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R&D Road Transport Institute ( OJSC « NIIAT »). NIIAT has been established in 1930 under Decree of the USSR Council of People's Commissars .
R&D Road Transport Institute (OJSC «NIIAT») NIIAT has been established in1930 under Decree of the USSR Council of People's Commissars. • To date NIIAT is dealing with development ofregulatorylegal acts, rules, standards andmethodical guidelines to be usedin motor transport industry.
Scientific and Technical, Production and Other Services Renderedto Regional and Municipal Executive and Legislative Authorities,Enterprises andEntities
Selected Projects Completed with «R&D Road Transport Institute» in 2010 – 2013
R&D Department «Development and Employment of Advanced Methods and Practices for State Management of Road Transport Activity»
Key elements of the driver working conditions and recreation system
Specimen card for digital tachograph (Russia) Driver card Inspector card Enterprise card Workshop card
Type approval for Russian cards Functional certificate Safety certificate Interoperability certificate
Education and training center Professional trainingin tachograph application
Vehicle equipping with control devices Compulsoryequipment of vehicles in RF has been stated with the Government Regulation "On Approval of Technical Regulation Regarding Wheeled Vehicle Safety". This requirement shall come into force from September 23, 2010 for vehicles being manufactured and from January 23, 2012 for vehicles in operation.
R&D Department «Managementof Cargo Haulage with Road Transport»
«Approach to Road Tall for Vehicles with Gross Weight over 12 t Using Federal Highways» • Key approach titles: • - Background for tall system (TS)development. • - System analysis of road and transport infrastructure. • - TSselection and its basic parameters. • - Financial and economical background forTS. • - Use of GLONASS navigation system forTS. • Proposals regardingregulatory and legislative framework preparation • forTS. • - Phased introduction of TS.
Tall Systems for Owners of Heavy Duty Road Vehicles Maximum permissible gross vehicle weight 38 t 40 t 44 t For eight-wheel container For 10-12-wheel trains For 40-feet containers trainaccording to ISOaccording to ISO Road tall for owners of heavy duty vehicles with gross weight over 12 t Road tall on account of harm compensation in case of excess vehicle weight stipulated (in conjunction with issue of special permissionfor heavy cargo haulage) Traffic ticket to be imposed for weight limitation breach (in terms of gross weight and axle load) and/or lack of special permission, for lack of tall by owner for vehicles with weight over 12 t in case of federal highway traffic
International Rules and Standards for Load Stowing andPositioning for Road Transport Haulage All-European Standard EN 12195 Stowing tools: - Hold-down (straps, chains, wire lines). - Bracings (straps, wire lines, etc.). - Thrusts (blocks, block stops). - Frictional (antiskid mats, etc.). Tools for load stowing for road transport haulage. Safety. EN 12195-1-2011. Part 1. Calculation of stowing forces EN 12195-2-2001. Part 2. Stowing withfiber net EN 12195-3-2001. Part 3. Binding chains EN 12195-4-2004. Part 4. Steel wire lines National rules and standards: • Republic of Belarus – Since 2005 «Rules for Safety Load Stowing and Positioningfor Road Transport» are in force. • Great Britain – «Code for Load safety at vehicle». • USA – «North-American Standard for Load Stowing». • Australia – «Load Stowing Manual». • Germany – StandardVDI 2700. Effective forces in process of load haulage
R&D Department «Issues of Road Transport Drivers' Training»
R&D Department «Design Methodical Guidelines for Arrangement of Highway Elements Considering Adaptation forHandicapped Persons and Other PopulationGroups with Limited Mobility»
State of Issue in Russian Federation Population share being hard up for environmental adaptation Handicapped (except children) 10,3% Handicapped children 0,4% Elderly persons 21,6% Persons with kids up to 3 years old 6,7% Other population groups 54,6 % Other limited mobility groups 6,4%
State of Issue in Russian Federation Accessibilitylevelof road transport system and road facilities for population groups with limited mobility in Russia
Key elements of transport infrastructure to be adapted for population groups with limited mobility Recreation areas for handicapped Sidewalks and walkways Steps and stairs Raisers and elevators Ramps Stops Parking areas Crosswalks Surface Underground and elevated Across roadway Unsignaled Across tram line Signaled Arrangement of roadwork and construction sites for passage of handicapped and other population groups with limited mobility Infrastructure amenities for handicaps Armchairs, couches, seats Litter-baskets
Basic principles of transport accessibility 1) the equality of rights and opportunities of the person in providing for its needs in the movement;2) non-discrimination (universality) traveling conditions for all populations;3) the unity and commitment of the methodology and the provisions of the regulations in the field of urban planning, road infrastructure and transport in relation to the needs of all groups of the population;4) the complexity of the implementation of measures to promote affordable transport area;5) the availability and continuity of pedestrian and transport links between them and the main objects of attraction all over routes with limited mobility;6) the safety elements of the transport infrastructure.
