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Seedless Vascular Plants

Seedless Vascular Plants. Hawo Fiqi. There are two types of seedless plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Seedless plants can reproduce asexually. Classification. Kingdom: Plantae Division: Pterophyta Class: Pteridopsida Scientific Name: Matteuccia struthopteris

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Seedless Vascular Plants

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Seedless Vascular Plants HawoFiqi There are two types of seedless plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Seedless plants can reproduce asexually.

  2. Classification • Kingdom:Plantae • Division: Pterophyta • Class: Pteridopsida • Scientific Name:Matteucciastruthopteris • Common Name: Ostrich Fern

  3. Common Characteristics • Common advantage is the ability to reproduce asexually • Has bilateral symmetry in having a right and left side • Free living, producer and terrestrial

  4. Life Cycle Reproduction

  5. Life Cycle Reproduction • The life span about 10 years • Millions of spores • Mostly asexual

  6. Description Of Habitat • Consume nutrients in the soil • It will grow happily in average moist soil but for outstanding results provide a rich soil with plenty of moisture.  It will grow in full sun in cooler climates provided their is constant moisture.  In the south however this fern needs protection from the sun and will need to a helping hand during dry spells

  7. All vascular plants have roots, stems, and leaves. Most of the plants you are familiar with is trees, grasses, and shrubs are vascular plants these plants are divided into two smaller groups based on the of stems they have. For example, trees and many shrubs are classified as woody because their stems are made of wood.

  8. 3 special characteristics of the organism • The top look like an ostrich head • The fronds produce millions of tiny spores that can be blown by the wind, and dropped to a new location . • humans eat the part of the plant that looks like fiddleheads or ostrich heads

  9. Video of Seedless Plants

  10. References • http://www.gorgetopgardens.com/perennials/ferns-ostrich.html • www.powwowwildernesstrips.com/main/wildfacts/ostrich_fern.html • http://umaine.edu/publications/4198e/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCtoTUZUux0

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