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The American Legion Riders. The American Legion Department of Florida Fall Conference. History and development. Idea of American Legion members on motorcycles likely dates back to 1920s.
The American Legion Riders The American Legion Department of Florida Fall Conference
History and development Idea of American Legion members on motorcycles likely dates back to 1920s. Shown: Advertisements for Harley-Davidson® and Indian Motocycle® on “The American Legion Magazine”, February, 1921.
Resolutions Resolution 35 (October 2007) • Adopted the Riders is a national program to be administered by the posts and departments. • Declares each ALR must be supported by a post or department--and uphold the declared principals of the organization. • Provides recommended guidelines for operation. • Instructs Riders to abide by The American Legion constitution and bylaws and directives of department and post. • Provides for National and Department to maintain general oversight for proper use of name and emblem, compliance with national constitution and bylaws.
ALR Guidelines under Resolution 35 • All members shall first be current AL/AUX/ SAL members in good standing. • All members shall own a licensed/insured motorcycle (amended October 2011). • All members shall maintain the image and reputation of The American Legion. • All members shall avoid images and practices of motorcycle “gangs” and “clubs.”
ALR Guidelines under Resolution 35 5. The only authorized ALR marks/logos, if worn, are those owned by The American Legion. • All Riders will obey the motor vehicle laws of their state. • No use of rockers if such use is a violation of trademark. • The hosting department/post will review insurance and liability risks.
Resolution 32 Resolution 32 was approved by the NEC in October 2011. • Amended Resolution 35 to allow current ALR members to remain full members if for medical or age reasons they cannot ride. • This remains at the discretion of the local chapters, which may continue to maintain stricter standards.
“Stricter Standards” Rule Many posts may have stricter Rider SOPs. • Post or chapter members might all belong to a certain profession or business group. • A chapter (or department) may restrict minimum displacement to 650cc or make/model to BMWs. Less strict standards than department or national SOPs or CB&Ls are not valid. • Membership cannot be open to non-Legion Family. • Less strict membership rules are never valid.
Accountability • ALL ALR chapters and groups must be affiliated with a hosting post or other recognized department body. • A CB&L is not required; a simpler SOP or other document is sufficient. • Riders are a program of the post—not a separate organization. • Riders enjoy the same tax-exempt status as the hosting organization.
Chapter Responsibilities ALR officers are named by the hosting post. • In practice, chapters are given the courtesy of holding elections. Duly elected officers are then named or installed by the post. • ALR officers may be removed/changed at any time by the post commander, general membership, and/or executive committee. ALR organizational documents, and any changes, must be approved by the post.
Chapter Responsibilities ALR Finances: • ALR may have a bank account. • A post officer (usually the post treasurer) must be signatory on such an account. • Name on signature card at the bank. • Does not mean this person has authority to approve or disapprove expenditures. • Riders must render both a financial report and an activities report each month to the post.
ALR National Committee The American Legion Riders National Liaison Committee to The Internal Affairs Commission. • Terry Woodburn, IL Chairman • Thomas (TJ) Haynes, TX Vice-Chairman • Mike Kirchoff, FL • Don Behrens, KS • Bill Kaledas, MI • Alaina Murphy, NH • Bob Sussan, VA • John Moffitt, AZ • Dave Gough, WI
Best Practices Discussion
The American Legion Riders Questions?
The American Legion Riders Hour 2—Legal and administrative
The American Legion Riders® Logo, patch, and words The American Legion Riders® are registered service marks of The American Legion® “Legion Riders” is also considered by the courts to be a word mark protected from use by other groups to describe motorcycle programs.
Penalties Congress gives The American Legion “sole and exclusive right…” Title 36, Sect. 48, United States Code “Whoever manufactures, sells, or purchases for resell…any article of merchandise bearing the…emblem…of a veteran’s organization…shall be fined…or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both. Title 18, Sect. 705 U.S.C.