Sidewalks and walkways Parameters of longitudinal and transverse profile Overall size Group schematic Minimal value in m View A Elements of sidewalk and walkway arrangement
Unsignaled crosswalks 1. Elevated over roadway surface 2. Ramp equipped
Signaled crosswalks Signaled surface crosswalks Сила давления 2,5Н Surface crosswalks across tram and railroad lines Press force 2.5 N Elevated and underground crosswalks
Allocation of stops Stops Arrangement of stops Information aids at stops
Parking Caution board with label "Handicapped" (attached to underrun beams)
Tactile surface indicators Tactile and visual indicators Audio surface indicators Visual indicators. Contrast and lighting Signs
R&D Department «Design and Service Safety of motor vehicles»
Integrated intelligent motor transport system if the frameworkof information environment intended to technical integration of varioustransport means andparticipants of transport process
Potential organization of information environment for development of intelligent transport means Computer-based control system for transport scheme Higher level information environment for transport scheme control General transport functional systems Intelligent control system for cargo multimodal haulage (ICS MMH) Intelligent system for arrangement of passenger combined travel (ICS PCT) Intelligent and information air transport systems (ITS AT) Integrated intelligent motor transport system (IIMTS) Intelligent railroad system (IRRS) Intelligent and information inland water transport systems (ITS IWT) Intelligent and information marine transport systems (ITS MT) Intelligent and information systems by transport means Functional systems for transport supervision and providing transport safety Information and telecommunication infrastructure (ITI) under Russian Transport Supervision Service Unitary State information system fro transport accident prevention
General arrangement of telematic system for motor transport Subsystem for processing and supplying information for users Subsystem for data transmission from extravehicular means of data collection Subsystem for data transmission to traffic management aids and reporting to vehicle users Subsystem for information exchange with BNIVS Extravehicular aids for data collection Subsystem for traffic management and reporting to vehicle users Vehicle on-board navigation and information set (BNIVS) Vehicle on-board navigation and information set Extravehicular aids for data collection - Components with design partially dependent on BNIVS functional tasks - Components applicable to BNIVS functional tasks
General arrangement of all-purpose on-board navigation and information set (BNIVS) User interface Communication device with outside subscribers GLONASS receiver Computer Sensing subsystem Actuator subsystem Vehicle condition sensor Vehicle movement locking Automatic set for accident detection Switch-on of alarm signaling Driver identification sensors Cargo condition sensors Door unlocking (opening) Passenger traffic sensors Condition sensors for equipment installed on vehicle - Components applicable to functional tasks of telematic motor vehicle system (TMVS) - Components applicable to TMVS functional tasks GLONASS receiver User interface Vehicle condition sensor - Component that installed and designed for TMVS functional tasks
Expected outcome of planned and on-going telematic system development Data processing center 1 Data exchange system 1 Data exchange system 2 Data processing center 2 Data exchange system 3 Data exchange system 4 Data processing center 3 Data exchange system 5 Data processing center 4 Terminal 3 Terminal 4 Terminal 5 Terminal 1 Terminal 2 Data processing center 5 Control system for special and hazardous cargo haulage Tolling system for federal highways Control system for movement, work and recreation schedule Control system for outsized and heavy cargo haulage Emergency response system for accidents Possible outcome of multifunctional telematic system development on the basis of strategic creation and development ofinformation telecommunication system Data processing center Data exchange system Multifunctional haulage control center Data processing center under ERA-GLONASS system On-board information and navigation set What is more profitable?
Cardinal issue for effective arrangement of transportation in a number of metropolisesand at country segments of road networkwith heavy traffic Optimization of limited communal resource usage, namelytraffic capacity of road and street network • Call for creation of integrated intelligent system for road transport (IIRTS) • System tasks are: • Forecasting of traffic flow and traffic situation in the area of metropolis or country segment of road network. • Command issuing that provide optimization of traffic flow and road situation using traffic management means and data for reporting to drivers. • Planning of optimal traffic routes and predicting time on route for vehicles advising their destination point and communicating withIIRTS. • Preparing of optimal practical plans (jobs) for vehicle systems (groups).
