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Maximizing Student Placement for College Success

Summary of data on optimizing student placement in math and English using multiple measures to increase college-level completion rates by placement level. Explore enrollment and completion trends to enhance academic outcomes.

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Maximizing Student Placement for College Success

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  1. Fall 2016 Data on New Methods for Placementand Math and English Pearl Iboshi Director, System Institutional Research and Analysis Office March 3, 2017

  2. Summary of Placement Data Goal: To place students at the highest level possible based on multiple measures for placement. Placement distribution of entering students with scores IRAO 3/2017

  3. Summary of Type of Placement Scores Used Goal: To maximize the use of multiple measures for placement and decrease our reliance on a single high-stakes placement exam. Percent of entering students with Compass vs. Other Scores IRAO 3/2017

  4. Summary of Type of Placement Scores Used IRAO 3/2017

  5. Summary of Placement Data Goal: To place students at the highest level possible based on multiple measures for placement. Percent of entering students taking below 100 level courses when students’ highest measure for multiple placement in math and English was at 100+ (previously 1 level below) IRAO 3/2017

  6. Summary of Placement Data Goal: To place students at the highest level possible based on multiple measures for placement. Percent of entering students taking below 100 level courses when students’ highest measure for multiple placement in math and English was at 100+ (previously 1 level below) IRAO 3/2017

  7. Enrollment Summary Goal: To ensure students will enroll in college level math and English as soon as possible, but not later than 30 credits (UHCCP #5.213). Percent of entering students not taking Math and English in first semester IRAO 3/2017

  8. Completion of College-Level English and Mathin Fall 2013 as Compared to 2016 Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering students completing college-level English and Math in first semester IRAO 3/2017

  9. Campus Completion Rates Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering students completing college-level English and Math in first semester IRAO 3/2017

  10. English Legacy Results, 2013 Cohort IRAO 3/2017

  11. English Completion by Level of Placement, College Ready Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level English IRAO 3/2017

  12. English Completion by Level of Placement, 1 Level Below Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level English IRAO 3/2017

  13. English Completion by Level of Placement, More than1 Level Below Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level English IRAO 3/2017

  14. Math Legacy Results, 2013 Cohort IRAO 3/2017

  15. Math Completion by Level of Placement, College Ready Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level Math IRAO 3/2017

  16. Math Completion by Level of Placement,1 Level Below Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level Math IRAO 3/2017

  17. Students (1 level below) Completing College Level Math Fall 2013 = 40 Fall 2016 = 370 IRAO 3/2017

  18. Math Completion by Level of Placement,More than 1 Level Below Goal: To increase college level math and English completion rates (UHCC System 2015-2021 Strategic Directions. Entering student, with placement, completing college-level Math IRAO 3/2017

  19. Students (2+ levels below) Completing College Level Math Fall 2013 = 22 Fall 2016 = 170 IRAO 3/2017

  20. In most cases, no discernable differences IRAO 3/2017

  21. Who Passed, Failed, Took a Lower Level Class, or Did not Enroll Goal: To ensure students will enroll in college level math and English as soon as possible, but not later than 30 credits (UHCCP #5.213). Entering student, with placement, completing college-level English or Math IRAO 3/2017

  22. Students who didn’t enroll after placement exam 511 Students – English 1,245 Students – Math Is this an opportunity IRAO 3/2017

  23. Passing Rate of Students Enrolled in College English or Math Goal: To increase the number of students completing college level math and English IRAO 3/2017

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