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Welcome to Third Grade Open House. Introductions. Mrs. Westgard Math Science Mrs. Trammell Language Arts Reading Social Studies. Communications.
Introductions Mrs. Westgard Math Science Mrs. Trammell Language Arts Reading Social Studies
Communications Our school webpage: http://classroom.kleinisd.net/webs/metzler/ Our emails: mtrammell1@kleinisd.netfor Mrs. Trammell lwestgard@kleinisd.net for Mrs. Westgard Our phone numbers: 832-484-7960 for Mrs. Trammell 832-484-7989 for Mrs. Westgard
Lunch 11:31-12:01 Schedules Library Every Other Friday Art Every other Wednesday, Thursday • Music / PE • 9:15-10:00 • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday • 8:30-9:15 • Wednesday Instruction begins at 7:50 AM
Curriculum You can find a detailed list of the specific topics that we will cover each nine weeks on our teacher websites. You can also locate Curriculum Overviews on the Curriculum and Instruction page of the Klein website. Our curriculum will focus on building depth and complexity in all subjects.
Reading, Language, andSocial Studies • Reading instruction will include small and large group instruction. • Writing instruction with include student/teacher conferencing for the revising and editing process. • Social Studies will include some projects throughout the year.
Math andScience • Math manipulatives are available for students at all times. • Third grade science is 60% hands-on experiences. Therefore, we will visit the Science Lab weekly.
Grading GuidelinesMajor = 50% and Minor = 50% 90 - 100 A Excellent work, thoroughly understands concept taught 80 - 89 B Good work, understands concept taught 75 - 79 C Satisfactory work, mostly grasps concept taught 70 - 74 D Needs Improvement; rarely grasps concept taught 0 - 69 F Unsatisfactory work; reteaching needed
More About Grading Reteaching will occur when students do not master a concept. Retesting will occur on all major grades except District Assessments. Retesting may occur on minor assignments. Early intervention is the key to avoiding gaps in student learning.
Parent Link With Parent Connection, you can: Create an account for yourself as a parent/guardian View current grades View your child's attendance Sign up to receive grade and attendance notification via email To access Parent Connection you must have this student information: Student ID number Social Security Number or State-issued number Date of birth
Wednesday Folders Wednesday Folders are sent every Wednesday. These folders should be signed and returned on Thursday. They contain the following items: School Notes/Announcements Student Papers Weekly Conduct and Work Habits
Progress Reports They are sent each 5th week of the grading period. All students receive a progress report. Please sign and return the next day. Conferences are available if needed. Use ParentConnect to view your child’s grades.
Student Portfolios Each child will keep a student portfolio. The student portfolio will include various student goals. It will chart student progress. The student portfolio will house important assessments.
Home Learning & Planners Home Learning Folders and planners will be sent home nightly. Home learning is due the next day unless otherwise noted in the planner. Please sign the planner nightly. Home Learning and planners serve as a great way to practice organizational skills and help students develop responsibility.
Trace’s School Rules • Respect others and property. • Follow all adult directions. • Walk quietly and calmly.
Discipline Plan Clip Behavior Chart Trace’s Treats Give Me Five Husky Hugs Please refer to the KISD Elementary Student Handbook for more information.
Technology These sites are available to your third grader: www.istation.com www-k6.thinkcentral.com.com www.reflexmath.com www.thinkthroughmath.com
Miscellaneous Attendance and tardies Transportation changes Early dismissal School supplies
Important Dates Parent/Teacher Conferences Monday, October 13, 2014 at individual times Make sure to sign up for a time slot! Math STAAR Tuesday, April 21, 2015 Reading STAAR Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Thank you! Thanks for coming this evening. We feel communication is the key to success and we thank you in advance for your support. Please sign up for Parent Conference Day.