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DDS - Document Delivery System developed by STL. Bohdan Šmilauer State Technical Library b . s milauer@stk.cz. Acknowledgement.
DDS - Document Delivery System developed by STL Bohdan Šmilauer State Technical Library b.smilauer@stk.cz
Acknowledgement • The project of the DDS in STL Prague would not be possible without much experience gained form the VPK project (Virtual Polytechnic Library) and the support provided by grants LI3 and VISK3 from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. 5. 5. 2006
Content of the presentation1st Part: Outlets for Modular DDS • The decomposition of DDS to atomic services: • Document searching • OpenURL generation • SFX offers the DDS as one of the choices • Copy order • Digitization of the document • Document delivery • Accounting • Payment 5. 5. 2006
1st Part: Outlets for Modular DDS • Modularity and cooperation • Standardization (formats, protocols) • OpenSource SW or free SW • Thin client for endusers (internet browser) • Universality • User´s comfort 5. 5. 2006
Search service and passing out the results • Search service is the most developed and ubiquitous service: • Search engines, Portals (Subject based information gateways) , A&I databases, Union catalogues, OPACs, Protocol Z39.50, • Search results: identification of documents (Author, Title, Issue, very often location, etc.) • How to transfer the search results to the ordering form: • By means of a paper? • Automatically? How?? 5. 5. 2006
OpenURL • Transfer of metadata in the URL: Open URL Standard: • http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/sfx_openurl.htm • http://library.caltech.edu/openurl/Standard.htm 5. 5. 2006
An example of the OpenURL http://as.stk.cz:8080/vpk/dds.uni.NovyPozadavek?sid=VPK:SK&genre=journal&issn=0571-7132&title=Astrofizika&pid=lib%3AABA007(1974-1996) 5. 5. 2006
Library’sOPAC Union Catalogue Bibliographic database SC 3 SC 2 SC 1 How to jump to the SC (Service Center of the DDS) - too many links 5. 5. 2006
The Unique Link – SFX Server • SFX server • stores knowledge database. • offers available services and advices for the document defined (Fulltext, Abstract, Information about author, Purchase, Loan,...) If a fulltext is not available, the DDS is the right choice. 5. 5. 2006
Library’sOPAC Union Catalogue Bibliographic database International ILL SFX SC 3 SC 2 SC 1 DP ILL Two clicks, but a unique link ! 5. 5. 2006
Copy order • Licensed service • A registration in DDS´s SC is necessary (an order of a manual work, payment responsibility, subscription fee). • To fill the order form, but many of the metadata can be delivered by the OpenURL. • Disadvantage – to be registered in each service center of the DDS. • Inter SC communication enables registration in one SC only. 5. 5. 2006
Library’sOPAC Union catalogue Bibliographic database IILL SFX SC 3 SC 2 SC 1 DP ILL Inter SC Communications Inter SC communication 5. 5. 2006
Protocols for communication Candidates: ISO 10160:1997, ISO 10161-1:1997 (Interlibrary Loan Application Protocol Specification) not suitable • Originally developed for ILL, at the age of nonexistent search services, it simulates paper ILL order form, not widely used • Obsolete forwarding, return process of the loan • Lack of data for digitizing, no accounting NCIP- ANSI/NISO Z39.83 Circulation Interchange Protocol • Too low level operation New format is necessary (the data has to be sent in XML file). 5. 5. 2006
Formats for communication • Digitization of the ordered document • Standardized format (dpi, colors, pitch, etc ) is necessary, unlike the processing • Most suitable .pdf hidden inside XML (Base64 encoded) • Delivery to the client • Mostly electronically (e-mail, fax, protected web pages), but also as a letter by mail. • Accounting of provided service: • Accounting documents on private users pages 5. 5. 2006
Universality • Independency on the search method (OpenURL) • Decentralization of services and workload distribution (subject specialization and cooperation of several SC) • Open Source SW (Java, XML, Linux, TomCat, Firebird) • Web browser MS IE, Mozilla • Acrobat Reader for .pdf 5. 5. 2006
2nd Part: The solution • Practical demonstration of developed DDS • Users of 4 categories: • Users, • Libraries, • Service center (Consortium which hosts the installation of DDS), • Admin • Order form • Processing of the order • Payment and accounting • References 5. 5. 2006
Basic principles • Various permissions for four categories: • User • orders digitization and access to the digitized document and one pays for it. • Library • same as user (for its patrons) and moreover the library can offer digitization of the document on demand • Administrator • System maintenance and supervision 5. 5. 2006
Basic principles • Digitizing Point (DP) • DP is owned by library. • Library • Service provider • Always belongs to a SC • Service Center (SC) • Server with installed DDS program, which can be connected to from participating libraries and users. 5. 5. 2006
