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Welcome to AVID 11 Parent /Student Night. Matt Bean: mbean@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-894-5750 Ext: 6608 (Teacher/ Coord .) Char Gempeler: cgempeler@murrieta.k12.ca.us (951) 894-5750 ext 6605 (Teacher) Denise Peterson: dpeterson@murrieta.k12.ca.us (951) 894-5750 ext 6617 (Teacher).
Welcome to AVID 11 Parent /Student Night Matt Bean: mbean@murrieta.k12.ca.us951-894-5750 Ext: 6608 (Teacher/ Coord.) Char Gempeler: cgempeler@murrieta.k12.ca.us (951) 894-5750 ext 6605 (Teacher) Denise Peterson: dpeterson@murrieta.k12.ca.us (951) 894-5750 ext 6617 (Teacher)
VMHS AVID Expectations • Individual Determination (AVID is a choice not a requirement) • Adopt the AVID Methodologies- Must be willing to change some of your personal habits. Do things the AVID way! • Maintain a Competitive Grade Point Average (Tutoring/ Probation/ Dismissal)- Effort Wins! • Complete a Rigorous Course of Study (minimum 1 Advanced Placement/ Dual Enrollment Course before graduation) • Actively Participate on Campus (sports, clubs, band, leadership etc.)
AVID Protocol • All schedule changes go through AVID teacher/ coordinator + AVID counselor + AVID administrator. Communicate with us about everything! • Priority of schedule changes are based on “Core Teachers” who support the needs of AVID students. • Allow your student to handle his/her issues (They must communicate with teachers) • Rigor- Expo English/ Take at least one Advanced Placement (AP) course during high school (AP US History ?). The Program dictates the student’s schedule – not the student or the parent • Hold your student accountable!
How does the AVID program contributeto the success of the students? • Teaches study and organizational skills • Uses writing as a tool for learning • Gives tutorial help with college/AP tutors • Enhances collaborative thinkingto ensure success in rigorous courses • Students visit colleges and universities • Assists students with the application process for four year colleges and universities • Students explore college majors and careers • Students complete self exploration and receive mentoring • Students create college admissions essays and actively seek out scholarship opportunities
11th Grade AVID Highlights • Students interested in the UC System: Do not require SAT Subject Tests for Fall 2013 admission, but you may submit scores on these if you want to show your mastery of a particular subject. Some campuses may recommend certain Subject Tests for some competitive majors. Also, you may use them to satisfy "a-g" requirements. • All Students should actively participate in the college search process (“Fit School”) www.csumentor.com Google “college search” – many options
11th Grade AVID Highlights • Grade Point Average Counts for College! (50%) • All Students should challenge themselves w/ level of Rigor (40% increase in “College Readiness”) The GOAL is to take at least 1 AP Course before Graduation! Rigor = Thinking / Difference between “Doing Work and Studying” • Develop a plan to “Use the Tutors”!
11th Grade AVID Highlights • All students should take the PSAT (Wednesday Oct. 17/ Register w/ bookkeeper by Oct. 10th- $23) • All students should take the Practice Full- Length SAT (January 26th/ $20 to bookkeeper). Based on results, students should consider taking a preparation course offered on campus (BeCollegeWise.com) Discounted Price = $195 • All Students must take the SAT/ACT in the Spring. SAT- www.collegeboard.com March 9/ May 4/ June 1 ACT- www.act.org Feb 9. /April 13/ June 8 • All students should establish “study time” for the SAT/ ACT 2 hours per week during 1st Semester 5 hours per week during 2nd Semester
Tutorials • Occur at least once per week • Students break into groups based on core subjects in which they need support. CONCEPTUAL LEARNING • Students engage in collaborative inquiry and problem-solving • A tutorial form MUST be filled out before the tutorial • Tutorials are turned in at the end of the tutorial. They should not be taken home except as a study tool! • Missed Tutorials (due to absences, etc.) must be made-up on the assigned date (usually offered 2x a month). • Tutorials are NOT a place to do HOMEWORK!
