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Explore early opposition to slavery, rise of abolitionism, major abolitionists, slave resistance, Texan War of Independence, and the impact on the slavery debate in the United States.
The Rise of Abolitionism and the Texas War of Independence Unit 5, Lesson 4
Essential Idea • Abolitionism grew but gained little traction until after the United States considered annexing Texas.
Early Opposition to Slavery • Early Opposition to Slavery: • Slavery was abolished in all northern states during or soon after the American Revolution • Many southerners admitted slavery was a “necessary evil” because their economy depended on slavery • Early Ideas on Ending Slavery: • Gradualism—many Americans supported ending slavery GRADUALLY and compensating the owners • Colonization—some also supported moving blacks back to Africa (did not work well)
Abolitionism Begins • Abolitionism Begins: • After the Second Great Awakening, some northerners saw slavery as a sin needing reform • Abolition—complete, immediate emancipation (freeing) of slaves
Major Abolitionists • 1. David Walker • Free black northerner who promoted violence to end slavery • 2. Sojourner Truth • Ex-slave woman who promoted both abolition AND women’s rights
Major Abolitionists • 2. William Lloyd Garrison • White northerner who started the newspaper, The Liberator • He aggressively promoted abolition and the use of violence if necessary
Major Abolitionists • 4. Frederick Douglass • Ex-slave who escaped north and wrote an autobiography exposing slave life • Douglass • He became the leading black abolitionist that was known for his writing • He supported women’s rights also • Abolitionism
Resistance from Slaves • Non-Violent Slave Resistance: • Slaves resisted by sabatoging equipment and engaging in work slow downs • Underground Railroad—a secret, informal organization that helped thousands of slaves escape the South • Harriet Tubman—this “railroad conductor” returned south over a dozen times to help over 70 slaves escape • Underground Railroad
Slave Rebellions • Violent Slave Resistance: • Slaves sometimes resorted to violence • Nat Turner’s Rebellion—Turner, a slave minister, led an armed rebellion that killed over 50 white men, women, and children • Nat Turner’s Rebellion • Consequences: • Slaves outnumbered whites in many areas • Southern whites, fearful of more rebellions, passed stricter slave codes to keep control • Southerners feared the consequences of abolitionism • Quelling Slave Rebellion
Reactions to Abolitionism: North • Northern Reaction: • MIXED—most northerners were NOT abolitionists • Reasons: • Northern textile mills needed southern cotton • Many feared exslaves would move north to “steal” factory jobs • Many feared abolition would start civil war
Reactions to Abolitionism: South • Southern Reaction: • NEGATIVE—southerners hated abolitionists • Reasons: • Southerners NEEDED slavery to support their cotton-based economy • Southerners started calling slavery a “positive good” not a “necessary evil”
Reactions to Abolitionism: Overall • Overall Reaction: • Overall, the country was indifferent to or against abolition AT FIRST • Later, the North and South disagreed on if slavery could expand west as the country grew • The issue of annexing (bringing in) Texas began the rise in tension over slavery
Texas • Texas: • Present-day California, New Mexico, and Texas were states of Mexico • Mexico let Americans move to Texas to boost its population • Mexico wanted them to adopt Mexican culture, but Texas became more American
Texas Declares Independence • Reasons Tension Rose: • 1. Texans felt more loyal to the United States • 2. Many Texans owned slaves, which Mexico outlawed • 3. The President of Mexico (Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna) declared himself dictator • Independence Declared: • Stephen Austin helped organize an army • Sam Houston took command of the Texas army • Texas declared independence in 1836 • Texas and Independence
Texas War of Independence: Battle of the Alamo • Event 1: • Battle of the Alamo—the Mexican army (1,800) surrounded Texan forces (189) at the Alamo • Despite being outnumbered, the Texans held off the Mexicans for 13 days
Texas War of Independence: Battle of the Alamo • The Mexican army killed every Texan • Signficance: • The battle bought Houston time to build his army • The Alamo and Goliad
Texas War of Independence: Battle of San Jacinto • Event 2: • Battle of San Jacinto—Houston’s army ambushed the Mexicans as they slept • Yelling, “Remember the Alamo,” they won in under 20 minutes
The Republic of Texas is Born • Significance: • Santa Anna was forced to recognize Texas’ independence as a new country • Battle of San Jacinto and Independence
Texas and Slavery • Consequences of Texas Independence: • Texaswanted to be annexed by the United States • The North did not want Texas, which had slavery, to become a new slave state • Tension over slavery started to increase • Tension increased between the United States and Mexico over annexing Texas