Login form • Each user has its own Login name and password. • The category of the user is recognized by the login name. 5. 5. 2006
Database Stored Orders SC DDS DP DP Data flow Digitizing Point SC II 5. 5. 2006
Order entry There are two possibilities: • A user looks up the document in catalogue or has the reference to it, but without OpenURL. He or she must fill in the metatata to the entry form • A user looks up the document in search engine (catalogue, OPAC, A&I DB, ..) which generates link to the SFX server with OpenURL, the metadada are transmitted to the order form 5. 5. 2006
Without using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
Without using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
By means of OpenURL • Automatic transfer of metatdata to the screen. 5. 5. 2006
With using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
With using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
With using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
With using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
With using OpenURL: 5. 5. 2006
Finished orders • After fulfilling the order the user can download the digitized file to his/her PC as .pdf file and print it out. • This imitates the copying process allowed by the Author Right Act. The printout is for personal use only. • Downloaded file must be deleted, no other processing is allowed. • The user is commited to abide by an agreement, which is signed upon the registration. 5. 5. 2006
Processsing of orders Připraveno, Předáno DP, Probíhá zpracování, Hotovo, Zpožděno, Odmítnuto, Nesprávně zadáno, Zrušeno 5. 5. 2006
Payments • Each user has its account, which can be seen on protected pages • The services are prepaid, nonzero credit must be on the account. • The library has two accounts: • Income account, where the earned money for digitization are deposited • Charge account for expenditures like the regular user ś account 5. 5. 2006
User´s account 5. 5. 2006
Library´s account 5. 5. 2006
Administrator of the DDS • The Administrator has the greatest permissions • adds or deletes users to/from SC DDS. • accepts the fees and inserts them to the accounts • can report statistics and accounting certificates • doesn´t provide digitization 5. 5. 2006
Admin - example 5. 5. 2006
Admin Accounting: 5. 5. 2006
Admin Accounting: 5. 5. 2006
Admin Accounting: 5. 5. 2006
Admin - Statistics 5. 5. 2006
Library´s order (possibility to order from on-line source – Zahraniční zakázka) 5. 5. 2006
Try it, User name x, pswd x • http://as.stk.cz:8080/vpk/dds.Mindex 5. 5. 2006
References • AIP Safe http://www.aipsafe.cz/ • BÍCOVÁ Stanislava, PESSROVÁ Hana:Průběžná zpráva za rok 2002 (projekt LI200007) http://ciks.vse.cz/CIKS/granty/zprava_02.asp • ČERNÁ Helena, ROŠKOTOVÁ Petra:Elektronické dodávání dokumentů v NK ČR, http://www.ikaros.cz/Clanek.asp?ID=200402003 • EDD SVK HKhttp://www.svkhk.cz/zobraz.asp?id=112 • e-PK, http://www.epk.cz • Elektronické dodávání dokumentů (EDD) z fondů CIKS VŠE a CERGE-EI http://ciks.vse.cz/Veda_vyzkum/edd.asp 5. 5. 2006
References • EODD, TU VŠB Ostrava, http://knihovna.vsb.cz/eodd/index.html • ISO 10160:1997, ISO 10161-1:1997, ISO 10161-2http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/iso/ill/standard.htm • KOLÁŘOVÁ Marie, ŠVASTOVÁ Zuzana:Projekt virtuální polytechnické knihovny in Knihovny současnosti 2002, str. 369-378 • Library Technology Reports, ISSN: 0024-2586, Nov/Dec 2000, Vol. 36, Iss. 6, pp. 1- 217 • MACHYTKOVÁ Marta: On-line služby knihoven ČVUT, in Knihovny současnosti 2002, str. 394-398 • MACHYTKOVÁ Marta, VANDROVEC Petr:Elektronické dodávání dokumentů - nová služba knihoven ČVUThttp://www.ikaros.cz/Clanek.asp?ID=200208393 5. 5. 2006
References • Metodické pokyny pro MVS, NK Prahahttp://www.nkp.cz/pages/page.php3?page=sluz_legms.htm • NCIP- ANSI/NISO Z39.83 Circulation Interchange Protocolhttp://www.niso.org/standards/standard_detail.cfm?std_id=728 • OpenURL: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/sfx_openurl.htm http://library.caltech.edu/openurl/Standard.htm • PLANKOVÁ Jindra: služby typu DDS,http://www.cvtisr.sk/itlib/itlib041/plankova.htm • SVOBODA Martin: Služby knižnic v digitálnom prostredíhttp://www.cvtisr.sk/itlib/itlib041/svoboda.htm • ŠMILAUER Bohdan, HEICL Václav:Technologické řešení VPK in Služby knihoven v elektronickém prostředí, STK 2000, str. 17-34 5. 5. 2006
References • ŠMILAUER Bohdan, VETEŠNÍK Pavel: • Modulární systém dodávání dokumentů, Inforum 2004, http://www.inforum.cz/inforum2004/prispevek.php?prispevek=41 • ŠUBRTA Václav :http://www.inforum.cz/inforum2005/pdf/Subrta_Vaclav1.pdf • ŠVASTOVÁ Zuzana, ŽIŽKOVÁ Štěpánka:Virtuální polytechnická knihovna, Inforum 2002,http://www.inforum.cz/inforum2002/prednaska41.htm • VANDROVEC Petr: Elektronické dodávání dokumentů z ČVUT,http://edd.cvut.cz/edd/intro/uvod.php • VANDROVEC Petr: Elektronické dodávání dokumentů, návod pro obsluhu digitalizačního pracoviště, in Služby Knihoven v elektronickém prostředí, STK 2000, str. 35- 34 • Virtuální polytechnická knihovna, http://www.vpk.cz/ 5. 5. 2006