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Organizational Behavior

Explore the field of organizational behavior, its historical development, different management theories, and contemporary issues such as telecommuting, green business practices, outsourcing, and the impact of different workforce generations.

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Organizational Behavior

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  1. Organizational Behavior Module 1: Introduction to Organizational Behavior

  2. Module Learning Outcomes Describe the field of organizational behavior and discuss its relevance to the workplace 1.1: Describe the general history of management theory and practice and frame how organizational behavior has developed from these into a discreet field 1.2: Describe organizational behavior and differentiate between the three levels of influence 1.3: Describe contemporary issues and topics in organizational behavior

  3. Management Theory and Organizational Behavior

  4. Learning Outcomes: Management Theory and Organizational Behavior 1.1: Describe the general history of management theory and practice and frame how organizational behavior has developed from these into a discreet field 1.1.1: Describe the history of management theory 1.1.2: Differentiate among Scientific, Administrative, and Bureaucratic Management Theories 1.1.3: Differentiate among Human Relations, General, and X&Y Management Theories 1.1.4: Describe the relationship between management theory and organizational behavior

  5. Management Theories • Started in the Industrial Revolution • Needed to organize work for many • Leverage better technology • Management theories help organizations • Focus • Communicate • Evolve

  6. Early Management Theories (early 1900s) • Scientific Management Theory (Taylor) • Championed the efficient and effective completion of tasks • Administrative Management Theory (Fayol) • Fourteen pillars for organizational strength and health • Bureaucratic Management Theory (Weber) • Encouraged detailed company objectives and division of labor

  7. Later Management Theories (1920–1960) • Human Relations Management Theory/The Hawthorne Effect (Elton Mayo) • Human interaction and management influences productivity • General Systems Theory (von Bertalanffy) • The sum of an organization’s productivity is dependent on the health of all its parts • X&Y Management Theory (McGregor) • X management approach – employees are inherently lazy, hate work • Y management approach – employees are internally motivated

  8. Organizational Behavior (1970s)

  9. Practice Question 1 In addition to advances in technology, ________ was a large motivation in the development of management theory during The Industrial Revolution. • industry regulations • turnover • sustainability • productivity

  10. Practice Question 2 Which of the following statements describes the Scientific Management Theory? • Fourteen principles which created strong, successful companies • The belief that workers are lazy and need to be coerced into performing • Finding the most efficient and effective ways to complete tasks • A clear division of labor and clearly defined tasks

  11. Practice Question 3 How is management theory connected to organizational behavior? • Management theory established the foundation for organizational behavior • The same theorist who developed management theory developed organizational behavior • There is no connection between organizational behavior and management theory • Organizational theory helped to develop management theory

  12. Organizational Behavior as Its Own Field

  13. Learning Outcomes: Organizational Behavior as Its Own Field 1.2: Describe organizational behavior and differentiate between the three levels of influence 1.2.1: Describe how organizational behavior evolved into its own unique field 1.2.2: Differentiate between the three levels of influence

  14. Understanding Organizational Behavior • The academic study of an organization through the behavior of its members • Intended to explain behavior and make behavioral predictions • Incorporates components of management, psychology, leadership, personality traits, motivation, etc.

  15. Three levels of influence • The individual • The group • The organization

  16. Practice Question 4 How is organizational behavior unique? • It includes a wide range of topics and is always adapting • Behavior is a simple topic and a common academic study • Organizational behavior is another management theory • Organizational behavior is not unique

  17. Practice Question 5 What are the three levels of influence? • Individual, group, and organization • Logical, emotional, and cooperative • Informational, psychological, and biological • Private, public, and corporate

  18. Contemporary Issues

  19. Learning Outcomes: Contemporary Issues 1.3: Describe contemporary issues and topics in organizational behavior 1.3.1: Analyze the benefits and complications of telecommuting 1.3.2: Examine the growing focus on green business practices and sustainability 1.3.3: Analyze the benefits and complications of outsourcing 1.3.4: Describe the different workforce generations and their impact on the workforce

  20. Telecommuting • Requires employees to be self-motivated • Harder to manage employees that aren’t in close proximity • Reduced daily interactions between employees • Non-telecommuters resent employees who are able to do so • Allows employees to work anywhere, anytime • Better work/life balance for employees • Fewer distractions outside the office environment • Better employee retention • Lower cost for organizations—no need to provide office

  21. Green Business Practices • Increased focus on sustainability as consumers become more aware • Organizations struggle to reconcile sustainability practices with business goals and profitability

  22. Outsourcing The practice of hiring external assets to provide services to help perform job functions typically done by internal employees • Enabled by modern technology • Freelancing

  23. Class Activity: Outsourcing • Get into groups of five or more, and be ready with a pen and a piece of paper. • Together, you’re going to write a three-paragraph story about two children and their trip to the grocery store for their mother. • First paragraph: Include why they must go to the grocery store. • Second paragraph: Talk about the people the children meet at the grocery store, and what items they actually purchase. • Third paragraph: The children return home with their purchases, and present them to their mother. Include their mother’s reaction and resolve the story. • Take two minutes to discuss the plot of your three paragraph story • Now start writing! • But wait! Two of you must split off and write the second paragraph of the story without any interaction with the rest of the group from this point forward

  24. Workforce Generations Three generations active in today’s workforce: • Baby Boomers • Generation X • Generation Y (Millennials)

  25. Practice Question 6 Select one of the benefits of telecommuting. • Self-motivation • Limited face-to-face meetings and interactions • Working from anywhere, anytime • Telecommuters can work with people who work full time

  26. Practice Question 7 Which of the following is a complication of outsourcing? • Range of employee skills • Advanced technology • Multiple backgrounds and cultures • Increased profit margins

  27. Practice Question 8 Which workforce generation created meeting culture? • Generation X • Baby Boomers • Generation Z • Generation Y

  28. Quick Review • Management theories developed when managers struggled with the best way to manage large numbers of people and developing technology • Management theories gave way to organizational behavior as a discipline, which studies how groups influence organizations • Three levels of influence within organizational behavior are • Individual • Group • Organization • Contemporary issues that organizational behavior attempts to address include • Telecommuting • Outsourcing • Workforce generations

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