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Understand Volume of Sphere | Learn Formula & Practice

Discover how to find the volume of a sphere using the formula V = πr³. Explore examples like basketballs, marbles, and more. Practice calculating volumes efficiently. Get guidance on solving sphere volume problems. Challenge yourself with different radii measurements. Improve your math skills effectively!

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Understand Volume of Sphere | Learn Formula & Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mission 6 Mission for 6: To successfully find the volume of a sphere. Vocabulary: volume, sphereFormula: V =  r3

  2. What’s a sphere? Basketballs. Volleyballs. Baseballs. Marbles. Gum Balls. Bubbles. All of these are examples of spheres. A sphere is a three-dimensional figure which is a circle in “all directions.”

  3. Formula for a Sphere The formula for the volume of a sphere is where V is the volume and r is the radius of the sphere.

  4. Perfect Practice Makes Perfection! Find the volume of a sphere with radius 12. V = 4/3  r3 We know that the radius is 12, so we can simply plug and chug. V = 4/3  (12)3 V = 7238.23 44

  5. Just do it! A junior bowling ball has a radius 4.3 cms. What is the volume of such a ball?

  6. Time for you to continue. Good job on getting that one right!

  7. Hey. That’s ok. These spheres are tricky. The correct answer is 333 cm3. Click on the other nerd ball for some help.

  8. Here is your Answer... V = 4/3r3 = 4/3 () (r)3 = 4/3 () (4.3)3 = 333.04 cm3

  9. Move on!

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