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ADCS Council of Reference Policy Seminar 4 February 2010 16-19: meeting the strategic challenges to improve outcomes for young people John Freeman CBE, Director React Programme Peter Lauener, Chief Executive Designate YPLA. 16-19 Challenges and Opportunities. Agenda today…..
ADCS Council of ReferencePolicy Seminar 4 February 201016-19: meeting the strategic challenges to improve outcomes for young people John Freeman CBE, Director React ProgrammePeter Lauener, Chief Executive Designate YPLA
16-19 Challenges and Opportunities Agenda today….. • What the facts tell us • Role of the YPLA • Progress to date • Strategic Challenges • Shaping the system together
We have just begun a decade of demographic reductions before numbers level out some 12.5% down... 16-18 population 2008/09 – 2019/20
But there are significant regional and local variations……. Young people’s population trends to 2017 NE NW YH EM WM ER GL SE SW
And in the run up to 2015 we need a particular focus on those not benefiting from opportunities in the system now….. NEET characteristics 2008
As well as on those to whom we owe a particular duty of care………… 5 GCSEs at A*-C in Year 11 for children in the care of Councils
We need a system which supports the wide range of learning needs of young people………. What do 16-18 year olds study?
Including different types of learning environment…….. Where do 16-18 year olds study?
The system, including Further Education, has benefited from significant investment …... FE funding 2002/03 – 2009/10
But some parts are more equal than others……. Unit costs 2002/03 – 2009/10
There are a wide range of providers……………… 14-19 Providers 2008/09
YPLA - what kind of organisation? • An NDPB……. • Board of up to 15 members from all sectors • £10 billion budget… and rising • About 500 staff around the country • Building a new organisation with staff from DCSF and LSC • Positioned between national and local and accountable to both
Young People’s Learning Agency Our Mission • Championing Young People’s Learning Our Role • providing financial support to young learners (EMAs) • funding Academies for all their provision • supporting local authorities’ commissioning of suitable education and training opportunities for all 16-19 year olds.
YPLA – we aim to be known as….. Professional Responsive Impartial Dynamic Efficient
Known – and sorted • Transfer of LSC staff to LAs and YPLA • React / LSC Training Programme • YPLA Committee – Transition Board in Place • Redesignation of Sixth Form Colleges
Known unknowns – nearly sorted • Transfer of DCSF Academies staff • Some critical YPLA vacancies • New YPLA Board – interviews now and appointments in March • YPLA Remit letter and Grant for 2010-11 • Provider allocations for 2010/11 • April 20th payment run!
Unknown unknowns • How commissioning and allocations will work in practice • Getting the right provision for learners with difficulties and disabilities – up to age 25 • Academies • Intervention policy for the YPLA • Governance and Accountability • General Election!
Challenge 1: Commissioning and Allocations Issues • Allocations for 2010-11 will be complete by end March but how will it be different next year? • What should be national, regional, sub-regional and local and how can we avoid sclerotic systems? • How can we join up revenue and capital planning? • Maintaining a clear focus on the 5 key commissioning questions: • What’s working well? • What’s working less well? • What do we need more of? • What do we need less of? • Do we need anything new? Proposal • Set up a discussion with ADCS to discuss how we shape the system for next year.
16-19 Allocations - indicative consolidated baselines for schools and colleges grouped by LA : percentage change in funding 2009-10 to 2010-11
16-19 Allocations - indicative consolidated baselines for schools and colleges grouped by region: percentage change in learner numbers and funding, 2009-10 to 2010-11
As we shape arrangements for 2011/12, we need to focus on 3 strategic commissioning issues……….. The first key strategic issue What is it that local authorities will commission from providers to ensure that every young person aged up to 17 is engaged in education, training or work with training by 2013? (and up to 18 in 2015?) This is a non-trivial and urgent question – and we have not yet found the answer. And while it will be expensive – the cost to society will be far greater if we don’t succeed.
The second key strategic issue How will local authorities work with providers and other stakeholders to decide the best configuration of provision in an area – moving to a local infrastructure development plan? We just can’t afford to make decisions on capital programmes on an institutional basis. At the same time, decisions for institutions have an impact beyond the learning agenda – on economic development and regeneration, for example.
The third key strategic issue • How will local authorities and their commissioners know about independent and specialist providers? • existing provision • existing providers, new to the area • new providers • The Approved College and Training Organisation Register (ACTOR) may not meet the needs – we need an information system that is open and transparent.
Challenge 2: Improving provision for learners with difficulties and disabilities – NB up to age 25 Issues • YPLA will contract with specialist providers of learning for learners with difficulties and disabilities for 2010/11 and 2011/12 • Most provision for LLDDs is however in mainstream FE and other local providers and provision for 19-25s in 2010/11 is being allocated by the Skills Funding Agency • The statutory duties rest with LAs from April 2009 – and this is an area under severe budgetary pressure every year • Localisation should bring benefits from better joining up with local partners Proposal • The pace and management of change should be jointly managed through a group which reports both into the relevant ADCS policy group and into YPLA
Challenge 3: Academies Issues • Building systems and service standards in the YPLA for a large scale funding operation for academies • Delivering bespoke services which fit the Academy ethos and different organisational structures • Supporting high standards in all academies, including through SIPs and education advice Proposal • Develop a protocol for information sharing with ADCS
Challenge 4: Intervention Policy for the YPLA Issues • YPLA will have statutory intervention powers, analogous to the Secretary of State’s • YPLA will formally consult on its policy in using these powers • Our aim will be to develop early warning systems to anticipate problems and therefore minimise use of formal powers Proposal • ADCS early engagement as draft papers are produced
Challenge 5: Governance and Accountability YPLA will report: • To DCSF Ministers • To LGA Children and Young People’s Board • In the public domain through its annual plans and reports – and we will aim to make learner data widely available Proposal • Can we develop interlocking committee structures so that we have ADCS policy lead involvement on all YPLA advisory groups and a two way reporting line from these groups to ADCS nationally and to YPLA Board?
The YPLA is positioned between National Priorities and the energy from Local Partnerships Is driven by the outer world of ideas, intelligence, dreams, passions, enthusiasm, intention and commitment Is driven by the ordered world of plans, structures, productivity and predictability Is driven by the chaotic world of stories, informal relationships, diversity emergence and self organisation Is driven by the inner world of ideas, intelligence, dreams, passions, enthusiasm, intention and commitment
Understanding dynamic change “Successful change in business is about getting the balance right. You have to get your troops together( bottom-up energy) and face them in the right direction (top down energy). You must grab their imagination (inside-out energy) to ensure that your customers get what they want (outside-in energy)” Sir John Harvey-Jones
Transformation succeeds by • creating a sense of urgency • developing a powerful guiding coalition is created • agreeing a a compelling vision • not undercommunicating the vision by a Factor of Ten • removing Obstacles to the New Vision • systematically planning and creating short-term wins • not declaring Victory too soon • not Anchoring Changes in the Corporation’s Culture John P.Kotter
ADCS Council of ReferencePolicy Seminar 4 February 201016-19: meeting the strategic challenges to improve outcomes for young people John Freeman CBE, Director React ProgrammePeter Lauener, Chief Executive Designate YPLA