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Save environment by reducing use of polythenes

Save environment by reducing use of polythenes. From 14 th to 19 th Sept 09. Idea obtained from society….

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Save environment by reducing use of polythenes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Save environment by reducing use of polythenes From 14th to 19th Sept 09

  2. Idea obtained from society…. • Every year, around 500 billion (500,000,000,000) plastic bags are used worldwide. So many that over one million bags are being used every minute and they're damaging our environment.  India's plastics consumption is one of the highest in the world.

  3. Problems in use of plastic bags Given India's poor garbage collection and recycling facilities, tons of plastic bags litter the roads, preventing rainwater from seeping into the ground. Hundreds of cows die in New Delhi alone every year when they choke on plastic bags while trying to eat vegetable waste stuffed in the garbage.

  4. All this motivated to find solution of this problem with the help of small but energetic children

  5. Implementation process Explaining problem to the students Field visit to demonstrate effect of use of polythene Explaining how can they reduce use of polythene Motivation of students not to use polythene Collection of data form each student daily for week Feedback from parents ,shopkeepers and other members of colony

  6. Teams for project…..

  7. Members of team…. • Mentor teacher • Students for data collection • Students for implementing projects • Feedback • MrL.B.Sharma • Ms. Tushar ( VIII class) • Ms. Prakhar Jain (VII class) • Ms Arpit (VI class) • All students of class VI ,VII, VIII • Form 4 teachers. 1 shopkeeper in colony and school sweeper

  8. Format used for data collection

  9. Students of KV picking polythene waste in Khajjiar during adventure trip

  10. Outcomes……. • Av. Use of polythene on first day 07 and last day 03 • Students reduce the use of polythene significantly. • Students dumped there toffee and packaging wrappers in separate dustbin kept for polythene • Students even requested many teachers not to use polyethene • Some students requested there parents (shopkeepers) to use polythene only on requirement. This project also proved that we can solve many such problems through projects involving children of age group 10- 13 yrs

  11. Ultimately success of this project can be judged from this fact that students requested me (Mentor Teacher )in market not to use polythene at least two times .This project also shows that students of age group 10—13 yr are very innocent .We can solve many of our National problems by educating them through these small projects

  12. The End

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