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Understanding Measurable Goals Workshop

Learn to identify, define, and label measurable goals effectively. Understand the three key parts of a measurable goal: Task, Criteria, and Conditions. Gain practical examples and techniques to set measurable goals for students and yourself.

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Understanding Measurable Goals Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Recognizing Measurable Goals

  2. Objective • Participants will be able to identify the three parts of a measurable goal and label goals that are and are not measurable.

  3. A measurable goal has three parts. 1. Task 2. Criteria 3. Conditions Measurable Goal

  4. A sample goal • When presented with a written list of the 5th list of one hundred Dolch words, Sonny will read words aloud at a rate of 70 per minute with 90% accuracy.

  5. What is the… • Task? • Criteria? • Conditions?

  6. Examples • All the students will do better in handwriting. • Ann will score 90% on every math quiz during the third quarter of the school year. • I will exercise for 30 minutes 4 days per week, alternating aerobics and weight training at the gym for the next 90 days.

  7. Group Practice • Is it measurable? • Does it specify the task? • Does it state criteria for mastery? • Does it describe conditions?

  8. Assignment • Write 5 measurable goals: • 3 for your students and • 2 for yourself.

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