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Explore geological structure and mineral composition of rare metal minerals, including fluorides, phosphates, fluorocarbonates, niobates, and silicates at the Verkhnee Espe deposit. Discover unique features and group classifications of these minerals in detail.
Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences SATPAYEV INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Rare earth minerals from the Verkhnee Espe rare element deposit (East Kazakhstan) PhD student Baisalova A. baisalova73@mail.ru
Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences Geology of the Verkhnee Espe deposit The rare metal mineralization at the Verkhnee Espe deposit is related to altered alkaline granitic rocks of the Greater and Lesser cupolas and to the exo-contact altered host rocks. The host rocks are represented by the thin-bedded grey sandstone, siltstone, tuffite and carbonaceous materials. The host rocks are cut by pre-granitic dikes of diorite and diabase porphyry. The outcrops are composed of the following granitic rocks; - porphyritic biotite granite developed in the south-western part of the Greater Cupola; • the medium-coarse- grained riebeckite and pegmatoid granite composed about 70-80% of both outcrops; • the fine-grained riebeckite granite, which forms minor intrusions in inner parts of the Creater and Lesser Cupolas. Geological structure of the Verkhnee Espe deposit Biotite granite coarse- grained riebeckite Pegmatoid granite fine-grained riebeckite granite
Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences Rocks of Verkhnee Espe deposit The rare pegmatite veins are concentrated mostly within the Greater Cupola. The microcline-astrophyllite and albite-pegmatite facies are recognized. These facies are enriched in zircon minerals, more minerals of REE and Nb. The specific feature of the Verkhnee Espe deposit consists in the alkaline metamorphic alteration that has affected both granitic and host rocks and gave rise to the increased Li2O contents in micas, amphibole and to the enrichment of granite in Li, Rb, REE, Y, Nb, Zr. Pegmatite veins microcline-astrophylliterock Metacrystalls of narsarsukite in fenitized slate Albitized granite Metasomatic alteration slate of exo-contact riebeckite-albite apogranite Phenocryst crystals of Narsarsukite in fenitized siltstone.
Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences Classification of rare metal minerals • Mineral composition of deposit characterized by great diversity and include of 120 minerals. Among them are rare, very rare and re-discovered mineral types and species. • The minerals are distributed by classes as follows; • fluorides: gagarinite, fluorite-(Y), fluocerite; • phosphates: xenotime, monazite, fluorapatite; • fluorocarbonates: bastnesite - (Ce), bastnaesite - (Y), synchusite – (Y) • niobates: pyrochlor group minerals and fergusonite; • silicates: natrotitanite, gadolinite, yftisite, rowlandite
Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences Group of fluorides GagariniteNaCaYF6 Fluorite-(Y)(Ca,Y)(F,O,OH)2 BEI (compo) of an aggregate of gagarinite (grey), zircon (dark grey), quartz (black). BEI (compo) of an aggregate of bastnaesite-(Ce) (white) andfluorite-(Y) (black). An aggregate of gagarinite in phenite rocks The chemical composition of fluorite-(Y) The chemical composition of gagarinite The empirical formula, calculated on the basis of REEs+Ca+Na=3 apfu: 1. (Y0.68Ce0.14Nd0.10Dy0.07Gd0.06Sm0.05La0.03Er0.03Pr0.02Tb0.01)1.19Ca0.91Na0.89F6.28 2. (Y0.71Ce0.17Nd0.11Dy0.07Gd0.06Sm0.06La0.05Er0.03Pr0.03Tb0.02Eu0.01Ho0.01)1.33Ca0.96Na0.70F6.61.
