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Ownership Structure • The shareholders of Grameenphone contribute their unique, in-depth experience in both telecommunications and development .It is a joint venture enterprise between Talenor(55.8%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2% ), a non-profit concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10% shares belong to general retail and institutional investors .
Business Level Strategies • Using product features or services GP is distinguishing the firm’s offerings from its competitors. Some product features are Apon, Bondhu, Sohoj, Djuice, Xplore , Business Solution, Internet SIM, Public Phone, Village Phone etc. • To increase market share by expanding the network, The Company was successfully listed in November 2009 – which was the largest IPO in the history of the Bangladesh capital market.
Evolution and History • November 28th 1996 • GrameenPhone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. • March 26th 1997 • GrameenPhone launched its service on the Independence Day of Bangladesh. • November 5th 2006 • After almost 10 years of operation, GrameenPhone has over 10 million subscribers. • September 20th 2007 • GrameenPhone announces 15 million subscribers. • November 30th 2009 • After almost 10 years of operation, Grameenphone has over 10 million subscribers
Evolution and History (Cont…) • Now…Grameenphone is now the leading telecommunications service providing the country with more than 27 million subscribers as of October2010.Presently, there are about 60 million telephone users in the country, of which, a little over one million are fixed-phone users and the rest mobile phone subscribers. Starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh. Grameenphone has come a long way. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (55.8%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (34.2% ), a non-profit sister concern of their nationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank. The other 10%shares belong to 10% to general retail and institutional investors. Over the year’s,Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and services in the local market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997.Thetechnological know-how and managerial expertise of Telenor has been instrumental in setting up such an international standard mobile phone operation in Bangladesh. Being one of the pioneers in developing the GSM service in Europe, Telenor has also helped to transfer this knowledge to the local employees over the years.
GP Managerial Values • MAKE IT EASY • Everything GP produce should be easy to understand and use. GP should always remember that GP try to make customers‟ lives easier. • KEEP PROMISES • Everything GP do should work perfectly. If it doesn’t ,they’re there to put things right. They’re about delivery, not over-promising. They’re about actions, not words. • BE INSPIRING • They are creative. GP bring energy and imagination to our work . Everything GP produce should look fresh and modern. • BE RESPECTFUL • GP acknowledge and respect local cultures. GP want to be a part of local communities wherever GP operate. GP want to help customers with their specific needs in a way that suits way of their life best.
Reason for Being with GrameenPhoneGrameenPhone-Largest Network coverage
Functional Level Strategies: • Grameenphone’s focus is on efficiency, quality, in novation,and customer responsiveness. • Their main focus on After Sales Service that’s why for the first time they introduce 24 Hours Helpline and many GPC with the motto, “We are Here to Help” • GP‟s Human Resource & People management procedure is so much powerful rather than the other telecom companies , which are helping the company to achieve the first place .Under Grameenphone there are more than 5000 Employees working all over the country.
Global Level Strategies: • Grameenphone (The Company of Telenor Group) is using multi domestic strategies because it expanded its telecom business under different countries with different name. Su chas: o Grameenphone in Bangladesh, Uninor in India , Telenor in Pakistan, Norway, Hungary; DiGi in Malaysia, dtacin Thailand etc. • It‟s also follows transnational strategies, like Telenor Group provide different strategies for different countries depend on the people demands. So Grameenphone segmented our Bangladeshi market depending on “what people actually need”, that‟s why they invented different types of SIM ,Packages Plan, Internet Options and Handsets for BD people.
Corporate Level Strategies: • Grameenphone is vertically integrated, now they establishsome plans for grab more rural customers by producingHandset “Badhon” Grameenphone C100, GrameenphoneV100 at cheap price. Also they producing GrameenphoneModem to establish and introduce internet everywhere inBangladesh under the slogan of “AloAshbei”, which has the100% mobility. • Grameenphone now concentrated on other field also. Theyare opening Grameenphone IT Ltd. as well as GrameenphoneCommunication Ltd.
SWOT ANALYSISS TRENGTHS: • Largest Geographical Coverage. • Largest International roaming Service. • Strong Distribution Channels • Pre-Paid service that are so Flexible. • Low price handsets with quality and variability for rural people. • Lease of Fiber-Optic cable from Bangladesh Railway. • Market Leadership & financial soundness. • Good Owner Structure. • Competitive Price. • Dynamic Management Team. • 24 Hours Customer Services. • Skilled Human Resource. • Access to the Widest Rural Distribution network through Grameen Bank. • More Attractive VAS (Value Added Services)
OPPORTUNITIES: • Unmet demand. • Possibility of further network expansion Increasing . • interconnection with BTTB. • Favorable Regulatory Authority. • Possibility of innovative products and services. • Better relationship of competitors with regulatory body.
WEAKNESS AND THREATS WEAKNESS THREATS Introduction of BTTB mobile phones. Aggressive marketing by competitors. Possibility of new entrances using GSM Technology. • Billing inflexibility. • Growing customer dissatisfaction. • Lack of follow-up from customers. • Deviation from original business plan. • Marketing plan.
RECOMMENDATION • Based on the findings & analysis, some realistic recommendation sare mentioned in the following: • QA department is strongly working but the department should give more concentration on contractual employees in making the permanent to make faster growth of GP than the present time. • Besides existing customers, other customers should be strongly targeted. • Performance appraisal system should be controlled and followed to measure the performance of each employee. • Should give more concentration on advertising & sponsorship. • GP should increase the service quality/after sales service.
CONCLUSION • Grameenphone Company is still a growing company in spite of all the success it has achieved so far. It holds a kind of a monopoly position in the mobile telecommunications market . Completion is always on the lookout for new ideas and schemes. In order to maintain no: 1 position GP use to follow many strategies like business level strategies, functional level strategies, global level strategies & corporate level strategies.