Notebook Checks • Used as a way to check organization and note taking. Notes are checked daily! • Note guidelines: (for core classes) -1 pages for every block period (Front and Back) -1/2 page 5th Period (Front Only) 5 pages every two weeks for each class --Notes must be complete and include: heading, name/date (in pen!), topic, notes, and summary AVID GENERAL STUFF\AVID Note Verification Form 11th 2009.doc
AVID Tutoring Program • If a student is struggling in a class (grade is less than 75%), students are required to get tutoring. • Identify if “Concept Based”/ “Effort Based” Tutoring consists of two hours a week of mandatory tutoring in the subject area. If a student has multiple unsatisfactory grades, he or she should divide the tutoring time among all needy areas, but he or she should not exceed four hours of tutoring.
Tutoring Process • Always contact the “Core” teacher first! • Communicate with your AVID teacher! • AVID Lunch Tutoring 1st Lunch –Mon-Fri (E217) By Appointment2nd Lunch – Monday- Friday (EE28) * Late Start Tutoring 7:30- 8:30 in Library
Probation • Probation is assigned to any student that receives a “D” or to the students that do not maintain a competitive G.P.A.. Any student with a 10th grade GPA below a 3.0 at the start of 11th grade is on probation. (Anything under a 3.0 will result in very few college options.) • Consecutive grading periods on probation will result in dismissal from AVID. (It is an academic program!) • Summer School and/ or ELO is required for all grades lower than a “C”. Failure to attend may result in dismissal from AVID as well as incomplete college eligibility.
College Field Trip • General Guidelines: 3 or 4 day charter bus trip • Time Period- Early February • Visit 6-8 Colleges (State/ Private/UC) + Extra Educational- Fun Activity • Estimated Cost $250- 4 Day Trip (Two Payments of $125 Due November 15 and January 15) Price includes charter bus, hotel accommodations (Holiday Inn Express or equivalent), daily breakfast, campus tours, activity) Significant Requirements: Good Academic Standing-Not on Probation (No D’s or F’s)/ Registered for SAT or ACT/ Clearance Forms (Core Teachers)
University Academic Requirements ** Recommended courses set the students apart from the minimum requirement students. *** Course level, Advanced and AP, better develop students to be “college ready”. (1 AP or Dual Enrollment Course before Graduation)
AVID Funding • Current Budget- $10,000 District to cover tutors and all expenses Goal to Fundraise = $20,000 • Average Yearly Expenses: $15,000 College Tutors $ 5,000 ($1,200 for 50 students for one day trip) $3,000 (Prog. Contribution to Junior 4 day Field Trip) $3,000 Consulting/ Supplies/ Staff Develop. $15,000 - $20,000 Desired Purchase: (Portable Laptop / Tablet Lab)
AVID Funding Fundraise/ Donate- $50 per student ( Equals $5 per month) Donate - Pay Cash to Bookkeeper or Online with Credit Card at the Trading Post Online – Tax Deduction(By October 1st) OR Fundraise ????? Sell the equivalent to $50 profit (Average return about 25% means you sell about $200 worth of product) Corporate Sponsorship $$$ - ???? (Tax Write Off) $50 X 340 students = $17,000
How can parents help? • Encourage students to come to school daily! • Be active with www.vmhs.net and the abi portal (passwords sent home 2 weeks ago). • Discuss with students selection of tutorial group they will join on tutorial day. • Occasionally review a page of notes. • Use questions developed by students to help review for concepts and tests. • Have weekly checks of organization
How can parents help? (cont.) • Discuss colleges and if possible, visit colleges • Develop a Family College Plan! • Force your children to “Develop an Attitude” about their education- Don’t let them cruise- the competition is not! • Encourage/ force students to use the resources provided them in AVID. Good resources: www.csumentor.edu www.collegeboard.com www.avidonline.org