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The American Empire Expansionism / Imperialism. US adds territories in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Created by Mr. Steve Hauprich for the acceleration and remediation of US History Students. Historical Context:. All world maps are distorted reflecting the bias of the
The American EmpireExpansionism / Imperialism US adds territories in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea Created by Mr. Steve Hauprich for the acceleration and remediation of US History Students.
Historical Context: All world maps are distorted reflecting the bias of the presenter…in an American Empire…North America should be seen as the central focus
Here we can see the significance of the Panama Canal, Hawaiian Islands, and Naval Supremacy in the larger plan to develop the USA’s eventual Superpower status. Hawaii Panama
The supreme geographic advantage of a two ocean border with all other powerful nations could be turned into an advantage for commerce and dominance as America created the foundation for maritime empire. Alaska Guam Cuba P.R. + V.I. Philippines Samoa
Thesis Statement: T E N S I O N Although the United States’ participation in the “New Imperialism” was criticized at home as betrayal of American ideals of liberty and justice, …the motives for new expansionism were rooted in the context of global rivalries, Social Darwinism, and humanitarianism stigmatized by the expression “white man’s burden”. Primary Thesis
The United States of America was born in the raging storm of global rivalries among European powers …America was the feral child of the wilderness …asserting her (natural) right to be left alone (independent). Russia France Netherlands Sweden England Spain
Courageous Americans and a stealthy US Government had warded off foreign threats and succeeded by the late 1800’s… …in controlling vast coastlines … … pacifying the frontier …and building a modern infrastructure. Russia Britain Native Americans Mexico France Spain
American Admiral AT Mahan • offered ablueprint for empire • based on: • need for a two ocean navy • need for an isthmus canal • Importance of Caribbean Is. • importance of Hawaiian Is. • …if the old imperialism was • based on naval supremacy • …the new imperialism would • likewise thrive w/ naval power
Great civilizations and empires of the past… Greeks, Romans, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, France, had succeeded one another by virtue of their maritime prowess and assertiveness …in this era of Pax Britanica emerging world powers Germany and Japan also read Mahan’s theories with vested interest in their own fortunes and aspirations for global conquest.
The Imperialist view of the Hawaiian Monarchy was … Queen Liliuokalani was unfit to rule …especially after she attempted to limit the power of American planters on her islands
American planter Sanford Dole …led the coup toppling the Hawaiian monarchy… …however, President Grover Cleveland would not allow the annexation of Hawaii…so the pineapple tempted other world powers in the Pacific
…until the 1898 Spanish American War finally gave the USA Government justification for adding Hawaii… Mahan’s blueprint was being followed and encouraged
“We don’t want to fight, yet by JINGO! …if we do, We’ve got the ships, we’ve got the men, …and got the money too.” -British Song 1870’s …a new American JINGOISM was emerging…
Yellow Journalism helped persuade Americans to go to WAR with Spain. …there was no proof the Spanish sank the Maine… …just drawings in newspapers…
“All the great masterful races have been fighting races…” Assistant Secretary of the US Navy Roosevelt was determined to help the USA win a war with Spain… …evidenced by his prescient orders to Admiral Dewey to steam his battle fleet to the Philippines from Hong Kong …before the Spanish fleet would be expecting them… Brilliant!
Winning the WAR helped sell many newspapers as America learned of heroic conquests in distant lands. The American Empire was growing much like manifest destiny in an earlier time.
Roosevelt soon resigned his desk job and helped organize the Rough Riders to gain glory as a genuine war hero… …leading the US charge up Kettle Hill and San Juan Hill in Cuba… …in the most important ground war action of the entire Spanish-American WAR
“Take up the White Man's burden--Send forth the best ye breed--Go bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives' need;To wait in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild--Your new-caught, sullen peoples,Half-devil and half-child.” -Rudyard Kipling The USA would now have to determine how best to develop the lands we had wrested from Spain… …and the Hawaiian and Samoan Islanders …our moral obligation was to “civilize” them.
Bringing American education, medicine, technology, etc… was publicized as very altruistic…a benevolent empire…
…Now more missions would be built in Hawaii the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, and the other new frontiers… …Americans could extend their cultural influence to benefit humanity. Early Hawaiian Mission built in 1854
American battleships had faced German battleships in Manila Harbor in the Philippines shortly after the US Navy had defeated Spain in 1898… …but the Germans left Peacefully… …in 1899 the Germans and Americans avoided naval battle once again… …as the two emerging world powers agreed to divide the Samoans Islands for their respective empires.
