000 trees) George Legrady

  20. Art: Lisa Jevbratt (1:1 Interface) George Legrady

  21. Art: Lisa Jevbratt (The voice) George Legrady

  22. Music: Notation (Xenakis – Metastatis) George Legrady

  23. Music: Notation (Ligeti) George Legrady

  24. Film Notation: Anthony McCall George Legrady

  25. Film Notation: Anthony McCall George Legrady

  26. Film: Daniel Aubert (farbtrennung) George Legrady

  27. Architecture (Data driven) George Legrady

  28. Architecture (Data driven – Zaha Hadid) George Legrady

  29. References George Legrady

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