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CLL lecture: L2 processing

CLL lecture: L2 processing. November 2004 Florencia Franceschina. input. working memory. output. long-term memory. Memory. Gathercole and Baddeley (1994). declarative memory. production memory. working memory. outside world. Memory. J.R. Anderson (1983, 1995).

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CLL lecture: L2 processing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CLL lecture: L2 processing November 2004 Florencia Franceschina

  2. input working memory output long-term memory Memory Gathercole and Baddeley (1994)

  3. declarative memory production memory working memory outside world Memory J.R. Anderson (1983, 1995)

  4. Attention vs automaticity There is a tension between • Attention to rule and form • Memory

  5. Consciousness • Attention • Awareness • Control

  6. Noticing(Schmidt, 1990) • Factors influencing noticing: • Frequency • Perceptual salience • Instruction • Processing ability • Readiness • Task demands

  7. Stages of proceduralization(Raupach, 1984, 1987) 1) Cognitive stage 2) Associative stage 3) Autonomous stage

  8. Measures of proceduralization(Grosjean and Deschamps, 1972) • Speaking rate • Articulation rate • Phonation/time ratio • MLU

  9. Representation models • Rule-based (Reber, 1989) • Exemplar-based (MacWhinney, 1999) • Dual-mode (Marcus et al., 1992)

  10. Input processing models of SLA • Comprehension-based models • Krashen (1985) • Processing-based models • Van Patten (1996) • Schmidt (1990)

  11. Input Processing Principles (Van Patten, 1996) Principle 1: learners process input for meaning before they process it for form Principle 2: For learners to process form that is not meaningful, they must be able to process informational or communicational content at no or little cost to attentional resources Principle 3: Learners possess default input processing strategies

  12. Production models • Levelt (1989, 1999)

  13. Speech errors a. Exchanges*You have hissed all my mystery lecturesYou have missed all my history lectures b. Anticipations*I's a meal mysteryIt's a real mystery c. Perseverations*give the goygive the boy d. Substitutions, additions, omissions*his rettershis letters *prich playerrich player

  14. Lexical decision task Source: Gough and Cosky (1977: 278), cited in Radford et al. (1999: 235)

  15. Reading DeBot, K. and J. Kroll 2002: Psycholinguistics. In N. Schmitt (ed.): An introduction to applied linguistics. London: Arnold. Pp. 133-149.

  16. Anderson, J R. 1983. The architecture of cognition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Anderson, J R. 1995. Learning and memory: an integrated approach. New York: Wiley. Gathercole, S. E. and Baddeley, A. 1994. Working memory and language. Hove: Lawrence Erlbaum. Krashen, S. D. 1985. The Input Hypothesis: issues and implications. London: Longman. Levelt, W. J. M. 1989. Speaking: from intention to articulation. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Levelt, W. J. M. 1999. Producing spoken language: a blueprint for the speaker. In The neurocognition of language, eds. Colin M Brown and Peter Hagoort. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 83-122. MacWhinney, B. ed. 1999. The emergence of language. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Marcus, G. F., Pinker, S., Ullmann, M.T., Hollander, M., Rosen, T.J. and Xu, F. 1992. Overregularization in language acquisition. With commentary by Harald Clahsen. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 57, 4 (Serial no. 228). Radford, A., Atkinson, M., Britain, D., Clahsen, H. and Spencer, A. 1999. Linguistics: an introduction. New York: Cambridge University Press. Raupach, M. 1984. Formmulae in L2 speech production. In Second language productions, eds. Hans W Dechert, D Moehle and Manfred Raupach. Tübingen: Gunter Narr. Raupach, M. 1987. Procedural learning in advanced learners of a foreign language. In The advanced language learner, eds. J Coleman and Richard Towell. London: AFLS/SUFLRA/CILT. Reber, A. 1989. Implicit learning and tacit knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 118: 219-235. Reber, A. 1989. Implicit learning and tacit knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 118: 219-235. Schmidt, R. 1990. The role of consciousness in second language learning. Applied Linguistics 11: 17-46. Van Patten, B. 1996. Input processing and grammar instruction. New York: Ablex.

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