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Reform Evolution or Revolution? Tim Godwin Accenture Defence and Public Safety Deputy Commissioner MPS retired. Reform. Evolution or Revolution Firstly let’s look at the Policing Paradigms : Are they TRUE or FALSE ?. Reform. Evolution or Revolution Paradigm or myth one :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ReformEvolution or Revolution?Tim GodwinAccenture Defence and Public SafetyDeputy Commissioner MPS retired

  2. Reform Evolution or Revolution Firstly let’s look at the Policing Paradigms: Are they TRUE or FALSE?

  3. Reform Evolution or Revolution Paradigm or myth one: “The Police service has not changed in over 30 years.” TRUE or FALSE

  4. Reform Evolution or Revolution • PACE • Civilianisation • Diversity • Partnership • Role • Accountability • Modernisation

  5. Reform Evolution or Revolution Paradigm or myth two: “Police officers in roles that do not require police powers is wasteful” TRUE or FALSE?

  6. Reform Evolution or Revolution • Policing by consent • Resilience • Recruit Mix • Injury

  7. Reform Evolution or Revolution Paradigm or Myth three: “Police forces that have the higher % of their total staff as sworn officers are inefficient” TRUE or FALSE?

  8. Reform Evolution or Revolution • Winsor • Hutton • 24/7 • No strike • On costs • Retired cops in modernisation

  9. Reform Evolution or Revolution Paradigm or Myth four: “The private sector is better at leadership, delivery and driving out costs” TRUE or FALSE?

  10. Reform Evolution or Revolution • Evidence? Public sector workers might disagree • Public services have learnt to drive out costs • Senior positions occupied by experienced private sector leaders • How low can you go? • Accountability • Public Trust • Value for money

  11. Reform Evolution or Revolution The Police Service is evolving and has been since I joined. It has familiar symbols but it is truly different to the force I joined. It is a learning service and will continue to move on, but its leaders must learn to challenge the paradigms that might have been true once but not for ever.

  12. Reform Evolution or Revolution The next step change is technology and the skills are not in the service to maximise the opportunity.

  13. Reform Evolution or Revolution • Citizen self-help • Mobility • Analytics • Change • Affordability • Multi-agency systems • A new deal from the private sector - “Pay as you go”

  14. Reform Evolution or Revolution Tackling austerity through the use of technology to transform. Whilst the journey has been evolution to date, could this be the time for the “Technological” Revolution? Thank you for listening… Any Questions?

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