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NC Final Review

NC Final Review. World History (Standards 2-8) World History Providence High School. Standard 2. Analyze ancient civilizations and empires in terms of their development, growth, and lasting impact.

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  1. NC Final Review World History (Standards 2-8) World History Providence High School

  2. Standard 2 Analyze ancient civilizations and empires in terms of their development, growth, and lasting impact. 2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of the ancient period influenced settlement, trading networks, and the sustainability of various ancient civilizations (eg, flooding, fertile crescent, confluence, limited fertile lands, etc.). 2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms of their development, structure, and function within various societies (eg theocracy, democracy, oligarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, etc.) 2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies (eg, Hammurabi, Draco, Justinian, Theodosius, etc.) 2.4 Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements, and lasting impact (eg Mongol, Mughal, Ottoman, Ming, esoamerica, Inca, Imperial States in Africa, etc.)

  3. Standard 2 2.5 Analyze the development and growth of major Eastern and Western religions (eg Including but not limited to Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Shintoism, etc.) 2.6 Analyze the interaction between the Islamic world and Europe and Asia in terms of increased trade, enhanced technology innovation, and an impact on scientific thought and the arts 2.7 Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the development and decline of major empires (eg Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Greece, Rome, China, Mughal, Mongol, Mesoamerica, Inca, etc) 2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes, casts, and slaves in ancient societies and analyze changes in those elements. 2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their enduring cultural impact.

  4. Standard 2.1 What was an important influence of Egyptian civilization on the Roman Empire? A. The major seaports of Egypt improved the Roman economy B. The Roman Empire adopted the Egyptian form of government C. The Egyptians emigrated in large numbers to Roman territories D. The Egyptian military added authority to the Roman Empire. Answer: A

  5. Standard 2.1 During the Neolithic Revolution, the advent of farming led to dramatic increases in population, and as resource staples were accumulated in surplus, a sedentary life for some. These developments were only possible as advancements were made in agricultural efficiency. What was one of these developments? A. the beginning of spoken language B. the creation of weapons for hunting C. the origin of religious doctrines D. the establishment of a class of specialists Answer: D

  6. Standard 2.1 How did these rivers first facilitate the development of early civilizations? Nile Tigris and Euphrates Huang He Indus and Ganges A. Water sources enabled the migration of hunter-gatherers B. Waterways increased trade among distant peoples C. Fertile soil allowed humans to develop agriculture D. Governments were created to control fertile land. Answer: C

  7. Standard 2.2 Based on this table, which early civilization was a theocracy? A. Assyria B. China C. Persia D. Sumer Assyria Empire with a centralized government China Strong central government led by dynasties Sumer City states organized by temple leaders Persia Empire with a decentralized government Answer: D

  8. Standard 2.2 “Such then are the powers of each of the parts of government both to oppose one another and to work in conjunction. In unison they are a match for any and all emergencies…” - Poylbius 6.18.1 Which principle of government best demonstrates the influence of the ancient Roman Republic? A. the election of a president B. the system of checks and balances C. the separation of church and state D. the protection of equal rights Answer: B

  9. Standard 2.2 Which characteristic of civilization is most shared by these empires? Historical Empires • Aztec • Egyptian • Roman A. a centralized form of government B. the construction of domed buildings C. a monotheistic religion D. the development of sea travel Answer: A

  10. Standard 2.3 Selections from the Code of Hammurabi • If any one strike the body of a man higher in rank than he, he shall receive sixty blows… in public. • If a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. These provisions reflect which aspect of many ancient systems of law? A. commitment to equal protection B. pursuit of economic justice C. protection of social hierarchy D. civil resolution of disputes Answer: C

  11. Standard 2.3 Which statement best supports these excerpts? 48. If any one owe a debt for a loan, and… the harvest fail, or the grain does not grow for lack of water, in that year he need not give his creditor any grain… 55. If any one open his ditches to water his crop, but is careless, and the water flood the field of his neighbor, then he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss. -Hammurabi’s Code of Laws, ca. 1780 BC A. Increased complexity of society led to more sophisticated forms of government B. Early civilizations relied on religious texts to resolve private disputes C. Increased population enabled conquests to expand economic opportunities D. Slavery developed as an institution due to the agricultural needs of society Answer: A

