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Midterm Review

This review covers key topics from early human development to the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, and Ancient Greece. It includes information on how early humans obtained food, the development of villages, Hammurabi's code and cuneiform writing, Egyptian burial practices and contributions, the importance of the Silk Road, Confucianism, the phalanx, and different forms of democracy.

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Midterm Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Midterm Review Early Humans Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece

  2. Chapter 3: Early Humans 2. *What was the main difference? How people obtained their food. This development of early people made it possible for them to settle in one place and develop villages.

  3. 1. Define Prehistory- The period of time after people first appeared but before they developed writing. 3. Label the name of the present day country on the map where Mesopotamia once was. IRAQ

  4. Chapter 4: Mesopotamia 4. Who was Hammurabi and what is he most remembered for? Hammurabi was a Babylonian king that is most remembered for creating the 1st written code of laws and making them public for all people to see. Hammurabi’s code is known as “An Eye for and Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth” because its punishments were very harsh. 5. Define cuneiform- A system of writing developed by Sumerians that used wedged shaped marks made in clay.

  5. Chapter 5: Ancient Egypt 6. Define dynasty- A line of rulers from one family. (Like a monarchy, the rule is usually passed on from father to son for many generations Example: The Royal family of England). 7. How did ancient Egyptians prepare the dead for the afterlife. Why? Embalm the bodies; because it needed a soul for the afterlife 8. What are the two contributions the ancient Egyptians left for the modern world? • Math • Medicine

  6. What are the benefits of the Nile River? 1. Rich soil for farming/ Mud for building. 2. Provided water for drinking, bathing, growing crops, and fishing. 3. Transportation and Trade. 4. Security against attacks (Cataracts in the water).

  7. Chapter 9: Ancient India

  8. Chapter 10: Ancient China • Explain the importance of the Silk Road: The Silk road was a network of trade routes from China to the Roman Empire. The Silk road was vital for • trading goods and services • new ideas (such as religions) • Movements of armies • Spreading diseases (such as the Plague) 13. Define Confucianism- A system of beliefs based on the teaching of the philosopher Confucius. His golden rule is “Do unto other as you would want others to do unto you.”

  9. Chapter 7: Ancient Greece 14. Define Phalanx- A group of armed foot soldiers arranged close together in rows. 15. Define Polis- A Greek city-state. 16. Define Democracy- A government run by the people. 17. Define Oligarchy- A government in which a small, wealthy group of people are in control. 18. Define Direct Democracy- All citizens can participate in decision making process (Worked for ancient Greece because they had a small # of citizens). 19. Define Representative Democracy- Citizens elect officials to govern on their behalf (US has a large population, needs representatives).

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