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Next Year Scheduling

Manage student course requests smoothly with mass loading for groups. Analyze requests with various reports for efficient scheduling. Easily identify conflicts, review student schedules, and verify requests.

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Next Year Scheduling

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  1. Next Year Scheduling Entering & Analyzing Student Course Requests

  2. Entering Course Requests • Menu|Scheduling|Student Schedules | Student | Requests OR Type “Requests” in the Quick Search Bar • Requests can be entered for individual students; working on one screen within one student’s record and then moving onto the next until all requests have been recorded.

  3. Entering Course Requests (Continued) • Requests can be MASS loaded for groups of students using Scheduling|StudentSchedules |Student Utilities|Request Load/Unload/Erase. This is especially helpful at the middle school level. In one process, multiple course requests can be mass loaded for the same group of students. This is an efficient way to get all requests entered.

  4. Analyzing Course Requests Once student requests have been entered, there are several reports available to assist in analyzing request data. • Conflict Matrix • Book • Grid • Pre-Assignment Class List • Simple Tally • Student Request Detail • Student Request Summary • Student Request Verification

  5. Conflict Matrix Reports • Scheduling | Student Schedules | Pre-Scheduler | Conflict Matrix • TheConflict Matrix Reports provide a count of how many students have requested any two courses in the Course Catalog. • The purpose of this report is to determine which courses should not have sections scheduled to meet in the same time slot due to the conflicts it would create. • The report can be run in two different formats- • Book • Grid

  6. Conflict Matrix Book • Enter Building • Scheduling Interval “Y” • Indicate All courses, Singletons, Doubletons or both Singletons & Doubletons • Conflict Threshold – you may opt to only report those courses that have a threshold of (a number you determine) or more. For instance, you may want to focus on courses with 10+ conflicts and not worry with those courses that have less.

  7. Conflict Matrix Book • In this example, the course being evaluated is 164411 AP Macroeconomics. • Each course listed under AP Macroeconomics indicates a course that would cause a conflict if scheduled during the same time slot. • For example, if both of these courses were singletons & the school scheduled AP Macroeconomics to meet in the same period of the day within the same semester as AP English Lit & Comp, it would cause 13 possible conflicts. 13 students have requests for both AP Macroeconomics and AP English Lit & Comp.

  8. Conflict Matrix Grid • When running the Grid Report, if you opt to include Student Alternates & Course Alternates, a total of ALL requests will be given with no break out of the request type. • It may be most useful to leave these boxes UNCHECKED and only evaluate your regular requests.

  9. Pre-Assignment Class List • This report lists for each course, the students who have requested it. It includes each student’s grade, homeroom, counselor, house/team, phone number, whether the student has a course alternate and any marking period requests. • Scheduling | Student Schedules | Pre-Scheduler Reports | Pre-Assignment Class Lists

  10. Simple Tally Report • This report summarizes the number of student requests per course with optional grouping. • Scheduling | Student Schedules | Pre-Scheduler Reports | Simple Tally

  11. Simple Tally Report Simple Tally WITHOUT Grouping Simple Tally run WITH Grouping. In this example, grouped by Grade.

  12. Student Request Verification • The credits total for each course requested are listed, making it easier to identify students without the appropriate number of requests. • You may opt to include a parent signature line. • You may opt to add a customized message to parents.

  13. Student Request Verification • The student has 8.0 credits of regular course requests. • The student has alternate requests totaling 3.0 credits. • The message to parents is displayed here. • The parent signature line will display here.

  14. Other Helpful Information • It is important to know Pre-Requisites are caught at the request level. If you have opted to set up & utilize Course Sequencing, the Error Scan is going to indicate a student has a request for a course and has not met the pre-requisite. The Scheduler DOES NOT evaluate pre-requisites. • Pre-requisites are checked against course requests and the student’s prior year scheduled courses.

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