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Wind policies in Italy

Wind policies in Italy. Gianni Silvestrini Advisor to the Ministry of Economic Development Ewec, Milan, 7 may 2007. The wind situation: moderate growth, with possible acceleration. Average new installations in 2004-6: 450 MW/year Total power 2006: 2.123 MW

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Wind policies in Italy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wind policies in Italy Gianni Silvestrini Advisor to the Ministry of Economic Development Ewec, Milan, 7 may 2007

  2. The wind situation: moderate growth, with possible acceleration • Average new installations in 2004-6: 450 MW/year • Total power 2006: 2.123 MW • Total electricity generated: 3,2 TWh/y (1% total consumption) • Estimate for 2007: 2.800 MW • Estimate for 2012: 5.000 – 8.000 MW

  3. Wind power in Italian regions 2,5 Total installed 2.123 MW 3,5 6,5 (1,7) Installed in 2006 417 MW 28 (26) 1,5 155 9 70 (19) 460 (120) 417 (8) 346 (12) 153 (68) 7 (7) 452 (142)

  4. Share of wind turbines by manufactures (end of 2006)

  5. Wind operators in Italy

  6. Evolution of the wind turbines size

  7. Industrial development • Vestas Italia: 440 MW produced in 2006 (60% exported in China) • A couple of new companies intend to go to the market • Emerging companies of small size turbines (< 20 kW)

  8. Present incentives scheme very favourable • Compulsory RES electricity quota (in 2007 3,05 %) • Value of green certificates issued for the 2006 production: 125 €/MWh • Green certificates valid for 12 years • Moreover: Sale of electricity at 60-80 €/MWh…

  9. Problems still open • Undefined situation of tariffs in the medium term • Lenghty authorization process • Hostility by some Region • Cases of delays in interconnections

  10. New policy directions • New law in discussion to be adopted in 2007: - New tariff structure (feed-in scheme for small plants; still in discussion for large turbines) - New simpler authorization process - Possibility to overcome Regions blocks - Clearer conditions for grid connection

  11. Other actions • Interministerial guidelines on siting • Definition of new targets for 2012 (Del. Cipe 2007) • “Industry 2015 law”: creation of an Italian renewable industry (350 M€, coupled with 2.3 billions € of European funds)

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