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Directions The CHIPPEWA VALLEY RAILROAD Association is located in Eau Claire’s Carson Park directly across from Carson Park Stadium. There are two entrances to the park, from Fifth Avenue and from Menomonie Street.

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  1. Directions The CHIPPEWA VALLEY RAILROAD Association is located in Eau Claire’s Carson Park directly across from Carson Park Stadium. There are two entrances to the park, from Fifth Avenue and from Menomonie Street. From downtown Eau Claire, take Lake Street to Carson Park and follow the signs for CVRR parking. Chippewa Valley Railroad Association Membership Membership in the CHIPPEWA VALLEY RAILROAD is $5 dollars per year, and is open to persons 12 or older. Volunteers are welcome. Monthly meetings, work parties, and occasional picnics are held to maintain, repair, and improve the depot, grounds, and equipment. The group often swaps railroad yarns over hot dogs, cookies, soda pop, and real RR coffee. The CHIPPEWA VALLEY RR is available for private parties or corporate functions. For more information contact: Chippewa Valley Railroad Association 3750 Rimridge Road Eau Claire, WI 54701-5906 TRAIN RIDES Open Noon until 5 P.M. every Sunday & Holiday from Memorial Day to Labor Day (including 4th of July) From Interstate 94, take Exit 65 to Highway 37 north, then proceed to US 12. Take US 12 west to Menomonie Street and turn right. The entrance to Carson Park is ahead on the left just before the Dairy Queen. Please call (715) 831-0900 for more information on Sundays from Noon until 5 P.M., or visit: www.chippewavalleyrailroad.com Children $2.00 Adults $3.00

  2. Our Story The CHIPPEWA VALLEY RAILROAD Association is a non-profit corporation founded in 1973, Members volunteer time and labor to operate, maintain, and improve the equipment and facilities for the benefit of all area railroad enthusiasts. Land in scenic Carson Park is leased from the City of Eau Claire for the depot, roundhouse, and tracks. Major funding for equipment purchases of the CVRR have come from the Hobbs Foundation, First Wisconsin National Bank of Eau Equipment The CHIPPEWA VALLEY RAILROAD Association owns and operates three engines along a 16-inch railway. No. 19, a 4-4-0 locomotive, is a 16” gauge live steam-powered coal burning engine that can pull up to 5 passenger coaches. Originally built in 1920, the engine’s builder was thought to have lived in Racine, Wisconsin. Claire, Royal Credit Union, Indianhead Kiwanis, Eau Claire Noon Lions Club, the Amos Golisch Memorial Fund, American Materials, the Chippewa Valley Technical College, the Eau Claire Ladies Club, and various individuals. No. 8101 is a 16” gauge EMD F-7 diesel replica that represents the 1950’s era of the streamlined passenger train. It is a complete set of locomotive and four coaches built in 1955 by the Miniature Train Co. of Rensselar, Indiana and restored by the CVRR in 1981. No. 16, modeled after the 1880 Rogers-type engine, is another 16” gauge live steam locomotive reminiscent of America’s Old West. It was originally built in 1960 for amusement park service.

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