…With over 7,000 islands …500 of them inhabited… …the Philippines presented the greatest challenge for the new American Empire… …the Filipino people were weary of Spanish rule… …they didn’t necessarily want American rulers either... …the USA wanted to prove its fitness tolead…and ensure rivals Germany and Japan were kept out of the islands.
In 1900 a large US expeditionary force was sent to China to help end the Chinese Boxer Rebellion …an uprising against foreign “Spheres of Influence”… …this was soon accompanied by more requests by US Secretary of State John Hay for an “OPEN DOOR” policy in China to permit greater US commercial access to China and less tension
“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” -African Proverb Theodore Roosevelt builds his foreign policy… 1901-1909
…So a canal through Central America was needed to help a two ocean navy move quickly to protect the new lands and people who would live beneath the American Flag. President Roosevelt helped Panamanians win their independence from Columbia…and soon the canal was under construction. Bully!
“All that this country desires is to see the neighboring countries stable, orderly, and prosperous.” “Chronic wrongdoing, or an impotence which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized society, may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power.” 1904 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
“Big Stick” foreign policy turned Caribbean Sea into a proverbial “American Lake”. Teddy Roosevelt’s the
Under T.R. America was assuming a new role as the “World’s Policeman”…ready to help “lesser” nations overcome their disagreements / shortcomings.
Roosevelt • successfully • mediated the • Portsmouth Treaty • between • Russia + Japan • …his goal was to • create a • “Balance of Power” • in Asia
President Roosevelt sent the Great White Fleet on a world-wide tour to impress our global rivals with our new naval prowess…impressing the Japanese was a high priority for this mission.
While many Americans were thrilled with our victory over Spain and the expanding American possessions, there was notable dissent from prominent Americans. Especially troublesome for their consciences was the annexation of the Philippine Islands… …they felt this was a betrayal of American ideals of “liberty and justice for all”… …a betrayal of the ideals of a right to independence and self-government.
The Filipino Question would not go away… America would send many soldiers to the islands and force their people into reconcentration camps
President McKinley and President Roosevelt had led America into a new age where American power was a clear challenge to other great nations …our “new frontier” was established and the morality of our foreign policy was debated at home and abroad.
Works Cited http://www.telescopes-astronomy.com.au/world_map_wallpaper2.jpg http://schema-root.org/region/americas/north_america/north_america.gif http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51SD5VPG8EL.jpg http://www.aloha.com/~hvguides/HotPics/Liliuokalani.JPG http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/~soma/cartoons/drawthum.jpg http://the.honoluluadvertiser.com/dailypix/2006/Jul/02/sesq1annexation_b.jpg http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/47/79447-004-CB30DA33.jpg http://www.planet3rry.com/images/2006/061025zztop.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Journal98.gif http://www.homeofheroes.com/wallofhonor/spanish_am/images/03_victory_newspaper.jpg http://www.theodore-roosevelt.com/tr1898.html http://www.theodoreroosevelt.org/graph%20harv%20col/HC1x0.jpg http://www.theodoreroosevelt.org/graph%20priv%20coll/Colonel%20Roosevelt.jpghttp:// upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/The_white_mans_burden.gif http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/White_mans_burden_the_journal_detroit.JPG http://www.diggerhistory.info/images/asstd/boxer3.jpg http://www.koloa-union.org/images/hist_big.jpg http://www.samoa.hotel-pictures.com/graphics/samoa-islands.gif http://cache.virtualtourist.com/3247321-The_Map_of_the_Philippine_Islands_some_of_them-Philippines.jpg http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/41599000/gif/_41599716_panama_canal_416.gif http://www.milestonedocuments.com/document_detail.php?id=25&more=quotes http://www.theodore-roosevelt.com/tr1905prez.jpg http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stokescollectionships.com/sitebuilder/images/Teddy_s-Great-White-Fleet- 743x295.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stokescollectionships.com/Teddys.html&usg=__Ox7PsqZ2DG_GifBwLXRvbJwdEYs=&h=295&w =743&sz=29&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=DxGtLXRTb8q4pM:&tbnh=56&tbnw=141&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dgreat%2Bwhite%2Bfleet%26g bv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG http://pro.corbis.com/images/PG7453.jpg?size=67&uid=%7B91FE4C09-165C-484E-9B3B-CC95D52879B5%7D http://www.mury.k12.ut.us/MHS/apus/dbq/2000/BigStick11.gif http://www.mises.org/images4/Anti-ImperialistLeague.jpg http://www.japanfocus.org/images/611-3.jpg http://www.silent-gardens.com/img/history/image008.jpg