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Simple Ways To Cope With Stress

Although stress is a part of everyday life, excessive stress can affect your health. Learn how to handle stress better in this blog post.

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Simple Ways To Cope With Stress

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  1. 2/18/22, 4:46 PM Simple Ways To Cope With Stress | Federal Health Simple Ways To Cope With Stress federalhealth.net/simple-ways-to-cope-with-stress How does stress feel like? Stress can be a pounding heart and sweaty hands right ahead of the presentation at work or school. The exhaustion you experience after working long hours and not sleeping is called stress. Everybody has experienced stress at one point or another in their lives. The effects of stress can benefit us. It can inspire us to achieve goals and meet these goals, and also improve our performance. But, the beneficial effects of stress diminish at a certain point. Stress and performance follow an inverted U-shaped curvature, which is known as the Yerkes Dodson Law. It is believed that performance improves when the stress level increases until reaching a level (the high point of the curve) at which performance decreases when stress levels continue to rise. Stress can affect your memory and attention, decreasing your productivity. Stress is an array of physiological reactions. When you are confronted with stress, muscles tighten up, and breathing becomes more difficult. the heart beats faster blood vessels expand and hormones like cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine are released. The body enters fighting or flight mode. Stress causes your body to be in this state all the time, which can be a sign of negative health effects. There are a variety of ways that chronic stress can affect your health. It is linked to physical illnesses, including headaches and high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and more. It can also be linked to mental disorders like anxiety disorders, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It also can lead to the https://federalhealth.net/simple-ways-to-cope-with-stress/ 1/3

  2. 2/18/22, 4:46 PM Simple Ways To Cope With Stress | Federal Health development of unhealthy behavior, including excessive or inadequate eating or drinking, as well as social withdrawal. In addition, research has proven that prolonged stress can cause damage to the brain’s structure and functioning. Effective Ways To Reduce Stress The reduction of stress is essential for improving your long-term health. Here are some strategies you can use to reduce stress. Identify stressful triggers Find out what makes you feel stressed by keeping track of your stress levels and your activities during your day. Note down all your obligations and commitments. It is possible to revise your priorities or remove some tasks that aren’t essential. Take a different perspective on stressful events There are common events that can cause people to be stressed out, like the death of a spouse, divorce and losing their job, beginning an entirely new job, chronic illness or injury, or conflict between people. Even when faced with the same stressor, individuals react differently. The reason for this is how one evaluates the stressor. Personality can influence appraisal, however, one could opt to see the stressful event as an opportunity rather than an issue. However, this is much more difficult to achieve than it is. It could take a lot of practice to become able to analyze situations more objectively. It’s not just about thinking positively; it’s being able to think in the most effective manner. Create strong bonds A strong social network can give you an escape route from anxiety. Family and friends can listen to your concerns and offer advice and support, which can help ease some of the stress that you feel. Social support can reduce the brain circuitry, which fires up in times of emotional distress (same as the case of physical discomfort). Sleep more The connection between stress and sleep loss is bidirectional. Stress can make you sleepy at night, while sleep deprivation could increase the stress level in your life. To stop the cycle, you must practice proper sleep hygiene including limiting the intake of caffeine, establishing an established sleep routine as well as removing any screens that could make your brain think that it’s the daytime (like television, cell phones, or computer) and avoiding napping in the middle of the day. Exercise regularly Regular, moderate exercise can help lower stress levels. And also it’s beneficial for your overall physical and mental health. Relax your mind and body https://federalhealth.net/simple-ways-to-cope-with-stress/ 2/3

  3. 2/18/22, 4:46 PM Simple Ways To Cope With Stress | Federal Health There are a variety of relaxation techniques you can practice for yourself. These include deep breathing, gradual relaxation of muscles, mindfulness meditation, as well as imagery. These exercises can help you clear your mind, lower your heart rate, and ease tension in your muscles. If you need further help, talk to an experienced psychologist or other mental health counselors about your problems. They can aid you in the development of effective strategies to cope. https://federalhealth.net/simple-ways-to-cope-with-stress/ 3/3

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