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Renewable energies

Renewable energies. Rigas Juglas secondary school. What IS renewable energy?. Renewable energies are energies that are located in water, air and under the ground . These energies are infinite . Types of renewable energies: 1) Aero thermal energy ; 2) Geothermal energy ;

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Renewable energies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Renewable energies RigasJuglas secondary school

  2. What ISrenewable energy? • Renewable energies are energies that are located inwater, air and under the ground. Theseenergiesareinfinite. • Types of renewable energies: 1)Aerothermalenergy; • 2) Geothermal energy; • 3)Hydrothermal energy;

  3. Government law Protocol • In Latvia there is a law protocol named: «The Renewable Energy Law.» • It wasreviewed in 15.02.2011. • The law aimsis:To promote local renewable energy economy needs a stable long-term regulatory investment environment for renewable energy.

  4. Aero thermal energy • Aero thermal energy is the heatthat is in the air. • Types of aero thermal energy: 1)wind generators; • 2) solar energy. • In Latvia we have more than 33 wind generators, that produce about 26 MW a year.

  5. Grobiņas Wind Park

  6. Geothermal energy • Geothermal energy is heat beneath the surface of the land. • Geothermal energy is used to: • Heat houses. • Grow crops. • Produce energy. • Geothermal pumps are used almost in every country.

  7. GeothermalPump

  8. Hydrothermalenergy • Hydrothermal energy is heat in the surface waters. • Types of hydrothermal energy: • Water turbines • Wave energy converters • In Latvia we have a total of 161 hydroelectric stations. • The 3 biggest hydroelectric stationsproduce 3039 GW per year.

  9. Rigashydropowerstation

  10. Pļaviņu hydropowerstation

  11. OGRES hydropowerstation

  12. Untraditional ways torecycle • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KeXMJvaprY • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVURs3wxN2k

  13. Untraditional ways to get energy • Compost heap: Use lime to get the pH neutral(acid pH 0-7, neutral 7, base 7-14) • Mulch is made by chipping wood in special wood chippers. • Mulch almost always is made from trees that grow in special orchards. • You can use mulch: 1)As a fuel. • 2)As manure. • 3) To reduce the amount of water the soil

  14. MULCH


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