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Music in Multimedia Z120 Final Project

Music in Multimedia Z120 Final Project. Written Proposal and Project. Choose the Project Type. GENRE A: Music Video / Television Commercial (self shot, self created works) Song lyrics interpreted through visuals OR Script with intended visuals Multiple angles without single camera shots

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Music in Multimedia Z120 Final Project

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  1. Music in Multimedia Z120Final Project Written Proposal and Project

  2. Choose the Project Type • GENRE A: Music Video / Television Commercial (self shot, self created works) • Song lyrics interpreted through visuals OR Script with intended visuals • Multiple angles without single camera shots • use of research, digital photography, edit pre-recorded video, live shots. Must have original audio. • http://www.vevo.com • look at any television commercial with background audio • GENRE B: Civic Documentary / Story • tells a story about a specific community or organization • use of research, interview, and narration are the building blocks for this project. • provide a perspective on a political issue or document a local/personal story that has larger implications. • write, shoot, direct, and edit a film of up to 10 minutes (can use pre-recorded video and archives). Must have soundtrack. • http://d-word.muvies.com • http://bombayfc.com/serving-the-whole-person/ GENRE B: Multicultural Topic Exploring Musical Concept • explores a multicultural topic with an emphasis on music (including subcultures) • use of research, audio, digital photography, edited pre-recorded video, and produce multimedia project for internet. Must use live / recorded examples of instrument(s) in addition to soundtrack.

  3. Develop Your Thesis Question • PLANNER A TOPIC -- Music Video / Television Commercial • Your thesis will include title of song / title of commercial • Your thesis will include visual connections to the lyrics/script (a few key moments) • Your thesis (paper) will include a plan of action for production • PLANNER B TOPIC -- Civic Documentary / Story / Multicultural Topic: • Your thesis will offer a glimpse of your ideas • Your thesis will include a specific view point of your subject (not journalism – think persuasive!). • Your thesis will be in the form of a question you want to answer with your multimedia project. Example: Why did 15 minutes change the world of rock ’n roll?

  4. Creating Your Portfolio • PHASE 4 • Visual Planner B – these projects require use of persuasion with the intention of “proving” your thesis question • DILLINGHAM MODEL with TRANSFORMATION • Note: If Dillingham Model doesn’t work for your story, you will create a STORYBOARD that depicts the sequence of scenes that will occur in your movie • PHASE 5 • Audio Function / Cue Sheet: This table will include all sounds used in your project listed in the order presented in the project. Each sound will include its function (literal / non-literal with applied category from Herbert Zettl text). • PHASE 6 • Citations • Fair Use Act Form • PHASE 1 • Thesis Worksheet (in-class / must have topic approved – in-class meetings provided) • PHASE 2 • Portfolio Cover Sheet: : Include Name, Class and Time, Project Genre, Thesis Question • PHASE 3 • Objective: Summary of intended project (expand on thesis question), who it will reach (target audience), project type (television commercial, digital narrative, civic documentary, music video, or video topic), why you feel it falls into that category, and an in-depth that supports development of your idea (typically three supporting statement or three visual / text examples) • PHASE 4 • Visual Planner A – these projects require original video sequences. You can include other media as well • SHOT LIST and STORYBOARD

  5. Time Management • Research: week 9-11 --- research and collect media that supports your topic; schedule interviews, begin soundtrack creation, shoot live video • Skeleton: week 12-13 --- create your prototype model in publishing application and start plugging in your media; continue soundtrack • Editing: week 12-13--- edit assets as required; publish • Debugging: week 14-15 --- testing; begin peer evaluations; fix problems; publish • Presentation: week 16 --- both days – TUES / THURS – presentations will run from 9 am to 1 pm both days. (You are required to be in attendance during regular class hours, but if you can come early / stay late, please do.)

  6. End of Term Checklist • Labeled digital file (uploaded to YouTube / or if you do not want your work published, submit complete m4v file) • THESE ARE PART OF PHASE 6 IN PROJECT PORTFOLIO – online submissions preferred • Citation List (oncourse>assignments) • Fair Use Act Form (oncourse test & survey) • THIS IS END OF CLASS JOURNAL • Reflective one-page journal (oncourse>assignments)

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