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Effects of the Cotton Gin

Effects of the Cotton Gin. Invented by Eli Whitney. 1: More efficient processing of cotton bolls. 2: More cotton sales in England and the North. 3: Development of textile industry in Northeast. 4: More reliance on slave labor. 5: Increased investment in land and slaves.

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Effects of the Cotton Gin

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Effects of the Cotton Gin

  2. Invented by Eli Whitney

  3. 1: More efficient processing of cotton bolls

  4. 2: More cotton sales in England and the North

  5. 3: Development of textile industry in Northeast

  6. 4: More reliance on slave labor

  7. 5: Increased investment in land and slaves

  8. 6: Minimum investment in factories in the South

  9. 7: Increased reliance for the South on imports from England or the Northeast

  10. Free Enterprise Say whaaaat?

  11. Enterprise noun a profit-making enterprise: business, company, firm, venture, organization, operation, concern, corporation, establishment, partnership; informal outfit, setup.

  12. Free Enterprise • Voluntary exchange in an open-market • Economic freedom and economic choices • Private ownership and private property • Profit motive

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