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Explore the latest developments in air traffic management communication infrastructure, including satellite-based systems, interoperability aspects, and integration testing. Learn about key projects shaping the future of ATM communications.
V1.0 Future Communications Infrastructure – An update ACP WGM Meeting May 17th, 2010 Nikos Fistas SWP15.2
Agenda SESAR FCI projects • P15.2.4 • P15.2.6 • P15.2.7
Airport surface: C band Multilink Concept General terrestrial: L Band Satellite: Oceanic + Continental New Data Links Considered
SJU WBS SESAR Programme WP B WP C WP D Target Concept & Architecture Maintenance Master Plan Maintenance ATM Network R&D Programme WP 3 WP 16 ValidationInfrastructure R&D TransversalAreas WP 5 WP 7 W 11 WP 15 WP 13 WP 8 WP 14 NetworkOperation TMAOperation InformationManagement F/WOC CNS Network InformationManagement Systems(NIMS) SWIM SWIM Thread WP 4 WP 6 WP 10 WP 12 En-route APP ATC Systems En RouteOperation AirportOperation WP 9 Airport Systems Aircraft
VHF 9.19 NETWORK New Terrestrial System(s) VHF FCI: ATM Communications in 2020+ and SJU projects 9.21/9.22 REFERENCE MATERIAL 9.20/9.24/15.2.8 9.44/9.49 15.2.6 15.2.4 15.2.7/9.16 15.2.10
Project P15.2.4: Future Mobile Data Link • Partners: Alenia, Airbus, DFS, DSNA, EUROCONTROL, Frequentis, Honeywell, INDRA, NORACON, and Thales • “Logistic” split into two groups of activities: • Early Tasks (Feb 2010 to Feb 2011) • Follow on (full) Project (Feb 2011 to 2015?)
Project P15.2.4: Interactions with other activities ESA/Iris US/FAA activities ICAO Other regions S-JU Wireless COM study P15.2.4 Project WRC12 SESAR Projects WP9 WP14 WP15 FP7 SANDRA
Project P15.2.4: Full Project Activities Task 1: Operational requirements (refined COCR) Task 2: Transport layer management specification Task 3: Recommendation for the terrestrial a/g data link system Task 4: Description of work for Phase 2 (development of terrestrial a/g data link) REFERENCE MATERIAL
P15.2.4: Early Tasks Activities (links to Full Project Tasks) EWA1: Operational requirements refinement (T1) EWA2: Multilink Operational Concept - COM Architecture (T1, T2 and T3) EWA3: Upper layers and QoS mechanisms (T2) EWA4: LDACS selection facilitation activities (T3) REFERENCE MATERIAL
Key activities linked to ICAO • EWA02: Multilink Operational Concept • EWA03: QoS management • EWA04: LDACS evaluation criteria • EWA01: Future ATM data link services characterization
Current Status • Work is progressing • Initial deliverables are expected in September 2010
Project P15.2.6: Future Satellite System • Partners: Airbus, AENA, ALENIA, EUROCONTROL, FREQUENTIS, INDRA, NORACON and THALES • Project Duration: May 2010 to 2014 Future Satellite System Developments ESA IRIS SESAR P15.2.6
Project P15.2.6: Main objective ESA Iris Programme aims to design, develop, validate a satellite-based communication system for ATM safety Coms supporting the future ATM Concept of Operations for 2020 and beyond. P15.2.6 aims to develop requirements, perform complementary activities of validation and support standardization.
Project P15.2.6 Specific objectives • Define operational concept for future Satellite system in a multilink environment • Identify and characterise interfaces and interoperability aspects of the satellite component within the overall SESAR infrastructure. • Develop elements of Test-Beds for end-to-end validation and integration with other tests beds developed in Iris project and other SESAR WPs in accordance with SESAR Operational Concept. • Validate the Iris development from an end-to-end point of view, verifying the compliance between the EATM Performance Target and the SATCOM system Concept of Operation in a simulated real time environment. • Support and promote satellite communication system standardization process in regional international standardizations bodies (EUROCAE, ICAO etc.) REFERENCE MATERIAL
Current Status • Project has just started (May 2010) • Activity 5 (standardisation support) work plan is being discussed with partners • ECTL NEXUS group is planned to be used to facilitate input to ICAO
Project P15.2.7 and 9.16: AeroMACS • Partners: • P15.2.7: AENA, DSNA, INDRA, NATMIG, Selex, Thales Airbus and ECTL • P9.16: AIRBUS, Selex, Thales and ECTL • Duration: March 2010 to 2013
Project P15.2.7 and 9.16: Overall Aim and Structure Define, validate and demonstrate a technical profile and architecture for a new airport surface communication system (AeroMACS) based on 802.16e IEEE standard by studying, developing, integrating and testing system prototypes • Project 15.2.7 covers overall system aspects and ground component • Project 9.16 covers airborne component REFERENCE MATERIAL
Project P15.2.7 scope • Overall system functional and performance definition • Definition of a new specific profile • Development of validation plans and scenarios • Specification of test objectives and procedures • Specification and development of (prototype) ground segment • Analysis, simulations and test campaigns addressing interoperability (multiple manufacturers) in laboratory and real airport environments • Security and safety analysis • Coordination with standardization bodies (RTCA and EUROCAE) REFERENCE MATERIAL
Project P9.16 scope • System requirements and architecture definition for the airborne side • Specification and development of airborne prototype for mainline aircraft • Specification of test objectives and procedures for airborne side. • Integration of the airborne prototype in a representative mainline aircraft environment • Testing in real environment (on airport, using a/c representative platforms, and up to integration in a real flight test a/c), • Advanced studies (limited effort): MIMO studies, integrated antennas, WiMAX evolutions (e.g. 802.16m) REFERENCE MATERIAL
Thales GS with Indra+Selex MS Interoperability P15.2.7 Thales GS Thales GS-MS Local integration In Thales lab Thales MS Indra GS with Thales+Selex MS Interoperability Indra GS-MS Local integration In Indra lab Indra GS Indra GS and MS Tests with cars On Alicante Airport Indra GS Indra MS Indra MS Selex GS-MS Local integration In Selex lab Selex GS with Indra+Thales MS Interoperability Selex GS Selex MS Thales GS and MS Tests with cars On Toulouse Airport Thales GS Thales MS Selex MS Integration in A/C environment At Airbus lab Selex GS and MS Tests with cars On Toulouse Airport P9.16 Selex GS and MS Tests with A/C On Toulouse Airport Aircraft Planned Testing
Current Status • Ongoing work on system requirements and profile definition (based on common and TDD WiMAX standard parts) • Need for simulations and prototype testing • Support EUROCAE WG82 / RTCA SC224 activities • Project aim for a joint EUROCAE / RTCA Draft Profile Doc by end September 2010.
Other COM projects Project 15.2.8: Civil-Military Data Link Interoperability Project 15.2.10: Terrestrial communication infrastructure - SWIM backbone