Other Penalties Federal courts have established corrective actions for instances of theft of marks. Members of an unincorporated group, or their heirs, may be sued individually for: • Court costs • Attorney fees • Treble damages • Personal property • Recovery of all items • Other legal remedies as court may direct
Permission Permission to use the emblems or word marks will be granted by the National Adjutant for any legitimate purpose. • Clothing • Jewelry • Specialty items (derby covers) • Key chains • Wallets • Fundraising items
Permission Emblem Request form is in the Officers Guide, pages 153-154. (or) http://www.legion.org/emblem/request • Clothing • Jewelry • Specialty items (derby covers, rifles, or custom art) • Key chains • Wallets • Fundraising items Permission is considered to be granted for routine post and department stationery, posters, or other daily needs—but should be obtained for any outside vendors preparing such letterhead, stationery, posters, and other goods—if they are good businesspersons they will know the risk.
Patch Borders Notice the border on the American Legion Baseball® emblem…since removed.
US Trademark Law • American Legion programs must satisfy the “constant and continuous control requirement” of US Trademark Law. • True whether or not a charter exists. • True whether or not the program forms a 501c entity of any sort. • ALR programs must follow the five rules of subsidiary corporations. • This is true of all American Legion programs with trademarked logos or words. Ex: AL Baseball, Oratorical, Sons of The American Legion, Legacy Scholarship, NEF, etc.
US Trademark Law— “5 Rules” • All officers, directors, trustees, etc. must be named by the post (usually nominated by the post commander and confirmed by the post executive committee). • SAL and Riders may be given the courtesy of holding elections—such elections are not valid until the report of elections is approved by vote at post meeting. • The new officers might also be “installed” at a suitable ceremony. • The post commander, members, and/or executive committee retain the right to remove/change SAL/ALR officers at any time for any reason. • IAW post constitutions, the commander may replace or remove program chairmen or program officers for any reason.
US Trademark Law— “5 Rules” • All officer/trustee vacancies in the subsidiary corporation must be filled by the post. • SAL and Riders are usually, but not always, given the freedom to nominate the replacement officers as needed • Such nominations to be confirmed by the post commander, post executive committee, or by vote at a post meeting.)
US Trademark Law— “5 Rules” • The subsidiary corporation must report to the post no less frequently than monthly. These reports must include financial reports. • Riders and SAL programs report to the post, typically with both an activities report and a financial report at regular post meetings. • Post might ask for additional reports, or that the financial report be submitted in writing to the finance officer/treasurer with documentation.
US Trademark Law— “5 Rules” 4. The Post treasurer or finance officer or post fiscal officer must be signatory on all accounts. • The post is responsible for funds maintained in all subordinate programs, and must account for all program finances on annual tax forms, 990 forms, and annual reports to their memberships. • Having a post officer as signatory on the account allows access and maintains openness and accountability. • This demonstrates the “constant and continuous control requirement” of US Trademark Law
US Trademark Law— “5 Rules” • All amendments to articles of incorporation or by-laws must be approved by the post. If the current text has not been approved by the post, it too must be so approved. • Any words or phrases in conflict with post, department, or national SOPs, articles of incorporation, or bylaws are void. • Approval is normally granted by the general membership or the post executive committee.
ALR Constitutions and Bylaws • Constitutions and Bylaws? • Nice, but not necessary– this is a NALRIC artifact. • Introduces difficulty in changing program. • Widespread use of C&BL does not mean it is necessarily the most efficient way to run a program. • Other forms of organizational documents • SOPs (easier to change with member input) • Articles of Incorporation • “House rules”
Legal Issues Nonprofits? Charitable organizations? 501(c)19? 501(c)3? …a complicate and dangerous area!
Nonprofit “legal entities” 501c(19) - organizations or posts of past military veterans 501c(3) - charitable organizations As separate legal entities: Lose the right to wear the American Legion names/logos. Must file forms 990 and other documents. Are still subject to “5 Rules.” Cannot lobby for veterans. Status does not protect post. May be sued. • Auxiliaries and subordinate programs of posts are already tax-exempt. • Logos and naming permissions already granted as a program of The American Legion.
Finances and Insurance Resolution 35: “Sponsoring organization (Post and Department) will review liability insurance coverage to ensure that adequate coverage is available to cover the organization to include coverage for any specific special riding events; . . .”
The American Legion Riders Questions?
The American Legion Riders LEAD Training—ALR Programs