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[insert briefing type here] [insert program name here] for [insert name and organization of person(s) to be briefed here] [insert “month day, year” of brief here]. Distribution Statement. Insert program logo in this area. Briefed by: [insert briefer’s name here]
[insert briefing type here][insert program name here]for[insert name and organization of person(s) to be briefed here][insert “month day, year” of brief here] Distribution Statement Insert program logo in this area Briefed by:[insert briefer’s name here] [insert briefer’s organization code here] [insert briefer’s phone number here] [Insert briefer’s e-mail address here]
PM / Sponsor Cost Schedule Performance Programmatic Compliance Logistics Overall Contact Info here Contact Info here I I I I I I I I II II II II II II II II III III III III III III III III IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV [insert program name]Program OverviewDATE OF REPORT: MM/DD/YYYY (IT) ACAT Level: MDA: Description: Program Start Date: MM / YY [Insert program description here] Key Performance Parameters KPPObjectiveThresholdDemo OP Avail .90 .90 .98 S/W Reliability 200 hrs 200 hrs 1000 hrs S/W Mean 5 sec 5 sec 3.2 sec xxxx x x x Acquisition Objectives Quantity 650 IOC 12 / 99 Target Price (unit) $Various $M (FY XX) $610.12 Issues: [Insert significant program issues here] Cost Data ($ in M)* CostObjectiveThresholdCurrent Est. R&D 0 0 0 Proc 300.3 300.3 380 O&S 250.5 250.5 276.1 xxxx x x x Contractor Data Contractor Litton DSD Value / Type $NA / GSA Start / Complete APR97 / APR03 Contractor XXX Value / Type $XX / XXX Start / Complete XXX / XXX * Values from last approved APB SCHEDULE FY 00 FY 01 FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 FY by Quarters Milestones MS-IIB&C MS IIID LRIP R&D / Studies OPEVAL FOT&E Testing SVR Development CDR 20 Production 5 1 3 3 Installation 14 XXX XXX 5 FY 00 FY 01 Total Program Cost* BUDGET ($M) FY 02 FY 03 FY 04 FY 05 FY 06 FY 07 $10.5 $10 RDT&E $10 $10 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20 Procurement $5.0 $7 $8.5 $8 $7 $4 $0 $0 $27.5 OM&N $2.0 $3 $4.5 $5.5 $4 $5 $3 $3 $25 $20 $23 $23.5 $11 $9 $3 $3 TOTAL $17.5 $72.5 *Note: Total Program Cost shown is FY 02 through FY 07 Budget Source:
Program Assessment Indicators Performance Characteristics Green Program Assessment Indicators/Program Manager’s Assessment(indicate Green/Yellow/Red, Program managers comments, an assessment based on current funding profile and current approved Acquisition Program Baseline) Schedule Green Test & Evaluation Green Contracts Green Logistics Reqts & Readiness Obj Green Production Green Cost Green Management Structure Green Funding Green Interoperability Green Managers’ Assessment (for each Assessment Indicator rated Green Advisory, Yellow, Yellow Advisory, or Red). PM: PEO: Program Assessment
BASE NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE Long Haul (DISN & Commercial) MC AIR STATION TELEPORT/STEP CLINIC BASE HQ TRNGCEN NOC IMA FISC USN/USMC LOGISTIC BASE TRAINING CENTER Pier Connections Deployed/ Mobile Units NMCI at the Pier End-to-End Connectivity Development StrategyEnd-to-End Capability 10
Y B R O G Program Information Status In approval cycle. Expected Date in Comments NR Not required. Rationale in Comments Requires development or updating w/in 12 months Required at this time, but does not exist Required at this time and under development/update Current, with all required approvals
Clinger Cohen Compliance • Address the certification (ACAT IAC/IAM) or confirmation (ACAT ID/IC/II/III/IV) status and issues. • Add the following statement “Receipt of CCA Confirmation/Compliance from PEO C4I and Space CIO (enter date (mm/dd/yy))”. • State whether or not this system has been registered in the DoN CIO database. • Discuss the Information Assurance Strategy.
