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Stakeholder Engagement Meetings. Connect to Wifi Network = BYOD. Agenda. Review themes from February 25 Meeting Strategic Redesign Advisory Committee Overview - Mark Spurr Current Planning Initiatives – Project Leaders
Stakeholder Engagement Meetings Connect to Wifi Network = BYOD
Agenda • Review themes from February 25 Meeting • Strategic Redesign Advisory Committee Overview - Mark Spurr • Current Planning Initiatives – Project Leaders • Instructions for Small Group Discussion and preview of April 4 meeting • Small Group Discussion - Strategic Framework
Meeting Norms • Collaboration • Respect and Understanding • Open and Honest • Engagement
Skill Areas • Communication skills • Problem solving skills • Use of technology • Creativity • Collaboration • Adaptability • World Languages • Critical thinking • Questioning/inquiry skills • Writing • Work with diverse people, cultures • Math skills • Thinking Skills • Flexibility • Research skills
2011-12 Strategic Redesign Advisory Committee (SRAC) • Board appointed community task force • Explored three main areas: • Expanding the educational portfolio • Personalizing learning • Reducing costs and increasing revenue
Personalized Learning Project-Based Learning (PBL) • PBL enables students to learn about a subject in the context of examining real-world problems with the goals of developing flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation. • Recommendation: Create a position specifically charged with reviewing current opportunities, models and structures within our district as well as other locations, and developing goals, strategies, and recommendations.
Personalized Learning Professional DevelopmentRecommendations • Support localized and differentiated professional development opportunities for teachers. • Using a coaching model, teachers will move beyond learning how to use technology toward using technology to help students learn. • New State funding from the Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System (also known as Q Comp) program could help facilitate these efforts.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Enrollment Growth and District Marketing • Additional enrollment gains are both possible and desirable. Increasing enrollment by another 289 to full practical capacity (estimated as 90% of theoretical building capacity to preserve needed space flexibility) would generate an estimated $727,000 per year in net revenue.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Enrollment Growth and District Marketing • Recommendations • Set a district goal of “full” utilization of building space capacity in the district and maximization of state aid. • Update the district’s marketing plan with the assistance of community volunteers to develop additional strategies and tactics that can provide significant return on investment. • Enlist the help of volunteer marketing professionals who are stakeholders in our schools to implement the district’s strategic marketing plan as well as individual school plans to maximize marketing efforts.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Salaries and Benefits • 80% of the district’s General Fund expenses are for salaries for employees. • Recommendation: Seek ways to control the growth of salaries and benefits. Technology • Recommendation: Refine multi-year technology plan from 2010 to achieve savings in the following areas: • Permit students to use their own technology. • Use cloud computing to reduce equipment repair/maintenance costs and reduce staff support costs. • Evaluate potential saving relative to capital equipment costs.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Administrative Cost Efficiencies • Recommendations • In the near term, evaluate opportunities to reduce costs by: • Sharing administrators and/or administrative or instructional support staff with other district; and/or • Sharing administrators across buildings and combining administrative support functions into fewer positions. • In the longer term (3-5 years out), consider major changes in order to reduce administrative overhead, including evaluating the potential for sharing a superintendent or even merging with other school districts.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Supplemental Revenue Sources • Recommendation: Continue to evaluate procedures/practices to maximize revenues from: • third-party billing • special education services sharing • credit recovery and Targeted Services programs for at-risk students • opening up production services to the public, and • leveraging the food service to sell healthy meals to the community.
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenues Schedule Changes • Because of the different schedules for starting and ending class periods at Sibley, Friendly Hills and Heritage, it is difficult for the schools to share staff and other resources with a minimum of effort, expense or waste. • Concerns regarding any change to the current schedule include, but are not limited to, making it difficult for students to take both music and foreign language classes along with the core/required subjects and limiting the number of classes students can take during their high school careers. • Recommendation: Develop a plan for reconfiguring and aligning secondary school schedules while continuing to support the enhanced curriculum currently offered to students.
2012-13 Initiatives • Early College Options (Personalize Learning) • Blended Learning (Personalize Learning) • Technology Integration, Early College Options (Expand the Educational Portfolio) • Pre-K to Literacy (Expand the Educational Portfolio) • Magnet Sustainability Plans (Expand the Educational Portfolio) • Facility Study (Reduce Costs/Increasing Revenue)
Recommendations Consider expanding preschool programming for three and four year olds served from 17% currently to 39% reflecting the free and reduced lunch count. Develop a comprehensive district tracking plan to measure the financial savings/impact for future Pre-K planning and decision-making. Engage the full range of providers of pre-K services in an effort to make the most of resources and achieve better alignment with learning goals. Early Childhood/School Readiness or Pre-K to Literacy
Why Focus on Pre-K? Recommendations based on research Benefits are enormous and compelling when viewed from a broad societal standpoint. Federal Reserve Bank estimated 16% total societal ROI 50% of children ready for K: 2009 School Readiness Study All Minnesota children K-ready by 2020 Correlation with reduction of the achievement gap Early intervention reduces later costly remediation District Strategic Redesign Advisory Council (SRAC) Pre-K to Literacy Committee Charge: Develop a comprehensive early learning plan for District 197 that includes high-quality, all-day child care and pre-school
District Early Learning Programs Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) Parent education – partial state funding/parent fees. Community Preschool 100% fee based program for three and four-year olds. School Readiness State funded - provides access to preschool for children with certain eligibility requirements Early Childhood Screening Promotes educational readiness and improved health through the early detection. Mandated prior to public school enrollment. District reimbursed for each child screened. Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Federally mandated program for children who qualify for special education ages Birth to age 5.