Mineralogical laboratorySatpayev Institute of Geological Sciences Group ofphosphates Xenotime YPO4 SEIof an aggregate of xenotime (dark grey) and Y-bearing fluorite (grey). SEI of xenotime. The chemical composition (wt.) of xenotime BEI (compo) of an aggregate of aegirine with inclusions: K- feldspar (black) and REEs-bearing fluorapatite. Average of 3 analyses the empirical formula, calculated on the basis of P=1 apfu: (Y0.54Yb0.14Er0.09Dy0.06Ho0.02Lu0.02Gd0.01Ta0.01)0.89 ( P1.00O3.85). Monazite CePO4 The chemical composition (wt.) of monazite The average of 3 analyses the empirical formula, was calculated on the basis of REEs+Th+Si=1 apfu:(Ce0.53La0.31Nd0.09Pr0.03Th0.05)1.00(P1.06Si0.04)1.10O4.25. BEI (compo) of mineral-host monazite (white) with inclusions - crystals of zircon (grey).
Group of fluorocarbonates Mineralogical laboratorySatpaev Institute of Geological Sciences Bastnesite - (Ce) Bastnaesite-(Y)(Y,Сe)(CO3)F·nH2O The empirical formula of bastnaesite-(Y) was calculated on the basis of REEs+Co+Ca = 1(formula number corresponds to the number of analysis): (Y0.21Ce0.18Nd0.16Dy0.09Gd0.08Sm0.08La0.04Pr0.04Er0.02Yb0.02Ho0.01Co0.01Ca0.03Si0.02)0.99(CO3)F0.98; BEI (compo) of an aggregate of bastnaesite-(Ce) (grey) and bastnaesite-(Ce) with high Ca content (dark grey). BEI (compo) of an aggregate of bastnaesite-(Y) (white) and rowlandite-(Y) (grey). The chemical composition of bastnaesite-(Ce) Synchusite-(Y)СаY(CO3)2F The empirical formula of synchusite-(Y) was calculated on the basis (Ca0.82Y0.83Dy0.12Er0.08Yb0.04Gd0.03Ho0.02Sm0.01Si0.05)2.00(CO3)2(O0.23OH0.40F0.36Cl0.01)1.00; BEI (compo) of an aggregate of synchusite-(Y)(white) and quartz (black) in the rim of mineral “porridge”. Average of 3 analyses the empirical formula of Bastnaesite (Ce) was calculated on the basis of REEs+Th+Ca = 1: (Ce0.55La0.28Nd0.10Pr0.03Sm0.02Th0.01Ca0.01)1.00(CO3)(F1.91OH0.09).
Mineralogical laboratorySatpayev Institute of Geological Sciences Group of silicates Natrotitanite (Na0.5Y0.5)Ti(SiO4)O Rowlandite-(Y) Y4Fe2+Si4O14F2 Gadolinite-(Y) Y2Fe[BeSiO4]2(O,OH)2 BEI (compo) of rowlandite with variation of chemical composition. BEI (compo) of zones of gadolinite-(Y) with different Y content. BEI (compo) of an aggregate of wedge-shaped crystals of (Na,Y,REE)-bearing titanite (dark grey) and natrotitanite (grey). The polished section is approximately parallel to the direction of elongation of the crystals. BEI (compo) of an aggregate of rowlandite-(Y) (light grey) and fluorothalenite-(Y) with microinclusions of bastnaesite (white) and fluorite-(Y) (black). BEI (compo) of gadolinite-(Y) (grey) and gadolinite-(Y) with lower Y content (dark grey), in which inclusions of albite are black. Average of 8 analyses the empirical formula of gadolinite-(Y) was calculated on the basis of REEs+Y+Si = 4: (Y1.07Yb0.18Er0.16Dy0.15Ce0.06Ho0.04Gd0.03Tm0.03Nd0.03La0.02Sm0.02Lu0.02Tb0.02Eu0.01 Pr0.01Th0.01Si0.14)2.00(Fe0.69Ca0.21)0.89(Si2O8)Be2[О1.89(OH)0.11]2.00. BEI (compo) of an aggregate of natrotitanite (light grey), fluorite-(Y) (grey) and elpidite (dark grey).
Mineralogical laboratorySatpayev Institute of Geological Sciences Thank you for your attention