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Multiplication Practice

Multiplication Practice. Do you know how to multiply with double digits?. 2 8 x 5. Step 1 Multiply the numbers together that are in the ones place. Lets try one together!. 4 28 x 5 0. Step 1 8 x 5 = 40

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Multiplication Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Multiplication Practice Do you know how to multiply with double digits?

  2. 28 x 5 Step 1 Multiply the numbers together that are in the ones place Lets try one together!

  3. 4 28 x 5 0 Step 1 8 x 5 = 40 I place the zero in the ones place and the four is carried and placed into the tens place Lets try one together!

  4. 4 28 x 5 0 Step 2 Multiply the number in the tens place with the number in the ones place. Lets try one together!

  5. 4 28 x 5 0 Step 2 5 x 2 = 10 When I multiplied I got 10 but I can’t forget about the 4 that I carried! Lets try one together!

  6. 4 28 x 5 0 Step 3 5 x 2 = 10 Now I need to add: 10 + 4 = 14 Lets try one together! +

  7. 4 28 x 5 140 Step 3 5 x 2 = 10 Now I need to add: 10 + 4 = 14 Lets try one together! +

  8. 28 x 5 140 Final Answer Lets try one together!

  9. Step 1 I start with the same step Multiply the numbers together that are in the ones place 32 x 16 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  10. Step 1 6 x 2 = 12 I place the two in the ones place and the one is carried and placed into the tens place. 1 32 x 16 2 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  11. Step 2 Multiply the number in the tens place with the number in the ones place. 1 32 x 16 2 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  12. Step 2 6 x 3 = 18 When I multiplied I got 18, but I can’t forget about the 1 that I carried! 1 32 x 16 2 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  13. Step 3 6 x 3 = 18 Now I need to add: 18 + 1 = 19 1 32 x 16 192 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication +

  14. Step 4 “Monkey see, Monkey do” The monkey was watching you! All the steps you did with the number in the ones place, you repeat with the number in the tens place 32 x 16 192 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  15. Step 4 Before the monkey can repeat the steps he needs to put down his banana. In Math we use a zero, otherwise known as the placeholder. 32 x 16 192 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  16. Step 5 Multiply the number that is in the tens place with the number in the ones place. 32 x 16 192 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  17. Step 5 1 x 2 = 2 I place the two in the tens place next to the banana (zero). 32 x 16 192 2 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  18. Step 6 1 x 3 = 3 I place the three in the hundreds place next to the two. 32 x 16 192 32 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  19. Step 7 Now I need to add the products of my multiplication. 32 x 16 192 +32 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  20. Step 7 Add each number carefully, make sure you carry when you need to 2 + 0 = 2 9 + 2 = 11 3 + 1 + 1 = 5 32 x 16 192 +32 512 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication 1

  21. Final Answer 32 x 16 512 Lets try 2 digit Multiplication

  22. Get a scratch piece of paper and a monkey to help you with these practice problems Practice Problems • 21 x 15 = ? • 45 x 24 = ? • 67 x 31 = ? • 20 x 18 = ? • 16 x 45 = ?

  23. Answers: Practice Problems Make up some of your own problems and check them with a calculator for even more practice! • 21 x 15 = 315 • 45 x 24 = 1,080 • 67 x 31 = 2,077 • 20 x 18 = 360 • 16 x 45 = 720

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