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“Building Structures for a Purpose”

“Building Structures for a Purpose”. Different Structures for different purposes: Any system that resists vertical and horizontal loads such as:. Skyscrapers Scotia Plaza 68 floors. Bridges Confederation PEI Canada. Beaver Dam. Shelter. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuMRDZbrdXc.

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“Building Structures for a Purpose”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “Building Structures for a Purpose”

  2. Different Structures for different purposes: Any system that resists vertical and horizontal loads such as: Skyscrapers Scotia Plaza 68 floors Bridges Confederation PEI Canada Beaver Dam Shelter

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuMRDZbrdXc “We’ll see only the first two minutes of this video“

  4. Group Activities Beaver Dam: Objective : Build a beaver dam in a pie plate to keep their families dry. Materials : Play dough, toothpicks, shredded paper, small pie plates. Grading : Pour water and see if the dam prevents water from traveling to the other side. Bridge: Objective : Select and build one type of bridge among the four types. Materials : K’Nex set. Grading : Explain what the function of a bridge is, parts of a bridge and forces that affect them.

  5. Group Activities Skyscraper: Objective : Build the tallest mega block Skyscraper. Materials : Mega block set, fan. Grading : See how high the Skyscraper can be built before the fan knocks it down, consider design, base width, ventilation (air flow). Shelter: Objective : Build an outdoor car shelter with a shed roof. Materials : Lego set, toy cars. Grading : Test inclination of the roof, ventilation and stability.

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