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Diversity of Modern Life

Discover the diverse life kingdoms, from Monera to Vertebrates, and their characteristics, shapes, and habitats. Learn about Protists, Fungi, Plants, various invertebrates, and vertebrates, and their unique features and classifications.

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Diversity of Modern Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Diversity of Modern Life

  2. Kingdom Monera (“Monerans”) • Smallest and simplest lifeforms • Unicellular (one-celled) • no nucleus • Bacteria and cyanobacteria

  3. Bacteria • Three basic shapes: • round (cocci) • rod (bacilli) • spiral (spirilli)

  4. Questions • What are two characteristics of the organisms in Kingdom Monera? • What is meant by unicellular? • What are the three shapes of bacteria?

  5. Kingdom Protista(“Protists”) • Single-celled or multicellular • more complex than organisms in Kingdom Monera • nucleus • protozoans (animal-like) • algae (plant-like)

  6. Protozoans • Kingdom Protista • no cell wall or chlorophyll • internal digestion • no locomotion (some)

  7. Algae • Cell walls • Chlorophyll • Photosynthetic • Placed in groups according to color and structure

  8. Questions • What are some characteristics of Protists? • What are the two types of Protists? • How are the two types of Protists different?

  9. Kingdom Fungi • Multicellular; complex • cell walls, no chlorophyll • Threadlike fungi (bread mold) • club fungi (mushrooms) • sac fungi (yeast and mildew)

  10. Questions • What are some characteristics of Fungi? • What are the three groups of fungi?

  11. Kingdom Plantae • Multicellular, cell walls, and chlorophyll • Largest and longest-living things on Earth • Vascular or Nonvascular

  12. Nonvascular Plants • CANNOT conduct water • Example: Moss • Moist environment

  13. Vascular Plants • CAN conduct water • Capable of living in drier areas • Club mosses, Ferns, Horsetails, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms

  14. Gymnosperms • Seed plant • name means “naked seed” • Most are conifers

  15. Angiosperms -Flowering Plants • Seed plant • name means “covered seed” • Seeds are produced inside ovaries • A ripened ovary is a fruit • largest/most diverse plants

  16. Questions • What is the major difference between a gymnosperm and an angiosperm? • What are three plant characteristics? • How are vascular and non vascular plants different?

  17. Sponges (invertebrate) • Simplest of the animal groups • lives in salt water attached to the bottom • Hollow central cavity • Two layers of body cells with tiny pores

  18. Coelenterates (invertebrate) • Jellyfish, hydras, and corals • two cell layers • Live in water • hollow body with a single opening

  19. Questions • What are three similarities between coelenterates and sponges?

  20. Flatworms (invertebrate) • Flattened body; mostly parasitic • one body opening • two eyespots (light detection) • Turbellarians (free-living) • Planarians (freshwater Turbellarians)

  21. Roundworms (invertebrate) • Rounded shaped • two body openings (eating and waste expulsion) • mostly free-living • Ex: Nematodes and hookworms

  22. Segmented Worms (invertebrate) • Rounded, segmented bodies • two body openings • has five hearts and a brain • Ex: leeches and marine tube worms

  23. Questions • In what major way are the three types of worms different? • How are the segmented worms MOST similar to the roundworms?

  24. Mollusks (invertebrate) • Soft-bodies, no shell: (octopus/squid) • well-developed organs • some with shells: (clams/oysters)

  25. Arthropods (invertebrate) • Largest group of animals • multiple body segments • jointed appendages (legs/arms) • exoskeleton (hard outer covering)

  26. Arthropods (continued) • Well-developed organs • insects, lobsters, crabs, and spiders

  27. Echinoderms (invertebrate) • Spiny skinned animals • star fish (sea stars), sand dollars, sea cucumbers • flexible arms; tube feet • known for regeneration (ability to grow new body parts)

  28. Questions • What is the major similarity between mollusks, echinoderms, and arthropods? • Which group of organisms are known for regeneration? • What is regeneration?

  29. Questions • What is the largest group of animals? • Describe an invertebrate. • An octopus and a clam belong to what group of invertebrates? • How is an endoskelton different from an exoskeleton?

  30. Vertebrates • Have backbones • body with a head and most have appendages • endoskeleton (internal skeleton for support/protection)

  31. Vertebrates (continued) • Endotherm (warm- blooded); these organisms can control their body temperature from within despite changes in the environment

  32. Vertebrates (continued) • Ectotherm (cold-blooded); body temperature changes with the environment

  33. Questions • What is the difference between an ectotherm and an endotherm? • How is a vertebrate different from an invertebrate?

  34. Jawless fishes • Ex: Sea lamprey • mouth is used for sucking fluids; no appendages (fins) • flexible skeleton made of cartilage • ectotherms

  35. Cartilaginous Fishes • Two pairs of fins; gills • ectotherms • strong teeth (sharks) • SKELETON MADE OF CARTILAGE • stingrays, skates, sharks

  36. Bony fishes • Flounder, eels, trout, and others • SKELETON MADE OF BONE • gills • streamlined bodies (narrow shape) • most numerous group of fish

  37. Questions • How are the cartilaginous fishes mainly different from the bony fishes? • What do the other fishes have that the jawless fishes do not have?

  38. Amphibians • Frogs, toads, salamanders • part of their life is spent on land and part of life is spent in the water; (ectotherms) • smooth, moist skin • gills when they are young and have lungs as adults

  39. Reptiles • Adapted to live on land (terrestrial) • breathe with lungs • body covered with plates or scales • ectotherms

  40. Reptiles • Dinosaurs • Turtles, snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and alligators • lay eggs in a leathery shell

  41. Birds • Bodies adapted for flight (light, bones, feathers, and wings) • Scaly legs and feet • lay eggs in a hard shell • endotherms

  42. Mammals • Advanced nervous system; highly developed brain • Endotherms • Hairy bodies • can occupy several habitats • give birth to live young; produce milk mammary glands

  43. Questions • Which animals spend part of their life on and part of it in the water? • What type of animals have scales or or hard plates?

  44. Questions • Which two groups of animals are warm-blooded? • What is the difference between the eggs of reptiles and birds?

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