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Structure of Advanced Medicine. Physiology. Genetics. Immunology. Bio Physics. Bio Chemistry. Fundamental Medicine. Molecular Medicine. Microbiology. pharmaceutics. Cell Biology. Disease. Bio Informatics. Cardiovascular systems. Tissue Engineering. Neuroscience systems.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Structure of Advanced Medicine Physiology Genetics Immunology Bio Physics Bio Chemistry Fundamental Medicine Molecular Medicine Microbiology pharmaceutics Cell Biology Disease BioInformatics Cardiovascular systems TissueEngineering Neurosciencesystems BiomedicalImaging Interdisciplinary Medicine Bioengineering Scientists

  2. How a disease is cured and its diagnostic and therapeutic approach comes in clinic Human Body Urological Diseases (M.D.) Cardiovascular Diseases (M.D.) Neurological Diseases (M.D.) Multiple Sclerosis Schizophrenia Stroke Epilepsy a Team of Medical Scientists a Team of Medical Scientists a Team of Medical Scientists a Team of Medical Scientists Fundamental Medicine Help to understand the nature of diseases Interdisciplinary Medicine Help to propose diagnostic and therapeutic approaches based on drug design and Technology Applied Sciences (Technology)

  3. Structure of Advanced Medicine PhD Physiology PhD PhD Immunology Genetics PhD PhD Bio Physics Bio Chemistry Medical Scientists PhD PhD Microbiology Molecular Medicine Fundamental Medicine PhD PhD pharmaceutics Cell Biology Neurology Schizophrenia Pathology Cardiology Pediatrics Endocrinology Neurological Diseases Clinical Medicine M.D. Epilepsy Stroke Multiple Sclerosis Surgery PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD Neurosciencesystems BiomedicalImaging TissueEngineering Cardiovascular systems BioInformatics Interdisciplinary Medicine Bioengineering Scientists

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