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Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective. Jan M. Rabaey Anantha Chandrakasan Borivoje Nikolic. The Devices. July 30, 2002. Goal of this chapter. Present intuitive understanding of device operation Introduction of basic device equations Introduction of models for manual analysis
Digital Integrated CircuitsA Design Perspective Jan M. Rabaey Anantha Chandrakasan Borivoje Nikolic The Devices July 30, 2002
Goal of this chapter • Present intuitive understanding of device operation • Introduction of basic device equations • Introduction of models for manual analysis • Introduction of models for SPICE simulation • Analysis of secondary and deep-sub-micron effects • Future trends
B A Al SiO 2 p n Cross-section of pn -junction in an IC process A Al A p n B B One-dimensional representation diode symbol The Diode Mostly occurring as parasitic element in Digital ICs
What is the most important fact(feature) about semiconductor? • 왜 반도체인가? 전도도가 도체와 절연체의 중간이라서? • Ans; 자유전자와 hole 의 공존(에너지 대역 상에서 서로 다른 곳에) • 왜 free electron 과 hole 이 존재하게 되는가? • Fermi 준위가 Band Gap 을 통과하는 물질이 반도체이다. Special names were given to two neighboring E-bands; Others are simply nameless; Conduction band and Valence band as 1st lane and 2nd lane in the 2-lane highway system. • Bound electron has quantized (discrete) E-levels; Perturbation of neighboring atoms in infinitum would produce E-continuum; Periodic structure of crystal lattice yields some screening of the perturbing effects of indirect neighbors yielding E-bands.
@반도체 에서 Energy Gap 이 생기는 이유 • 수소 단원자(Single hydrogen atom) 모델; discrete energy levels • 두 개의 수소 원자 모델; Split Energy levels • N 개의 수소 원자 모델; N 개의 split levels • What happens if N becomes so large?; Energy band and then Energy continuum. • What happens if that is the case with single crystal?; Energy gap appears due to screening effects
Questions to ask now. 1. Why are Q- and Q+ of the same magnitude? 2. Why BV gets smaller with higher doping? 3. How are potential drop divided between n- and p-regions in the depletion region? 4. How does current flow in each region, depletion region, neutral region, and region in between? Depletion Region
@PN junction • Charge neutrality; Qp=Qn ->q*Np*Xp=q*Nn*Xn • Va=Vp+Vn • Express Vp, Vn with N, X. • Express BV as a function of Ecrit. • Explain why BV goes low with higher N(Np or Nn).
Forward Bias Lp ; Diffusion Length Forward bias is typically avoided in Digital ICs
Reverse Bias The Dominant Operation Mode
Junction Capacitance You can derive this either from C=Es/Xd or from C=dQ/dV Why does LGJ(Linearly-Graded Junction) show less steep Cj Vs. Vd behavior?
Small-signal vs. Large-signal Capacitance • Small-signal; C=Es/Xd, where Xd is a function of V(bias voltage) • Large-signal; verage capacitance is defined by Ceq=(Qj(V1)-Qj(V2))/(V1-V2)
Secondary Effects 0.1 ) A ( 0 D I –0.1 –25.0 –15.0 –5.0 0 5.0 V (V) D Avalanche Breakdown For high-doped PN diode, this can be Zener breakdown Due to BTBT(Band-to-Band Tunneling)
|V | GS A Switch! An MOS Transistor What is a Transistor?
The MOS Transistor Polysilicon Aluminum
MOS Transistors -Types and Symbols D D G G S S Depletion NMOS Enhancement NMOS D D G G B S S NMOS with PMOS Enhancement Bulk Contact
The Threshold Voltage Potential drop for surface inversion Why has NMOS appeared Later than CMOS, i.e., P-well CMOS? Ans; Positive Qss. PMOS, p-well CMOS, NMOS, N-well CMOS, twin-well CMOS
-4 x 10 6 VGS= 2.5 V 5 Resistive Saturation 4 VGS= 2.0 V Quadratic Relationship (A) 3 VDS = VGS - VT D I 2 VGS= 1.5 V 1 VGS= 1.0 V 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 V (V) DS Current-Voltage RelationsA good ol’ transistor
Pinch-off Transistor in Saturation
A model for manual analysis parabola
-4 x 10 2.5 VGS= 2.5 V Early Saturation 2 VGS= 2.0 V 1.5 Linear Relationship (A) D I VGS= 1.5 V 1 VGS= 1.0 V 0.5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 V (V) DS Current-Voltage RelationsThe Deep-Submicron Era Mobility is inversely proportional to the vertical electric field, i.e., gate-source bias
5 u = 10 sat ) s / m ( n u x = 1.5 x (V/µm) c Velocity Saturation VDsat=Lvsat/mobility Constant velocity Constant mobility (slope = µ)
@Perspective Vdsat is Vds which launches Ecrit in the channel Explain why Vdsat is low with short-channel MOSFET. I D Long-channel device V = V GS DD Short-channel device V V - V V DSAT GS T DS
-4 x 10 -4 x 10 6 2.5 5 2 4 1.5 (A) 3 (A) D D I I 1 2 0.5 1 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 V (V) V (V) GS GS ID versus VGS linear quadratic quadratic Long Channel Short Channel
-4 -4 x 10 x 10 2.5 6 VGS= 2.5 V VGS= 2.5 V 5 2 Resistive Saturation VGS= 2.0 V 4 VGS= 2.0 V 1.5 (A) (A) 3 D D VDS = VGS - VT I I VGS= 1.5 V 1 2 VGS= 1.5 V VGS= 1.0 V 0.5 1 VGS= 1.0 V 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 V (V) V (V) DS DS ID versus VDS Long Channel Short Channel
G S D B @A unified modelfor manual analysis Vmin selects which of the three operating modes Come into play, linear, pinch-off,or velocity saturation. Channel length modulation Channel pinch-off velocity saturation
-4 x 10 2.5 VDS=VDSAT 2 VelocitySaturated 1.5 Linear 1 VDSAT=VGT 0.5 VDS=VGT Saturated 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 @Simple Model versus SPICE 모델과 식의 차이; Vsat onset 이 gradual 하기 때문 (A) D I (Channel pinch-off) V (V) DS
-4 x 10 0 -0.2 -0.4 (A) D I -0.6 -0.8 -1 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 V (V) DS A PMOS Transistor VGS = -1.0V VGS = -1.5V VGS = -2.0V Assume all variables negative! VGS = -2.5V
Subthreshold Conduction • Subthreshold or weak inversion region • Diffusion current due to concentration gradient saturates with Vd of > 0.1 V. • Slope factor; S=n(kT/q)ln(10)
Polysilicongate Source Drain W x x + + n n d d Gate-bulk L d overlap Top view Gate oxide t ox + + n n L Cross section The Gate Capacitance
Gate Capacitance Cut-off Resistive Saturation Most important regions in digital design: saturation and cut-off
Gate Capacitance Accumulation region Inversion with source/drain electron Cgc=Cgcb+Cgcs+Cgcd Cgb=0 Capacitance as a function of the degree of saturation Capacitance as a function of VGS (with VDS = 0)
@Extracting the SPICE parameter by Measuring the Gate Capacitance Apply const I, and measure V(t) to obtain C.
Diffusion (Junction) Capacitance Channel-stop implant N 1 A Side wall Source W N D Bottom x Side wall j Channel L Substrate N S A