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Welcome to 2nd Grade Curriculum Night. 2012 - 2013. Second Grade Teachers. Ms. Kantzos Room 30 Mrs. King Room 18 Mrs. Klier Room 20 Mrs. McBurney Room 13 Mrs. Potts Room 16 Mrs. Williams Room 17. Reading.
Welcome to 2nd GradeCurriculum Night 2012 - 2013
Second Grade Teachers Ms. Kantzos Room 30 Mrs. King Room 18 Mrs. Klier Room 20 Mrs. McBurney Room 13 Mrs. Potts Room 16 Mrs. Williams Room 17
Reading Combination Whole Group/Small Group Your child will: • Master sound/symbol relationships • Blend sounds to form words • Read with understanding (comprehension) • Develop oral reading fluency • Develop literal, logical, and critical thinking skills • Develop listening skills through exposure to high-quality literature • Your child will also be participating in Daily 5 activities
Reading - Common Core Academic Content Standards Approved - AZ. State Board of Education June 2010 Grades 2 and 3 – Using the Common Core Standards this Year Performance objectives are very specific Represents the skills that are a part of everyday expectations The main focus is on deepen understanding a more meaningful, rigorous lessons for our students so they can read and comprehend complex text. Students will analyze and use critical thinking skills to communicate opinions and how to support them in arguments.
Math The following is a list of math concepts that we will be working on throughout the year: • Place Value and Counting • 2 and 3 Digit Addition with/without Regrouping • 2 and 3 Digit Subtraction with/without Regrouping • Money • Telling time to 5 minutes • Fractions • Geometry (Shapes, Symmetry) • Word Problems will be used with each concept.
MathDOK(Depth of Knowledge) Students Will: • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving the problem • Reason abstractly and quantitatively • Model with mathematics • Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning • Come up with multiple solutions to a problem (i.e. 5+5=10, 6+4=10, 11-1=10, 10 ones, 1 ten, 10 pennies, 1 nickel and 5 pennies.) • Use different mathematical strategies to solve a problem.
Writing Your child will be given numerous opportunities to write daily. • Writing pieces which give your child continuing exposure to the writing process (pre-writing, rough draft, editing/revision, publishing) using the Write From the Beginning Series. • Literacy response activities • Book Report projects • Different types of genre writing include: • Friendly Letters • Narratives • Functional Text (classroom rules, letters, experiments, recipes, notes/messages, labels, directions, posters, graphs/tables) • Poetry, Rhymes and Chants • Literature Responses • Expository Text
Spelling and Handwriting Your child will receive a group of spelling words weekly. The list will include assigned words using the Words Their Way program, 2nd grade sight words, and dictation. A percentage grade will be given for spelling accuracy. Formal tests will be given on the last day of the week. Your child’s handwriting effort will also be evaluated on this test. Handwriting Evaluation Handwriting effort grades are determined by performance on weekly spelling tests and random selections of daily work. MS Excellent-Correct and consistent formation and spacing of letters and words. Writing is neat and legible. P Satisfactory-Some flaws in handwriting appear. Refer to “MS” for other criteria. AC Needs Improvement-Substantial flaws and/or lacks effort to improve. Illegible writing.
