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Becky Howarth

History of photography. Becky Howarth . Walker Evans.

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Becky Howarth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. History of photography Becky Howarth

  2. Walker Evans Walker Evans born November, 1903 – April 10, 1975. Evans was an American photographer and his work was best known for the Farm Security Administration documenting the affects for the Great Depression. Walker Evans became a photographer in 1930, and in 1933 he took photographs in Cuba during the clash against Geraldo Machado. Evans influenced Ernest Hemingway with his work, he was a passionate reader and writer. He said that his goal as a photographer was to make pictures that are literate, authorative and transcendent.

  3. These boots seem as though they have been put there for a reason, but why? It makes people wonder why they are there and what’s the reason for it, he has made them look very unnatural by using an odd number of things. These are two very old pictures, one shows that she's used the shape triangle by doing a family portrait.

  4. This is just a basic picture of a dining table from a distance and some of it has been cut off. The lighting shows more at the front of the picture and fades at the back. This picture looks quite natural because there is not just an even number of things in it there is a few more objects around the main photo. But the focus is all on the boy and the dog.

  5. The houses are both identical so this sort of represents symmetry and it looks quite natural because of the other things that are going on in front of the houses.

  6. Luigi Bussolati http://www.luigibussolati.com/

  7. Since 1990, Bussolati has been investigating the potential for artificial light to re-design and invent the concept of space and landscape.

  8. In these pictures, he is creating a sense of mess. It catches the viewers attention, you have to look closer to work out what objects are in the photo, and to work out which view you are looking at them from. It’s a great idea as straight away your drawn to the photos and as you get more and more in depth of understanding, then you begin not only to realise what the photo is about but that the photo is actually very nice and creative.

  9. These photos are very symmetrical. Bussolati has done this very well. When looking at these photos, you are drawn to the middle. On all of the photos, there is a nice centre piece, and as your eyes start to move across you notice some of the other lovely things that he has added. Its simple, and gives the viewer a feeling of calm.

  10. When photographing people, Luigi uses the rule of even and odd. In this photo, he places the girl at the front, a boy further behind to the side and another boy even further behind to the other side. Its nice how the focus slowly decreases and the people get further back giving the impression of mystery and a feeling that the picture is more natural. In this photo, he again has three people. At first glance, you can only notice the two girls, but as you look further into the pictures meaning, you can notice a man knelt down behind the girl, making the photo look more natural.

  11. This photo of the landscape gives the viewer a sense of calm and relaxation and Is very nice on the eye.

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