  12. Standard 2.3 Based on this table, which statement describes a similarity between Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman views of laws? A. Laws helped defend national boundaries B. Laws granted power to governing authorities C. Laws justified a leadership structure D. Laws regulated a monetary system Judeo-Christian Greco-Roman Laws- drawn from religious writings, laws Laws- written and enforced by an established enabled rulers to reinforce belief system ruler, laws exist to preserve order Answer: B

  13. Standard 2.4 How were the Mayan and Incan economies similar to earlier Latin American civilizations? A. They relied on the trade of precious metals B. They were influenced by foreign markets C. They focused on manufactured goods D. They were based on agricultural trade Answer: D

  14. Standard 2.4 Why did the Tang Dynasty use the examination system to choose government officials? A. to promote greater cultural diversity B. to ensure the influence of noble families C. to provide the civil service with qualified leaders D. to measure the effectiveness of the imperial education system Answer: C

  15. Standard 2.4 Which outcome is a direct result of these developments? The Ancient Kingdom of Mali • Gold from West Africa was exchanged for salt from the Sahara • Long distance trade routes connected North and West Africa • Islam influenced the Kingdom of Mali A. The soil in Mali was dry and produced very few crops B. Muslim explorers conquered the region C. Bantu migrations to the southern continent began D. Mali became a major center for commerce and culture Answer: D

  16. Standard 2.4 Which cause contributed to the collapse of both the Han Dynasty in China and ancient Rome? A. Territory became too large to govern effectively B. Citizens suffered from poor internal transportation systems C. Cities were vulnerable to invasions by sea D. Economies suffered due to lack of common currency Answer: A

  17. Standard 2.5 Which action is an example of one of the Five Pillars of Islam? A. taking a vow of poverty B. acceptance of suffering as part of life C. annually donating a percentage of wealth to charity D. maintaining a vegetarian diet as an expression of nonviolence Answer: C

  18. Standard 2.5 This diagram best describes the spread of which religion? A. Buddhism B. Confucianism C. Hinduism D. Sikhism India China Japan Answer: A

  19. Standard 2.5 Use the list below to answer the question. • Christianity • Islam • Judaism What do these religions have in common? A. They originated in the Arabian Peninsula B. They observe the Five Pillars C. They began during the Roman Empire D. The are monotheistic faiths Answer: D

  20. Standard 2.6 Which factors were most responsible for aiding the early spread of Islam? A. religious missionaries B. trade routes C. political events D. alliance systems Answer: B

  21. Standard 2.6 What is the main reason the economy prospered during the Tang Dynasty? A. The construction of the great Wall increased military readiness B. The revival of the Silk Road increased foreign trade C. The influence of Confucius increased intellectual activities D. The spread of Buddhism increased religious devotion Answer: B

  22. Standard 2.7 The early trade between West Africa and the Mediterranean region resulted in A. democratic governments in Sub-Saharan Africa B. large Muslim populations in North Africa C. establishment of free-trade zones in the Sahel D. industrial economies in West Africa Answer: C

  23. Standard 2.7 What was one result of European merchants trading along the Silk Road? A. the expansion of democratic governments B. the development of modern banking practices C. the diffusion of cultural ideas D. the spread of mapmaking skills Answer: C

  24. Standard 2.7 Which statement best explains a significant effect of the various routes of the Silk Road? A. Religious conflict between China and the Middle East intensified B. Military invasions of African nations increased C. The spread of new technologies to the Americas improved D. Trade between Europe and Asia expanded Answer: D

  25. Standard 2.8 Which statement best explains why the Spanish language used in Latin America is different from the Spanish Language used in Europe? A. Immigrants to Latin America incorporated elements of indigenous languages into Spanish B. Latin American officials preserved a formal version of the Spanish language C. Spanish in Latin America was influenced by the Portuguese spoken in neighboring areas D. Conquistadors who settled in Latin America spoke different dialects of Spanish Answer: A

