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Postdoctoral Association

http://www.nationalpostdoc.org. pda@umn.edu http://blog.lib.umn.edu/pda/pda/. Postdoctoral Association. Townhall Meeting. Outline. What is the postdoctoral association? Introductions National Postdoctoral Association Postdocs at the U Discussion: What issues are important to you?

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Postdoctoral Association

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Presentation Transcript

  1. http://www.nationalpostdoc.org pda@umn.edu http://blog.lib.umn.edu/pda/pda/ Postdoctoral Association Townhall Meeting

  2. Outline • What is the postdoctoral association? • Introductions • National Postdoctoral Association • Postdocs at the U • Discussion: What issues are important to you? • Survey

  3. What is the UMN PDA? • The mission of the UMN PDA is to improve the quality of the postdoctoral experience and to facilitate the long-term success of our members through: • Career Development • Workshops for professional training • Career information sessions • Job postings and opportunities • Tours of metro-area companies • Social Networking • Social Activities • Happy Hours • Town Hall meetings • Policy • Advocacy for progressive University policies regarding postdocs

  4. http://blog.lib.umn.edu/pda/pda/

  5. PDA Structure • President/Co-Presidents • Lindsay Godin • Leah Colvin Wanshura • Social Committee Chair • Academic Careers Committee Chair • Mary Kroetz • Industry Careers Committee Chair • E-Mail Lists and Webpage Chair • Scott Schachtele • Steering Committee Members • Sara Lagalwar, Kristi Frank, Andy Arsham, Hatice Bilgic, Kamlesh Shroff, Reena Kartha, Anannya Banga

  6. www.nationalpostdoc.org Contact PDA@umn.edu for free membership Advocacy, Resource Development, Community-Building

  7. PDA Events • Social Events: Bowling, Postdoctoral Fellow/Associate/ Research Associate Reception • Academia Events: HERC Faculty Career Panel, PFF Scholarship (Postdoc. Associates) • Industry Events: Site Visits, Project Management Workshops, LSA events PDA also sponsors events highlighting careers outside of industry and academia www.hercjobs.org www.lifesciencealley.org http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/graduate/pff/

  8. Postdocs At the U

  9. Outline • Definitions • Postdoctoral Associate v Postdoctoral Fellow v Research Associate • Benefits • Postdoc Demographics • Job Code • Field of Study/Department • Location

  10. Definitions • Postdoctoral Associate(9456) “Postdoctoral associates are University employees who are receiving additional training while also performing service for the University, for which they are compensated. Postdoctoral associates are academic employees who conduct research, teach, or provide service that enhances career skills or allows for opportunities to learn new research or teaching techniques. They are trained by and work in conjunction with a faculty mentor who determines the training agenda. Postdoctoral associates cannot be appointed on sponsored institutional training grants, sponsored individual fellowship awards, or training awards. Funding is provided through the collegiate budget.” • Postdoctoral Fellow (9560) “Postdoctoral fellow appointments are for persons receiving a fellowship or training award granting a stipend and allowing for advanced study or research. Postdoctoral fellows can be appointed on sponsored individual fellowships or institutional training awards. Individuals appointed as postdoctoral fellows are not employees of the University and, therefore, provide no service to the University. Responsibilities are defined by the parameters of the fellowship or traineeship.” • Research Associate (9702) “The research associates work on research projects in any of several capacities, including that of principal investigator. Expected to participate intellectually with faculty and graduate students, research associates may occasionally teach, usually within the individual's area of research. May be nominated for graduate faculty status. Because funding is usually from non-University research grants, appointments are generally made on an annual, date-specific and renewable basis. The position may be a continuous or probationary appointment provided it was advertised accordingly and filled through a national search.” Research Associates are considered University Employees. http://policy.umn.edu/Policies/hr/Hiring/POSTDOCAPPOINT.html http://onestop2.umn.edu/jobclass/EnterJobClassSearchResultsForm.do

  11. Insurance, Retirement and Leaves *Pre-tax deduction

  12. Other Benefits *Fellows on the Grad Assistant Insurance plan have discounts (but not rewards) to other gyms through HealthPartners.

  13. Upcoming Plans • Career Fair • Futures in Industry Careers for Postdocs • Preparing Future Faculty Scholarships • National Postdoc Appreciation Week Event • Bowling • Suggestions?

  14. Discussion • PDA will meet with President Eric Kaler in the Spring Semester • What issues would you like to see addressed? • What are some of your concerns? • Is there anything that the PDA could do to help?

  15. Thank you! • Please fill out the survey. • Feel free to talk with any of the PDA steering committee members about becoming involved. • E-mail pda@umn.edu if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or have ideas for events that the PDA could sponsor.

  16. Different Views of Postdoctoral Appointments Traditional View U of MN Official View PA PA PA PF PF RA RA PF RA Research, mentoring and training responsibilities – and benefits to the University - largely overlap. Some differences due to senority, teaching load, years of service, independence and source of funding. Job duties and outcome are entirely dependent upon source of funding. No benefit to the University is received from independently-funded postdoctoral research, mentoring or training.

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