Pre-K to Literacy Committee • Key Findings • A need for dedicated, permanent space for early learning • District demographic changes require new approaches to early access and education • Current state funding is insufficient to meet need • Primary Recommendations • Birth to three center with four-year old preschool in each elementary building • Comprehensive Pre-K to K transition plan • Community resource/early childhood connection • Implement extended day preschool options
What is Blended Learning? • Definition:Any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick- and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace. • Recommendation: Create a position specifically charged with reviewing current online/blended learning opportunities, models and structures within our district as well as other locations, and developing goals, strategies, and recommendations.
Characteristics of Blended Learning • Blended learning communities are ones the integrate technology in ways that encourage higher order thinking skills by students • Offer students the opportunity to dig deeper into a course using online tools. • Offer face to face time for students, online resources to deepen knowledge, and the use of tools to spur on reflection and collaboration by all individuals involved
Future Hybrid Courses • A/B Format • Pairing of courses to allow for more opportunities in Six-period day • Identified support structure for teachers
Planning and Preparation • Core planning group working on scaling up strategy • Includes attention to the professional development of teachers, including skills for delivering course content online as well as collaboration and sharing what works
K-12 Learning Pathways • Recommendation: Following the development of a sustainability plan for transition of district magnet programs after the current federal magnet grant funding ends (now in progress), evaluate the potential costs and benefits of developing an integrated K-12 learning pathways model that builds on current magnet programming.
School District 197 Magnet Schools A magnet school provides unique or specialized curriculum in such a way as to attract a racially diversified student body. • Garlough Environmental Science, 2007 • Moreland Arts and Health Sciences, 2010 • Pilot Knob STEM, 2010 • Heritage E-STEM, 2010
Value of Magnet Schools • Developed models of instruction and curriculum units could be integrated district-wide for all learners. • Provide a model of how to implement 1:1 technology • Clear understanding of the professional development needed to implement 1:1 technology • Technology has enabled inquiry as a teaching process • Classroom learning with technology transitions teaching into a culture of facilitation and has a profoundly positive impact on student engagement
Magnet Schools Assistance Program Grant • New educational experiences for students • Artist Residencies • Expanded experiences with Dodge Nature Center • Technology and Equipment • Professional development for teachers • Inquiry • Culturally responsive teaching • Cooperative learning • Magnet Personnel • Magnet Facilitator • Technology Integration Specialist
Sustaining Options • Fully fund magnet programs at the requested levels • Partially fund magnet programs at the requested levels (middle ground) • Magnet schools continue with no additional district funding • Eliminate magnet programs • Aligned thematic K-12 pathways • District-wide K-8 STEAM focus
Grades 9-14 • Provides opportunities to earn enough credits to leave high school with either an Associate’s degree or up to two years of college credit toward a Bachelor’s degree. • Can benefit a range of students, from gifted to at-risk. • Potential for societal savings but not savings to the school district; families would saving money in post-secondary education. • This could attract students to the district based on cost savings to families and positive impact on high school dropout rates, AYP and eventually special education services.
After high school… • Percentage of students entering college in Minnesota who need remedial math or reading: 40% • 2% at the U of M • 54% at a 2-yr or Technical College • 22% at a 4-yr state university
Benefits of Early College Experiences • Sharpen study skills • Develop strong habits for learning • Time management • Persistence • Engagement through interest • Creativity • Honest feedback on preparedness
Current Options at Henry Sibley • 13 Advanced Placement Courses in 5 content areas • 4 College in the Schools courses • 2 Concurrent Enrollment courses • 4 College Articulation Agreement courses • 2 Project Lead the Way courses “We need more for the middle!”
Potential Partner • Inver Hills Community College • LADR Program • Academic Middle • 30th – 70th percentile in school • Concurrent Enrollment • Any student • Links to Advanced Placement courses • Can earn an Associate’s Degree
Technology and Effective Integration Increases student engagement Personalized and relevant learning Build essential skills for college/career readiness Strengthens and builds 21st Century Skills Collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, social responsibility
Technology Integration Outcome: An updated, comprehensive and sustainable District technology plan Steering Committee Stakeholder Input
Technology Infrastructure Standardization Replacement Cycles Cost Management Virtualization Cloud Computing Automation and Integration
21st Century Learning Personalized Learning Options Mobile Devices Bring Your Own Device Equitable Access Digital Curriculum and Content Internally Created Options Cloud Based Solutions
Staff Development Technical Training Professional Development
Reducing Costs & Increasing Revenue Maximize Efficiency of Building Use • Recommendation:Building on prior studies, conduct a comprehensive assessment of building space use to identify and evaluate the costs/benefits of alternative uses and the synergies with other programming.
Facilities Committee Goals • To study the current school facilities based on capacity, future enrollment, needs of the school district, special programs, unique communities and financial stewardship. • Investigate space perceptions vs. space realities • Produce guidelines for how space is prioritized among competing needs and interests • Develop a comprehensive proposal that recommends optimal use of facilities