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Ministry of Economic Development Department Enterprise and Internationalisation Directorate General Market, Competition, Consumer, Surveillance and Technical provisions Division IX “European and International policiesâ€. MISSION
Ministry of Economic DevelopmentDepartment Enterprise and InternationalisationDirectorate General Market, Competition, Consumer, Surveillance and Technical provisionsDivision IX “European and International policies” MISSION Participation in the development of consumer and competition policies at EU and International level. Institutional relations with European Union and International Organizations (OECD) in cooperation with competent Divisions Preparation, support and coordination of the Council of Ministers of the European Union (Competitiveness Council) Preparation, negotiation and implementation of bilateral international agreements (e.g. Algeria, Uzbekistan, etc…) Director PICCARRETA Francesco Via Sallustiana, 53 00187 ROMA (RM) Tel. (+39) 06 4705 5448 Fax (+39) 06 4705 5447 E-mail francesco.piccarreta@mise.gov.it
Europe 2020 =>Single Market Act => European Consumer Agenda: Reinforcing consumer safety Enhancing knowledge Improving enforcement and securing redress Aligning policy to societal change STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK
MAIN NEGOTIATION & DISCUSSION FORA • EU: Consumer WP; Competitiveness WP; CPN; Committees (Enforcement; Market Surveillance; Safety; Insurance); CMEG; ECC-Net; E-Commerce WP • OECD: CPC
KEY FILES AND ACTIVITIES • Product Safety and Market Surveillance (SMA II): newly launched negotiation • Alternative Dispute Resolution (SMA I): next formal adoption of ADR / ODR Legislative Package • Enforcement (Regulation 2006/2004/CE): next review of the system; policy debate at European Consumer Summit 18 March 2013 • Insurance Mediation: ongoing negotiation • Consumer Programme 2014 – 2020: next adoption of the final budget • Digital Agenda and E-commerce: pilot project IMI-E-commerce • Competition: future negotiation on Private Enforcement • Green Claims: next adoption of Report and Recommendations • Comparison Tools: next adoption of Report and Recommendations • Consumer Market Scoreboard • Tourism: future negotiation of review of Directive on All-Inclusive Tourism packages • Vulnerable Consumers • Empowerment : next launch of Portal “Consumer Education” • Misleading and Comparative Advertising : future negotiation of review of Directive 2006/114