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Chapter 17

Chapter 17. Please pick up a handout from the table in the back of the auditorium for class this morning. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17. Jesus has authority over all (John 17:2; cf. Matt. 28:18)! He alone has the power to offer salvation & eternal life on His conditions.

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Chapter 17

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  1. Chapter 17 Please pick up a handout from the table in the back of the auditorium for class this morning.

  2. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • Jesus has authority over all (John 17:2; cf. Matt. 28:18)! • He alone has the power to offer salvation & eternal life on His conditions. • There is only one true God (John 17:3)! • When Jesus came to earth, He emptied Himself of His heavenly glory (17:5; Phil. 2:6-8)!

  3. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • Jesus left us the perfect example to follow! • Praying to the Father was vitally important to His life (Lk. 5:16). • More than 80% of this prayer was for others. • Jesus sought to glorify the Father (John 17:4). • Jesus devoted Himself to doing the work & finishing the work of the Father (17:4). • Jesus manifested the Father & His words to the world (17:6, 8). • Jesus was in the world but not of the world (John 17:14-16). • Jesus obeyed the will of His Father (John 17:18). • Jesus sanctified Himself (John 17:19). • Jesus was united with the Father in word, work, aim and love (John 17:20-23).

  4. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • Faithful followers of God must learn to be in the world but not of the world (17:14-16)! • They/We are not to love the things of the world, approve of them or participate in them (cf. 1 John 2:15; James 4:4; Rom. 1:32; Gal. 5:19; Eph. 5:11). • Light is to shine in the darkness but not become a part of the darkness. • Jesus needs to be glorified in us (John 17:10)!

  5. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • God’s word is truth! Truth can only be found in God’s word (John 17:17, 19)! • This truth alone, and submission thereto, will sanctify & make us free (cf. John 8:32). • Sanctify means to set apart for holy purposes, consecrating to service of the Lord. • God has provided us with all that we need to live godly in this age (cf. Tit. 2:11-12). • Jesus gave His apostles the word of God (John 17:14), not the ideas or truths of man. • They were to devote themselves to keeping it, guarding it, loving it & teaching it.

  6. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • God’s word is truth! Truth can only be found in God’s word (John 17:17, 19)! • Jesus did not give them ideas or thoughts for them to convey “in their own words.” • Jesus gave THE WORDS they were to speak, directly from the Father (6, 8, 14, 20). • They were not permitted to deviate from these words in speaking or writing. • We are not permitted to deviate from these words either (cf. Gal. 1:6-9).

  7. Vital Concepts & Truths to Know in John 17 • How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity (cf. Psa. 133)! • Unity among brethren was the dying petition of our Savior. • It is the result of being kept by His word (John 17:11). • It resembles & models itself after the unity of the Father & the Son (John 17:20-23). • Unity with one another requires unity with God – “one in Us” • Anything more than “one” is not “perfect in one” (John 17:23). • Christian unity is an appealing evidence to the world of God, Jesus & their love (21-23). • Those who enjoy unity with brethren here will share in the glory of Christ (17:22).

  8. An Overview/Theme of John 17: “Jesus Prayed Just Hours Before His Death” • In His hour of deepest trial & deepest anguish, Jesus spoke to His Father! • Knowing that “the hour” of His death had come: • The last thing He did before going to the Garden was to pray. • Jesus addressed His prayer to the “Father” six times. • He addressed Him as “Holy Father” & “Righteous Father” (17:11, 25). • He used the second person pronoun “You” or “Your” 51 times in 26 vss. • He prayed out loud in the presence of His disciples: • A simple, humble, unselfish, profound & earnest prayer. • Directed to the Father but was needful for the disciples to hear. • Which the Father certainly answered by strengthening & sustaining them.

  9. An Overview/Theme of John 17: “Jesus Prayed Just Hours Before His Death” • On the heart of Jesus in His last hours! • That the Father & the Son would be glorified (17:1-2). • That His disciples might have eternal life (John 17:3-5). • That His disciples might know and believe the truth (17:6-10). • That His disciples might be kept by the protective hand of God. • That His disciples might have joy in the face of trials (17:12-14). • That His disciples might be kept from the evil one (17:15-16). • That His disciples might be made holy & fulfill His mission. • That all believers would be one, like the Father and Son (20-23). • That His disciples might partake of His glory (John 17:24-25). • That divine love might possess, characterize & unite them (26). • How are you doing in fulfilling the prayer of Jesus?

  10. An Overview/Theme of John 17: “Jesus Prayed Just Hours Before His Death” • Jesus testified of disciples’ worthiness & genuine need! • They have seen that the Father & the Son are one (John 17:6). • They have kept Your word (John 17:6). • They know the source of all revelation is the Father (John 17:7). • They accepted & believed His mission & rela. with Father (17:8). • They are Your own special possession & deserve Your blessing. • They are going to be without Christ, exposed to assaults (11). • They had been kept in God’s approval & remained faithful (12). • The world hated them for their commitment to Christ (17:14). • They are not of this world (John 17:14). • They have accepted the Son, the Father & His Words (17:25). • As faithful Christians, Jesus testifies & pleads on our behalf.

  11. An Overview/Theme of John 17: “Jesus Prayed Just Hours Before His Death” • In His last hours, Jesus prayed for you and me (an eternal intercession)! • That we would believe in Him through the word of the apostles (John 17:20). • As believers, that we would be united in Him, as He is united with the Father (17:21). • Jesus longs for us to be united in faith, practice, aim, purpose and love. • That our unity would cause the world to believe in Him & know His love (17:21, 23). • May we strive to possess the unity & love of this prayer that they world might see!

  12. How Chapter 17 Helps to Fulfill the Overall Purpose of the Gospel of John • Jesus was given all authority, even to give eternal life (John 17:2). • All that belonged to the Father belonged to Jesus (John 17:10). • Jesus is an eternal being, existing & loved by the Father before the world was (17:5, 24).

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