Acquisition Strategy (Requirements and Approach) • Source Documents: • Approach: Single Step or Evolutionary
FY03 FY05 FY07 FY04 FY06 FY08 FY09 FY10 Acquisition Strategy (Program Structure) Concept Decision Milestone A RFP Development Milestone B Contract Award Development Test/OA Milestone C/LRIP Decision Operational Test IOC FRP Decision
Acquisition Strategy (Business Approach) Current Contracts • New Procurement Actions • Proposed [name of effort] Contract • Competitive or Sole Source (if sole source provide justification • Contract Type: • Estimated contract value: • Period of Performance: • Acquisition Objectives: • Estimated Contract Award: • Status of Acquisition Plan:
Y Solvency (Provide comments in notes page) Contract Metrics and Performance Projections PEO and Program Manager/PMS-XXX, Program Acronym, ACAT XX, Date Reported Contractor Name, Contract Number, Contract Type, Short Contract Title
Y BudgetPEO C4I and Space Programmed (% Obligated) Note: All amounts in $M Source: FY2004 DoN President’s Budget January 2003. Solvency
Y Budget(By Functional Area) Programmed (% Obligated) INVENTORY OBJECTIVE: _____________ Note: All amounts in $M Source: FY2004 DoN President’s Budget January 2003. Solvency
Testing Budget Programmed (% Obligated)
T&E Exceptions • Waivers • Deferrals
Software MaturityS/W Trouble Reports (STRs) S/W Build Version x.xx # of STRs
Y Solvency (Provide comments in notes page) Contract Metrics and Performance Projections PEO and Program Manager/PMS-XXX, Program Acronym, ACAT XX, Date Reported Contractor Name, Contract Number, Contract Type, Short Contract Title Provide notations of CPI/SPI as of the current (or latest available) month of the briefing and for the previous 3 months and show the dates. If the contractor is in an OTB, the the CPI/SPI should reflect performance since the new baseline. Also, note in this chart the TAB and cumulative BCWP, ACWP, and BCWS since beginning of contract and since the most recent rebaselining (if any) of the contract. Amount of overrun built into the new contract baseline, if in OTB If EVM is not reported, PMs will still provide the rest of the information required on this slide, including contract start and completion dates. CPI SPI (Cum Since Rebaselining to OTB) Dec 01 0.842 0.873 Jan 02 0.840 0.870 Feb 02 0.835 0.880 Mar 02 0.835 0.890 New Contract Baseline • Bullets on projections for the contract completion plan (use additional slide for comments if necessary). For example: • Company is consolidating two facilities into one and reducing unnecessary redundancy, which is anticipated to improve cost and schedule efficiency by about 5%. • Government is accelerating GFE delivery, which better supports the contractor’s performance measurement baseline and is intended to reduce the cost variance at completion and time to complete.
CPARS/IPARS/Award Fee Matrix Contractor PM Name/Gov’t PM Name Date of Review: ddmmmyy
Medium High • A brief description of Issue # 1 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation • A brief description of Issue # 5 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation • A brief description of Issue # 4 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation • A brief description of Issue # 6 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation • A brief description of Issue # 3 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation e d LIKELIHOOD c • A brief description of Issue # 2 and rationale for its rating. • Approach to remedy/mitigation b a Low Medium a c d e b CONSEQUENCE Acronyms: [IMA= Intermediate Maintenance Activity] Risk Advisory Board: [Mr. X, PMA xxx] [Ms. Y, XYZ Corp] [Ms. Z, DASN YY] Program Risk Assessment
Medium High Logistics Areas (examples) 5 4 e : Overall Assessment 1: Training 2: Support Equipment 3: Publications 4: Facilities 5: Maintenance Concept 6: Supply Support 7: MTBF d 7 6 LIKELIHOOD c b 3 1 2 a Low Medium a c d e b CONSEQUENCE RISK # 4 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding. RISK # 6 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding. RISK # 5 Brief description of Issue and rationale for its rating. Approach to remedy/mitigation. Risk mitigation funding. Logistics Risk Assessment
Threshold Objective [Combat capability] [C4I Interoperability, (Strategic, Theater, Force Coord.)] [Cost] [Manning] [Sustained Speed] [Endurance] KPP “Sliding Diamond” ORD Compliance Status
Manning and Qualification MIL CIV GOAL GOAL
Committee(s)/ Member(s) Add Title Appn/Add Status/Actions Taken Outyear Impact Program accelerated -$5M in FY XX likely OSD Hold / Release Requested Hokum Processor RDT&E/$ 5M HAC/Smyth FYXX Congressional Adds
Legend No further action required Significant interest outside Program Cannot be solved within the Program Key Issues
Desired Capability(Requirements) • Summary description of the requirements • Source Documents: • Examples: • MNS/ICD • ORD/CDD • ADMs – what decisions have been made and when • Identify the approach the program will use to achieve full capability: an evolutionary approach or a single step approach
Functional Area Name Organization Program Manager Acquisition PM Project Engineer Resource Sponsor Requirements Sponsor Contracts Legal Operational Test Coord./Director (OTC/OTD) PEO Acquisition Management Lois Harper PEO C4I PEO T&E John Hartford PEO C4I PEO Installation Susan Senese PEO C4I PEO Logistics CAPT Pete Bauman PEO C4I PEO Business Financial Manager (BFM) Susie Drew/Program BFM PEO C4I Cost Analysis Mourad Yacoub SPAWAR 01-6 Command Information Officer Scott Saunders SPAWAR 08 Counterintelligence Kurt Fabrizio SPAWAR 00-NCIS Environmental Safety and Health Jerry Olen SPAWAR/NFESC System Security/Information Assurance Dave Crotty PMW 161 Spectrum Management Mike Stewart SPAWAR 05 Interoperability Certification Kevin Wu SPAWAR 05 Information Support CDR Leon Stone SPAWAR 05 Manpower Analysis Human Systems Integration Joe Berkely SPAWAR 05 Acquisition Coordination Team(ACT) • The following (Program Name) ACT members have been briefed on the program status and concur with the fielding of (Program Name).