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A Snapshot of Rural Participation:

A Snapshot of Rural Participation:. Preliminary Ideas for Getting Toward Healthy and More Livable Communities. This research was funded by a grant from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research to Kansas University (Grant number H133B110006). Place Your Bets.

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A Snapshot of Rural Participation:

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  1. A Snapshot of Rural Participation: Preliminary Ideas for Getting Toward Healthy and More Livable Communities This research was funded by a grant from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research to Kansas University (Grant number H133B110006).

  2. Place Your Bets What percentage of people with mobility and self-care limitations in non-metro counties have no access to transportation according to the American Housing Survey? • 10% • 25% • 50% • 75% • 90%

  3. What’s Going On? • How do you know what’s happening out there? • Community • County • State • Nation • World

  4. American Housing Survey andAmerican Time Use Survey • Housing Units • Time Spent the day prior to the interview • These began using disability or impairment indicators a few years ago.

  5. Disability Screening Items • Does this person have difficulty dressing or bathing? • Is this person deaf or does this person have serious difficulty hearing? • Is this person blind or does this person have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses? • Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? • Does this person have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? • Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?

  6. Linking Housing and Time Use Data Housing Unit Entrance Neighborhood American Housing Survey Transportation American Time Use Participation

  7. Metro/Non-Metro Residents 18-65 No Diff = 18.3% Mobility = 23.7% Mob/Care = 21.7%

  8. Non-Metro Housing Amenities Air Conditioning Washer Dryer Dishwasher Garage

  9. Non-Metro No Step Entrance None = 35.8% Mobility = 36.5% Mob/Care = 49.4%

  10. Non Metro Neighborhood Characteristics • Serious crime past 12 mos. • Heavy street noise/traffic • Abandoned buildings ½ block • Bars on windows ½ block • Trash/junk in streets ½ block • Noise is bothersome • Bad smells • Unsatisfactory police protection

  11. Neighborhood Rating

  12. No Transportation Available None = 15.5% Mobility = 19.7% Mob/Care = 26.6%

  13. Linking Housing and Time Use Data Housing Unit Entrance Neighborhood American Housing Survey Transportation American Time Use Participation

  14. American Time Use Survey • 24 hour recall diary • Codes activities throughout the day • Collected for over 100 years • Snapshot of what people do and can be used to see the effect of social policy change.

  15. Mode of Transportation for People with Physical Disabilities in Non-Metro

  16. Transportation Method

  17. Travel Duration Non-Metro

  18. Employment Status

  19. Hours Worked

  20. Socializing In-Person

  21. Health Related Self-Care

  22. Time Spent Watching TV

  23. Summary of These Data • Over 50% of people living in non-metro counties who have mobility and self-care limitations have steps into their homes. • 45% of PWD compared to12% without didn’t go anywhere the day before. • They work far fewer hours. • They socialize less. • They are nearly ten times more likely to spend time taking care of their health. • Over 40% of PWD spend more than 6 hours a day watching TV compared to 10% of people without disabilities.

  24. New Governance Approaches to ADA Enforcement Litigation, or the threat of litigation, is a means to an end-narrowing the gap between what laws formally state should happen and what actually does happen. -Michael Waterstone, 2007

  25. Making Change Happen • Civil rights and equality • Civil rights law enforcement • Executive Branch function • Private law suits • Advocacy • Rural communities • New Governance

  26. What is New Governance? • Collaborative, multiparty, multilevel, adaptive, problem-solving methods of public policy implementation that to varying extents supplement or supplant traditional regulation. • It’s not taking the government “off the hook” • Public enforcement authorities are well suited as a matter of presence and resources to play a strong role in new governance-type enforcement options.

  27. The Goal The goal of new governance is to get a broad range of stakeholders involved, including regulated entities, private interest groups, government enforcement agencies, and the class of people that the law is intended to benefit.

  28. New Governance and the ADA • New Governance does not eliminate the need for ADA litigation. • It broadens the stakeholders who define rights. • It can provide enforcement options for more context specific solutions. • It may represent a more inclusive and better process for enforcing the ADA that is particularly useful for people in rural areas.

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