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Ditch the Demo for First Year Students

Ditch the Demo for First Year Students. Kelly Delevan Instructional Services Librarian Le Moyne College. Background. New Core implemented Fall 2013 Core 100 replaces old Advising Course Library instruction fully integrated . No research assignment Librarians do more than demo

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Ditch the Demo for First Year Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ditch the Demo for First Year Students Kelly Delevan Instructional Services Librarian Le Moyne College

  2. Background New Core implemented Fall 2013 Core 100 replaces old Advising Course Library instruction fully integrated

  3. No research assignment Librarians do more than demo Demos work when tied to disciplinary assignments

  4. In class focus: Information Literacy and why it matters Information Timeline Students as part of scholarly conversation

  5. LibGuide used in place of live demo Students can follow directions and find help if they need it

  6. 85% of freshmen mastered the learning outcomes Students see us as information professionals Research consultations went up by 50%

  7. Image Credits • Slides 1, 2, 5, 6: Kelly Delevan • Slide 3: Ben Spark, https://www.flickr.com/photos/abennett96/3424614950/ • Slide 4: Architecture.com, http://www.architecture.com/LibraryDrawingsAndPhotographs/InformationCentre.aspx#.UazHJ9LkvGA

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