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Two important things when working with percentages are:

Two important things when working with percentages are:. Converting between Percentages, Decimals and Fractions. Fractions , Decimals & Percentages. Find a % of a Quantity.

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Two important things when working with percentages are:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Two important things when working with percentages are:

  2. Converting between Percentages, Decimals and Fractions

  3. Fractions , Decimals & Percentages

  4. Find a % of a Quantity • Mrs Higgins makes chocolate chip cookies. She adds 0.6kg of chocolate chips to a batch. Little Jack Horner thinks the cookies are too chocolaty… so mrs Higgins only puts 70% of the original amount in. What weight of chips does she remove? • Jackie swims lengths. 58 lengths is her max in a day’s training. Today she only does 85% of her maximum. How many lengths did she do today?

  5. Last week, Jackie did 47 lengths. What percentage of her maximum did she do last week? • Mr Higgins normally adds 800grams of choc chips to his cookies. Today he only added 695g. What percentage of the normal amount did he add to his mixture today?

  6. Kimberly bought a TV at a sale, 15% off the original price. If the original price was $1450 what was the amount taken off and what was the sale price? • Find 15% of $1450: • Change 15% to a decimal • 0.15×1450 = $217.50 (=amount taken off original price) • Sale price = $1450 - $217.50 = $1232.50 • The sale price was $1232.50

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