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Resource Sharing Initiatives in Atlantic Canada: The Standards Dilemma. Slavko Manojlovich Assistant to the University Librarian for Systems and Planning Memorial University Of Newfoundland Email: slavko@mun.ca. Outline. Standards – a formal view Standards – the view from the trenches
Resource Sharing Initiatives in Atlantic Canada: The Standards Dilemma Slavko ManojlovichAssistant to the University Librarian for Systems and Planning Memorial University Of NewfoundlandEmail: slavko@mun.ca
Outline • Standards – a formal view • Standards – the view from the trenches • Standards – “gotchas” over the past 6 months
What is a standard? A NISO standard developed through consensus, identifies model methods, materials, or practices for libraries, bibliographic and information services, and publishers.
Library Related Standards • Standard Identifiers (ISBN, DOI) • Z39.50 • NCIP • OpenURL • MetaSearch (in progress)……
Atlantic Scholarly Information Network • Resource Discovery and Management Service: • Federated searching (Sirsi SingleSearch) • OpenURL Resolver (Sirsi Resolver) • Document delivery (Relais) • Context management system (Sirsi Rooms) 80,000+ users from 17 institutions will have access to 1,000s of licensed/public resources within an infrastructure modeled on the library pathfinder. Official launch planned for 2005 APLA conference.
ASIN and Standards • Atlantic Scholarly Information NetworkResource Discovery and Management Service Search (Z39.50; OAI-PMH; MetaSearch; Authentication) Retrieve (MARC21; XML – MARC, Holdings Dublin Core schemas) Request (OpenURL; Standard Identifiers; ILL; Z39.50) Receive(NCIP; ILL)
Standards on their own do not ensure interoperability Threats to interoperability include: • Interpretation • Cultural/historical practice • Technological change • Localization • Undocumented practices and procedures
Threats to Interoperability • InterpretationStandards are often defined using terminology with imprecise semantics(e.g. index, keyword, phrase, exact match, user address, etc.). Standards and associated profiles require a reality check. • Cultural/Historical PracticeDifferent cataloguing rules and associated formats underlie MARC21, UNIMARC, danMARC2, etc.See:http://liber.library.uu.nl/publish/articles/000066/index.html
Threats to Interoperability • Technological ChangeMemorial’s ILS history includes:UTLAS/CLSI SPIRES/CLSI SIRSIRetrofitting ILS to conform to new standards. Some standards die (e.g. Z39.58) • Localization“Though cataloging rules are intended to be objective and formats are inflexible, catalogers are human, and much of what they enter is a personal decision, often subjective rather than objective.”Henry L. Snyder UC - Riverside
Threats to Interoperability • Undocumented practices and procedures • Vendor and version of Z39.50 server • Supported Z39.50 attribute combinations and record syntaxes • Extent of available holdings and holdings data elements including the Resolver’s knowledgebase • Limitations of the server: truncation, stopwords, etc. • Indexing policies, character set encoding(This also applies to web-based search services)
ASIN and Known Item Searching • Focus on known item searching through the use of: • Standard Identifiers • Precision searches (exact, first in field) • Scan (browse) • Reduce reliance on keyword and phrase searches • Low precision • Extra work for staff • Adds unnecessary processing for patrons (similar to Google results) • Extra processing for client and server software
ISBN • The International Standard Book Number System • Always consists of 10 digits divided into four parts of variable length which must be clearly separated by hyphens or spaces.
ISBN (continued) • For the purposes of data processing the 10-digit string is used without hyphens or spaces. • Examples:0 571 08989 5 = 057108909590-70002-04-3 = 9070002043 • Note: you cannot reconstruct a hyphenated number.
Library of Congress Control Number • LCCN Structure A (1898-2000)Alphabetic prefix(3), Year(2), Serial Number(6), Supplement Number (1), Suffix (variable), Rev Date (variable) • LCCN Structure B (2001-)Alpha prefix (2), Year(4), Serial Number(6)Serial numbers less than 6 digits are right justified and unused positions contain zeros.The hyphen which separates the year and serial number… is not carried in the MARC record. For example, the number 85-2 is carried as 85000002 in a record.
WorldCat LCCN Z39.50 Search • Use attribute 9 (LCCN)Search for: 95002537 returns 11 records 95002537 (Silicon Snake oil)95025377 (The Industrial Revolution…)95025378 (Avoiding Nuclear Anarchy…)..sn 95002537 (My little bedtime stories) • Use attribute 1007 (Standard Identifier)Search for: 95002537 returns 2 records95002537 (Silicon Snake oil)950025372 (Apercu de genealogie et d'histoire des familles Beaulieu du Grand Madawaska)
RPN Query • Reverse Polish NotationUsed to express boolean queries in Z39.50 without using brackets. Process from right to left. RPN query:Orwell:NOT:Down:AND:Paris:London:AND Means:(Paris AND London AND Down) NOT Orwell
RPN Query: Explanation Compare: Case 1: (term3) and (term2 and term1) with Case 2: (term3 and term2) and (term1) Should return the same result but one vendor’s server drops term1 in Case #1.
Character Sets • Question: How do I search the Taiwan National Library Z server in Chinese? • Character set negotiationUNICODE, MARC-8, CCCII, EACC and other character sets. • MARC-8 to Unicode conversion rules for double width diacriticsUse rules set by the MARC 21 community or the Unicode Consortium? • JACKPHY (Japanese, Arabic, Chinese…) records from LC are improperly coded. • Without character set negotiation how do you encode foreign language characters in a Z39.50 search?
Stopwords • Some servers do not index high posting and/or reserved terms including articles, boolean operators, etc. • Use of stopwords in a search may generate an “error message” and/or return “0” results. • Stopwords are not documented.
Université du Quebéc • If you include a stopword in a Z39.50 keyword search you will receive the following error message: Gone with the wind BIB 4 stopword error Gone with wind BIB 4 stopword error Gone wind returns 22 records
“Any” Search • According to the Bath Profile:Uses: Searches for complete word in data elements that are commonly used as access points (as defined by the server). Any searches comprising more than one keyword are interpreted in such a way that the terms may exist in the same or different attributes. Example: a search on "Dickens AND Twist" might conceivably find "Dickens" in the Author Use Attribute (1003) and "Twist" in the Title Use Attribute (4).
Melvyl “Any” Search Explanation • Melvyl supports searching for authors, titles, subjects, etc. using the “Any” search but the terms must all be from the same heading (e.g. author, title, etc.)
Scan (browse) • Browse is an essential component of a library catalogue interface, especially for known item searching. • View a list of author/title/subject headings and retrieve records associated with the desired heading. • There are wide-spread problems with the follow-up Z39.50 search associated with a browse list.
WorlCat Browse (use and structure phrase attributesreturn headings – just subfield “a”)