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Section 1: RECOGNITION Module 1: Types of violence

Section 1: RECOGNITION Module 1: Types of violence. Respect Aging: Preventing Violence against Older Persons. Violence Prevention Initiative. Agenda. Welcome Learning together: Session 1: Types of violence Small group activity Reporting back to whole group Wrap-up / Evaluation.

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Section 1: RECOGNITION Module 1: Types of violence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Section 1: RECOGNITIONModule 1: Types of violence Respect Aging:Preventing Violence against Older Persons Violence Prevention Initiative

  2. Agenda • Welcome • Learning together: • Session 1: Types of violence • Small group activity • Reporting back to whole group • Wrap-up / Evaluation

  3. 1. Physical violence • Physical violence involves using a part of the body or an object to control a person’s actions.

  4. 2. Psychological violence • Psychological violence occurs when threats are used to cause fear and gain control.

  5. 3. Emotional violence • Emotional violence occurs when something is said or done to make a person feel stupid or worthless.

  6. 4. Verbal abuse • Verbal abuse occurs when language, whether spoken or written, is used to cause harm.

  7. 5. Sexual violence • Sexual violence occurs when a person is forced to unwillingly take part in sexual activity.

  8. 6. Financial abuse • Financial abuse occurs when someone controls a person’s financial resources without consent or misuses those resources.

  9. 7. Neglect • Neglect occurs when someone has the responsibility to provide care or assistance for you but does not.

  10. A Note about Self-Neglect • Self-neglect = risk of harm to self • Self-neglect ≠ violence • Any adult has a right to live as he or she wishes, as long as there is no risk of serious harm to self or others • All citizens must report situations of suspected neglect or self-neglect

  11. 8. Spiritual violence • Spiritual (or religious) violence occurs when religious or spiritual beliefs are used to manipulate, dominate or control a person.

  12. 9. Cultural violence • Cultural violence occurs when a person is harmed as a result of practices that are part of his or her culture, religion or tradition.

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