  26. Standard 2.9 Which phrase describes an additional contribution from this culture? A. development of interchangeable parts B. introduction of paper money C. widespread use of bank accounts D. establishment of a uniform writing system Contributions to the Modern World Compass Porcelain Moveable Type Answer: B

  27. Standard 2.9 Which architectural feature was commonly used by the ancient Greeks? A. columns B. domes C. arches D. ziggurats Answer: A

  28. Standard 2.9 The diffusion of aqueduct technology occurred because of which development? A. the growth of Middle East trade B. the spread of Islam in North Africa C. the expansion of the Roman Empire D. the Macedonian conquest of Asia Minor Answer: C

  29. Standard 3 WH.H.3.1Explain how religion influenced political power and cultural unity in various regions of the Europe, Asia and Africa (e.g., Carolingian Dynasty, Holy Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, Mughal Empire, Safavid Empire). WH.H.3.2 Explain how religious and secular struggles for authority impacted the structure of government and society in Europe, Asia, and Africa (e.g., Cluniac Reforms, common law, Magna Carta, conflicts between popes and emperors, Crusades, religious schisms, Hundred Years’ War, etc.). WH.H.3.3 Analyze how innovations in agriculture, trade and business impacted the economic and social development of various medieval societies (e.g., Feudalism, Agricultural Revolutions, Commercial Revolution and development of a banking system, manorial system, growth of towns, etc.). WH.H.3.4 Analyze how the desire for farmable land created conflict and impacted the physical environments of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (e.g., Agricultural Revolution in Europe, Muslim Agricultural Revolution, Mesoamerican and Andean agricultural innovations, etc.).

  30. Standard 3.1 What outside groups did tribes in Africa encounter first? A) Christian missionaries B) British colonists C) Spanish conquistadors D) Muslim merchants Answer: D

  31. Standard 3.1 Which statement is the best explanation of the divine right of kings? A People are sovereign. B People are born with God-given rights. C The king must abide by the social contract. D The king answers only to God. Answer: D

  32. Standard 3.1 Which statement best describes this social structure? Hierarchical Social Structure King Nobles and Church Leaders Barons Knights Freemen and Serfs A the division of orders in the Roman Republic B militant culture of ancient Sparta C feudalism in medieval Europe D the division of Christianity during the Reformation Answer: C

  33. Standard 3.2 Which characteristic of Roman Catholicism was rejected by followers of Eastern Orthodoxy? A belief in monotheism B church hierarchy C belief in the Trinity D papal supremacy Answer: D

  34. Standard 3.2 Which document recognized the rights of the nobility in England? A The Mayflower Compact B The Magna Carta C Articles of Confederation D The Declaration of Independence Answer: B

  35. Standard 3.2 Which political ideal is expressed in this excerpt? No freemen shall be taken or imprisoned . . . except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. —Magna Carta A Leaders should be accountable to the people. B Citizens have the right to due process. C Legislation should follow a constitution. D Criminal punishments should be humane. Answer: B

  36. Standard 3.2 Use the excerpt below to answer the question. -They preach no Christian doctrine who teach that contrition is not necessary in those who intend to buy souls out of purgatory or to buy confessionalia. -Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon. -Every true Christian, whether living or dead, has part in all the blessings of Christ and the Church; and this is granted him by God, even without letters of pardon. - 95 Theses, Martin Luther, 1517 Which statement best explains one immediate effect of these declarations? A The Catholic Church granted more authority to lay leaders. B People began to redefine the doctrines of Christianity. C The Catholic Church gained influence among absolute monarchs. D Priests began to spread Christianity using common languages. Answer: B

  37. Standard 3.3 Use the excerpt below to answer the question. By the [feudal] Lord before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will . . . be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of God and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him. . . . —I: An Anglo Saxon Form of Commendation, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen Which condition led to Medieval Era vows like the one in this excerpt? A the lack of regional alliances B increased authority of religious leaders C the need for protection from invading forces D improved trade opportunities Answer: C

  38. Standard 3.3 Which was a direct effect of the feudal system in medieval Europe? A development of early trade routes B creation of a capitalist economy C establishment of a rigid class structure D requirement of church donation Answer: C

  39. Standard 3.3 A pre-industrial farmer plants different crops on the same soil with each new growing season. This is an example of A enclosure. B crop rotation. C cottage industry. D the putting-out system Answer: B

  40. Standard 3.4 WH.H.3.4 Analyze how the desire for farmable land created conflict and impacted the physical environments of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas (e.g., Agricultural Revolution in Europe, Muslim Agricultural Revolution, Mesoamerican and Andean agricultural innovations, etc.). No sample questions available for this standard.

