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Differentiation - Access Center

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Differentiation - Access Center

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    2. 2 Session Overview What Is Differentiation? Differentiation Strategies Differentiation Practice Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instruction Resources

    3. 3 Objectives Participants will Gain an overview of differentiated instruction; Be able to implement several differentiation strategies; and Identify things to consider when implementing differentiation at the classroom, school, and district level.

    4. 4 Why Differentiate? All kids are different. One size does not fit all. Differentiation provides all students with access to all curriculum.

    5. 5 What Is Differentiation? A teacher�s response to learner needs The recognition of students� varying background knowledge and preferences Instruction that appeals to students� differences

    6. 6

    7. 7 Comparing Traditional and Differentiated Classrooms Consideration of student differences Use of assessment Use of student interest and learning style

    8. 8 Comparing Traditional and Differentiated Classrooms (continued) Instructional format Assignment options Factors guiding instruction

    9. 9 Discussion Question

    10. 10 Differentiation Strategies All strategies are aligned with instructional goals and objectives. Specific strategy selection based on Focus of instruction Focus of differentiation

    11. 11 Differentiation Strategies (continued) Group 1: Compacting Group 2: Independent Study Group 3: Interest Centers or Interest Groups Group 4: Flexible Grouping

    12. 12 Example of a Differentiated Classroom

    13. 13 Examples of Differentiation Strategies Choice Boards Tiered Activities Learning Contracts

    14. 14

    15. 15

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    17. 17

    18. 18

    19. 19 Differentiation Practice Differentiation Scenario

    20. 20

    21. 21 Assessment in the Differentiated Classroom Ongoing Instruction-dependent Student-dependent Informative for continued instruction

    22. 22 Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Your Classroom Start slowly. Organize your classroom space.

    23. 23

    24. 24 Tips for Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Your Classroom (continued) Start student files. Start student portfolios. Use a clipboard. Use technology.

    25. 25 Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Your District or School Start with committed staff. Look for existing resources/infrastructure. Start with one or two strategies. Try it and be willing to alter and extend.

    26. 26 Implementing Differentiated Instruction: Additional Considerations Teacher support Professional development Adequate planning time

    27. 27 Where Do I Go From Here? Resources Listservs: mstorm@air.org Collaboration

    28. 28 Resources (continued) Assessment: Curriculum-based measurement www.studentprogress.org National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum (NCAC): www.cast.org/ncac/ Access Center: www.k8accesscenter.org

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