Functional arrangement of integrated intelligent system for road transport Controlled element (information) Single vehicle Vehicle systems Traffic flows Monitoring Optimal vehicle routes Task allocation, route assigning Traffic flow management • Vehicle to be monitored (passenger, hazard cargo carrier, being wanted, guarded, etc.) • Vehicle to be tolled (12 t weight, at toll road, etc.) • Other at owner will • -Vehicle fleet for first responder services • Public transport • Vehicle fleet for road and utility services • Vehicle fleet for cargo carriers • Taxicab fleet • Fleet for other enterprises and businesses -All the vehicles within city, region, country area Vehicle position, condition and destination data Control • -Vehicles of first responder services • Public transport • Road and public utility vehicles Control information for traffic management aids and reporting to drivers Information Optimal vehicle jobs and routes - All the vehicles at owner will Weather data First responder to accident - All the vehicles Optimization of vehicle fleet usage Traffic flow optimization Vehicle route optimization Prognostic and optimization subsystem Data collection on traffic flow and road situation Forecast for traffic flow and road situation Data on traffic flow and road situation Extravehicular data collection aids Reporting to passengers Monitoring and Billing Respond to Reporting to supervision accidents vehicle owner
R&D Department «Environmental Safety and Transport Sustained Development»
Environmental requirements for technical condition evaluation of MTV in use Proposal development for improvement of technical regulation system in motor transportation industry : Requirements and legislative framework for providing environmental safety of motor transportation vehicle (MTV) Environmental requirements for design evaluation MTV of new type Design and production stage Testing under mass production Selected inspection of MTV in use Sample MTV testing under type approval PROOF MTV TESTING Special programs of environmental monitoring Selected inspection on road and at enterprises State technical inspection Operation stage
Conceptual elaboration of environmental safety for RF transportation industry: Schematic diagram presenting influence of the transportation industry operation on quality of life in environmental terms • Resources • Space (up t0 15%) • Time (up t0 10%) • Materials (?) • Energy (up t0 30%) • Labor (up to 15%) • Other… • Environmental impact • Emission (up to 40%) • Discharge (up to 5%) • Waste (up to 5%) • Noise (up to 30%) • EMI (up to 5%) • Other… • Negative environment change • Global (up to 30%) • Regional (up to 50%) • Local (up to 90%) CONSUMED GENERATE • Components of transportation industry • Transport means • Infrastructure • Management PRODUCED • Negative societal impact • Growth of morbidity rate (reproductive system – up to 8 times, CNS – up to 50 times, immune system – up to 10 times, ARD – up to 200 times) • Mortality and injuries at accidents (thousands per year) • Decline in labor productivity (up t0 10%) • Decline in productivity of land (up to 15%) • Decline in ecosystem stability (?) • Efforts increase for infrastructure maintenance (?) • Accelerated depreciation of motor vehicles and infrastructure (?) • Other… • Positive societal impact • Higher accessibility for place of employment • Higher accessibility for markets and services • Capabilities for territory specialized allocation • Capabilities for emergency and threat responding • Other… QUALITY OF LIFE IMP[AIRED IMPROVED • Economical consequences • Growth of healthcare expenses • Growth of insurance expenses • Price growth for agricultural goods • Price growth for fuel and utilities • Tax increase • Other… • Economical consequences • Growth of economics • Higher competition • Drop in price for commodity and services • Other • Societal consequences • Freedom • Shelterdness • Equal opportunities • Other… • Societal consequences • Social strain • Egoism • Decline of confidence in future • Other The goal of transport ecologization is intended to reduction of all the negative aspects in interaction between transport, society and environment
Conceptual elaboration of State strategy intraffic management arrangement: Co-ordination between design of traffic management arrangement and city planning PROPOSAL FOR NEW STAGE PLANNING ELABORATION OF DESIGN DOCUMENTATION FOR TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENT: 4-stage proposal (instead of 2) Land-use planning Strategy in transport industry and transportation system • Transportation infrastructure and haulage arrangement • Traffic arrangement Program for city master plan development Master scheme for traffic arrangement Scale 1:2000 City level Division level District level Site level Integrated scheme of transport development City master plan Land-use and industry-based scheme for development and allocation of division transport infrastructure facilities Integrated scheme for traffic arrangement Scale 1:5000, 1:2000 Division development plan Planned scheme of district transport development Pre-design proposals for traffic arrangement Scale 1:2000 Planning projects Scheme of site transportation servicing Project for traffic arrangement Scale 1:100, 1:500 Housing projects
Modeling in transport industry: Construction consequence evaluation foroverhead road at crossing between Volokolamskoye highway andMoscow Ring Road Prior to constructionAfter construction Plot plan Outcome of traffic intensity modeling
Modeling in transport industry: Graphic representation of modeling outcome
«The concept of transport maintenance of the World Cup FIFA 2018 in Russia»
RUSSIA - PARTY HOST CONFEDERATIONS CUP 2017 and FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 2010/10/01,FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter announced the victory of Russia's bid to host the XXI World Cup FIFA 2018. FIFA World Cup 2018 - one of the large-scale sporting mega-events in the world, which will be held in the Russian Federation, after the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014. Transport Supportof CC-2017 and the World Cup 2018 - is a resource-intensive and complex task, which is largely conducted ensures the success of sports events.
FEATURES OF THE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION • 11 host cities , united in 4 clusters ; • 12 stadiums (in Moscow - 2, in the other cities one by one) ; • plans accommodation "fan zones" in the central squares of cities hosting events , as well as in 20 major cities of the European part of the country, the Urals and Siberia; • organizers plan to implement 3.1 million tickets for the stadiums; • the maximum distance between the city organizers - more than 3000 km.
SPECIFIC TRANSPORT PLANNING ON INTEGRATED TRANSPORT DEMAND Delivery of foreign visitors (internationalroutes, transport schemes of arrival and departure)to the cities-competition organizers Federal level of responsibility Moving inside the host country(internal air, rail and road messages) between the host city of thecompetition Moving inside the host city competition (mainly the central part) Regional level of responsibility Transport service of stadiumand the territory adjoiningto him Transport service of"Fan zones" and otherorganized placesof fans concentration
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