  41. Standard 4 • WH.H.4.1 Explain how interest in classical learning and religious reform contributed to increased global interaction (e.g., Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Catholic Reformation, Printing revolution, etc.). • WH.H.4.2 Explain the political, social and economic reasons for the rise of powerful centralized nation-states and empires (e.g., Reformation, absolutism, limited monarchy, empires, etc.) • WH.H.4.3 Explain how agricultural and technological improvements transformed daily life socially and economically (e.g., growth of towns, creation of guilds, feudalism and the manorial system, commercialization, etc.). • WH.H.4.4 Analyze the effects of increased global trade on the interactions between nations in Europe, Southwest Asia, the Americas and Africa (e.g., exploration, mercantilism, inflation, rise of capitalism, etc.).

  42. Standard 4.1 What was one direct result of the reforms described below? Reforms of Protestant Reformation • Religion should be personal, immediate, and based on faith • Focus on the scriptures and abolish ritualistic ceremony • Increase literacy so all could read the Bible in their own language Answer c

  43. Standard 4.1 Which aspect of the Renaissance is shown in this information about Florence? The welling up of civic pride that overflowed in public building was brought on by that remarkable course of events from the end of the thirteenth to the beginning of the fifteenth century that transformed the Florentine state . . . During the century and a half at the building of the town hall and ending at the crowning of the cathedral with Brunelleschi’s cupola, Florence put its internal affairs into an impressive new order . . . and asserted itself as a major Italian power. —Richard A. Goldthwaite a. rising power of artists b. economic prosperity of city-states c. new techniques in religious sculpture d. increased use of the vernacular languages Answer b

  44. Standard 4.1 What was an effect of Luther’s assertion? The pope cannot remit [forgive] any guilt, except by declaring and showing that it has been remitted [forgiven] by God . . . . —Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses a. The Church experienced a decrease in attendance b. The authority of Church officials was questioned c. Reforms were adopted to unify the Church. d. Military leaders defended Church policies. Answer b

  45. Standard 4.1 What was one major effect of the invention of the printing press? a. It helped Catholic leaders increase power. b. It helped facilitate the spread of religious ideas c. It helped popularize reforms in the Catholic Church d. It helped introduce new leadership roles in the church Answer b

  46. Standard 4.1 Use the list below to answer the question Characteristics of the Renaissance Cultural achievements were financed by cities. Classical texts and art were valued and studied. ? Which statement best completes this list? a. Kings gave authority to religious leaders. b. People chose to enter monasteries. c. Legislative bodies began to tax churches. d. People embraced secular ideas. Answer d

  47. Standard 4.2 Louis XIV’s statement, “I am the state,” is a reflection of which type of government? a. a constitutional theocracy b. an absolute monarchy c. an authoritarian oligarchy d. a direct democracy Answer b

  48. Standard 4.2 What is significant about this act? Albeit the king’s Majesty justly and rightfully is . . . the supreme head of the Church of England, and so is recognized by the clergy of this realm . . . be it enacted, by authority of this present Parliament, that the king, our sovereign lord, his heirs and successors, kings of this realm, shall be . . . the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England. . . . —Act of Supremacy, Henry VIII, 1534 a. It allowed the monarch to override laws passed by Parliament. b. It increased tensions during the Protestant Reformation c. It improved political relations among the leaders of Parliament d. It led to the events that prompted the Renaissance Answer b

  49. Standard 4.3 Which turning point most directly affected the development of the free market economy? a. changes in religious beliefs b. availability of printed books c. success of the commercial revolution d. changes in agricultural practices Answer c

  50. Standard 4.3 Which factor led to the development of manorialism? a. the collapse of an economy b. the influence of the Catholic Church c. the decrease in migrations d. the expansion of the Roman Empire Answer A

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