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Exploring Relevant Health Issues in the US Healthcare System

This unit focuses on understanding the structure of the US healthcare system, identifying pros and cons, and exploring current health science issues. Students will visit the National Institute of Health website, attend a seminar, and complete a WebQuest.

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Exploring Relevant Health Issues in the US Healthcare System

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  1. Ice breaker: While we wait for class to start at the top of the hour, from Unit 5, please share at least 1 elective course that you are excited about potentially taking in the future. Why are you looking forward to it? Unit 6: Identifying Relevant Health Science Issues

  2. Student Technical Support Phone Live Chat If experiencing any technical difficulties, please call Technical Support at: 1-866-522-7747

  3. Check the Announcements

  4. Unit 6: Identifying Relevant Health Issues

  5. Unit 6 Outcomes After completing this unit, you should be able to: • Explain the structure and organization of the US healthcare system. • List two pros of the current healthcare system. • List two cons of the current healthcare system. • Identify several relevant health science issues.

  6. Unit 6: To-Do List Reading You will visit the National Institute of Health Website to read about current issues in healthcare http://www.nih.gov/ Seminar (20 points)You will attend Seminar where you will discuss a number of relevant health science issues. Assignment (80 points)You will explore the healthcare system by completing a WebQuest. Reading: Staying Motivated You are more than half way done with your course. Check out the presentation on Staying Motivated. Also check out the Extra! Extra! tab for some great current event resources.

  7. Extra! Extra ! Issues in Health Care • The Truth About Health Care Insurance Reform • Watch this video to learn some important facts about health care insurance reform. Health Care Problems • Health Care Problems.org • This website outlines some issues related to health care.

  8. Unit 6: Identifying Relevant Health Issues

  9. Unit 6: Readings

  10. Website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18751150

  11. Search key words: Structure and Organization of Health care

  12. Web Field Trip Please click on the link below to explore the abstracts on your own (from the screenshots on the previous slides). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21938977 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21916090 When you come back, please share a pro or con that you learned from your review of these current abstracts.

  13. National Institutes of Health website

  14. Staying Motivated

  15. Expected Challenges – Time Management

  16. Unit 6 Assignment • Read the instructions on the “Introduction” page. • Then select “Task” and read the instructions to gain an understanding of the purpose of the WebQuest. • Next, select “Process” and, using the Internet resources provided, think about and work through the 12 questions on your own. You do not need to submit your responses to these 12 questions as part of your assignment as this is just a critical thinking exercise, which is providing you with foundational knowledge for the next step. • Then, on the left side of your screen under “Process” choose one “Focus Area” that you are interested in from the six choices listed. The six choices are: • Veteran’s Administration • Mental Health/Substance Abuse Treatment & Prevention • Women’s Health/Family Planning • Health Promotion/Disease Prevention • Long-term Care • Public Health

  17. Unit 6 Assignment (Continued) • For the “Focus Area” you’ve chosen, work through the questions and take notes using the Internet resources provided. • When you have finished your research from the questions in your “Focus Area”, prepare a short PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides not including cover slide and reference slide) that is designed to show why your selected “Focus Area” of the healthcare system should receive funding. Imagine a realistic scenario that there are limited monies available, and “sell” why your “Focus Area” should receive it, based upon the several questions you answered about it.

  18. Unit 6 Assignment Submission of assignment Upload the completed presentation to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: To username_HS100_section_unit 6 Project/Assignment/ppt(username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below: Directions for Submitting Your Project/Assignment • Go to the Dropbox. • Click the link that says “Submit Project/Assignment” • In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 6: Assignment. • In the optional “Comments” field, type any additional information you would like your instructor to see. • Click the button that says “Add Attachments.” • Follow the steps listed to complete attaching your file. • Click OK. • Click Submit. • You should revisit the Dropbox to view any helpful feedback your instructor has left for you.

  19. Making PowerPoint Presentations • If you do not have Microsoft’s PowerPoint on your computer, here is a link where they can download a free 60 day trial. However, you may need to purchase it for future school project • http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/try/?WT%2Emc%5Fid=ODC%5FENUS%5FOATPowerptHome%5FMonTry • You can also go to www.openoffice.org 

  20. Webquest (http://learn.gwumc.edu/hscidist/LearningObjects/HealthSystem/index.htm)

  21. WebquestTask

  22. WebquestProcess

  23. WebquestProcess Examine . . .

  24. Focus Areas (select 1 from the list of 6)

  25. Questions or Comments?

  26. Unit 7: Selecting and Organizing Health Science Resources

  27. Unit 7: Assignment (Due 06/05/2012) Create a portfolio in the form of an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 15 resources for your profession (minimum of three for each category). These can include brochures, organizations, books, articles, web sites (no more than twelve websites) and more. Your portfolio should be structured using the following outline. This should also have an annotated bibliography outlining each resource. Please use the link from the KUWC to help you with your annotated bibliography, which is located under the Reading Icon. Please know that how you respond to the five categories below is going to be unique to your specific degree program, and career goals. Please feel free to refer to websites in previous units, such as those under the Extra! Extra tab, or the Reading Icon, as resources to help you in your research. • Current issues • Professional associations • Educational resources • Professional journals • Areas of current research Submit as an annotated bibliography to the Dropbox. Upload the completed paper to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-HS100-section-unit7 Project/Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox

  28. Artic Circle/North Pole http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/11/photogalleries/north_pole/index.html

  29. Alaska’s Bering Sea

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