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Antares Conference Committee

Antares Conference Committee. Meeting of March 28 (Catania). Priorities. Priority per Group/Institution Look at group consistency (#of members) Look at talks in previous (2 or 4) years. Talks in 2004-2005-2006-2007. Talks not counted: Invited talks (few) Posters.

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Antares Conference Committee

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Antares Conference Committee Meeting of March 28 (Catania)

  2. Priorities Priority per Group/Institution Look at group consistency (#of members) Look at talks in previous (2 or 4) years

  3. Talks in 2004-2005-2006-2007 • Talks not counted: • Invited talks (few) • Posters

  4. Talks in 2004-2005-2006-2007

  5. Conference assigned. Nothing to do any more Action needed Status unclear

  6. Summary  Conferences to be decided/reminded - RICAP07 John will give the plenary talk, we should send a couple of abstracts in addition - EPS2007 Paul Koojman should give the talk. He should be asked to send an abstract to the session organisers - MPOA Thierry Pradier should send an abstract - LP07 The deadline for abstracts is July 13. We should find a speaker - JENAM2007 John will give an invited talk. There is space for a talk in one of the parallel session. Deadline is May 1 - TeV Particle Astrophysics. One of the conveners for HE nus is Francis Halzen. Annarita has asked to give a talk. In addition, there is a session on indirect DM searches. Two of the conveners are N. Fornengo (Turin) and D. Hooper (FNAL). We might try a second talk here. - NewWorlds in Astrop. Phys. Alan Watson is one of the Conveners. We should find someone willing to submit an abstract - TAUP2007. Here we had proposed B. Vallage. Among the Organisers there is J.J. Aubert (also E. Fiorini and G. Fogli). In the HE Astrophysics session conveners are: Lorenz, Michelson, Navarra. In the Atmospheric nus session conveners are: J. Bernabeu, Kim, Plunkett. Deadline is June 10. - ICATPP Conf. Here we had proposed Zaborov. I have already mentioned this to Tonino, who is one of the conveners. - RICH2007. It is a conference on Cherenkov Detectors. Suitable for a talk on Antares. We should find a suitable speaker. - UNWAT 2007, International Workshop on Under Water Sensors and Systems (Miguel Ardid Ramirez is the Conference Chairman) - INPC2007 Sent abstract. Should know in a few days if accepted

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