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Insights on Globalization: Perspectives & Definitions

Explore different viewpoints on globalization, from economic integration to environmental concerns and political impact. Understand how interconnectedness shapes our world and the global village concept. Learn about economic, social, and political dimensions of globalization and their effects on international trade, cultural exchange, and governance.

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Insights on Globalization: Perspectives & Definitions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Social 10-1 Perspectives on

  2. What does globalization mean to you?

  3. Which definition do you agree with most? • The integration of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe • Americanization and the United States dominance of world affairs • A force for economic growth, prosperity, and democratic freedom • A force for environmental devastation, exploitation of the developing world, and suppression of human rights

  4. Globalization: the trend towards greater interconnectedness • Closer relationships between countries • Integration of economic systems to encourage international trade • Instantaneous exchange of information, communication and services through improved technology • Linking people in distant localities in a way that allows distant events and powers to influence local events.

  5. Interdependence: two or more systems/people/nations depending on each other • relates to the interconnected relationships globalization has created • “When we tug at a single thing in nature, we find it attached to the rest of the world” (John Muir) • Global Village: idea that everyone in the world in part of one community, we are no longer isolated in our own piece of the world. • Like a village, we can know what is going on in each other’s lives, and have a dependence on each other.

  6. Types of Globalization • Economic Globalization – the process of expanding world trade networks to encourage international trade. • Example: Transnationals, like Nike • Your example: • Social Globalization – the process by which people’s lifestyles are spread over and influenced by global networks. • Example: American movies (homogenization) • Your example: • Political Globalization – the process by which political decisions and actions are becoming increasingly international in focus and influence. • Example: human rights legislation influenced by other nations • Your example:

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