Science • Life Cycles • Digestive, Respiratory, and Circulatory Systems • Solids, Liquids, and Gases • Types of Clouds • Measuring Weather • Inventors and their Inventions
Social Studies • Research Skills, timelines • American Colonies and the New Nation • Westward Expansion • The Foundations of Government • Branches of Government • Economics-producers and consumers • Map Skills • Citizenship and Character Counts
EVALUATING THEPRIMARY STUDENT • DIBELS – reading fluency • DAILY 5/CAFE • DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) – reading fluency and comprehension • SAT 10 • 2nd Grade Sight Words (Reading and spelling) • Words Their Way • Write from the Beginning • Common Core assessments • Teacher Observation
Grading • Letter Grading • Percentage • Rubric • Effort • Progress Reports • Report Card
Grading Letter Grade Percentage Rubric Effort Progress Report A 98-100 A+ 4 (6 & 5) E OG 94-97 A (On Grade Level) 90-93 A- B 88-89 B+ 3 S OG 84-87 B (On Grade Level) 80-83 B- C 78-79 C+ 2 74-77 C 70-73 C- D 68-69 D+ 1 N BG 64-67 D (Below Grade Level) 60-63 D- F 0-59 0 Report CardIndicators:MS: 100%-90%P: 89%-75%AC: 74% and below
Homework • The focus in second grade is READING , 20 minutes per night. In addition, we will send home the following: • Words Their Way (word sorts and activities) • Math practice/enrichment • Special Projects The Second Grade team will be sending homework home on Fridays. It is due the following Friday. Homework will not be graded, however it will be monitored for participation. *Please note: Homework not turned in by the student on Friday will result in the loss of Friday free time.
Fun Friday • Fun Friday - free time activities • Completed homework • Completed class work • A+ Behavior Consequences • 2 letters from S.T.O.R.M = loss of free time activities. • Incomplete assignments will be completed during this time.
S = Warning = Time Out* = Reflection Center = Office Referral = Detention T O R M Santan Storm * 2 letters in one week will result in a loss of Fun Friday
Santan School-Wide Bully Program - Olweus What is Bullying? • A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. Expressed in more everyday language one might say: Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.
Santan School-Wide Bully Program – Olweus What Are the Goals of the Program? The goals of the program are to: • reduce any existing bullying problems among students • prevent the development of new bullying problems • achieve better peer relations at school (Classroom Lessons weekly) Our School’s Anti-Bullying Rules • We will not bully others • We will try to help students who are bullied. • We will try to include students who are left out. • If we know that somebody is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.
Volunteers We love to have family members- parents, grandparents, high school students – join us as volunteers in our second grade classroom! Please see your teacher if you are interested in volunteering. While in the classroom, you will sometimes be working with students, and/or viewing student work and behavior. In order to maintain a professional atmosphere where students are safe to work, learn, and play at their own levels, it is essential that we keep all observations confidential. Out of respect for the students, we ask that you do not share private information about students that you may witness in the classroom with other people. Children perform at varying learning levels and have different personalities. By asking you to follow these guidelines, we can ensure that information about your child will be kept private as well. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation on this policy. We look forward to working with you this year!
Bits and Pieces Snacks Students are permitted to bring their own healthy snack from home to eat during class time. We will have a "working snack," where the class will continue to work on assignments. Candy is not considered a snack, and if brought, will be asked to put away until dismissal. Lunch If your child will be purchasing lunch through the school, please have them give us their money or check in the morning so we can add it to their lunch account or bring it to the MPR room before school starts. You can also access your student’s lunch account at www.mylunchmoney.com. You are welcome to join your child for lunch on Fridays. Dismissal Please be sure to send an email or a note with your child anytime he/she will be going home a different way than usual (bus rather than walk, home with a friend, etc.) In order to minimize distractions in the classroom, parents are expected to wait outside in the designated parent pick-up area until the bell rings.
Tax Credit Q and A Q: Who can donate? A: Any Arizona tax payer. This includes... • Family Friends • Any Community Members • Aunts and Uncles
What do we use the Tax Credits for? We use tax credits to fund our field trips. We are currently planning the following field trips for this year: • Halle Heart Center • Childsplay Theater • Arizona Science Center - Weather • Science on Wheels • Rockin’ R Ranch • Dickersen Orthodontics
Thank You for Coming! • Thank you so much for coming. We can’t wait to work with your children this school year! • It’s a privilege to be a part of your children’s learning development and it is so rewarding to see the progress they make along the way! • If you ever have any questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to call, set up a meeting, or email your child's teacher. - The 2nd Grade Team